March 2nd, 2012

[info]geekoutbeth in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday April 12th 2009

Who: Beth and Berta
What: Costume shopping
Where: Downtown Danvers
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG

Beth was nervous. Like crazy, jittery, pacing around and biting her nails and talking to herself nervous. She had gotten dressed in a hurry and run down to the front gate and had spent the past ten minutes walking in the grass and practicing what she was going to say when Berta arrived. Usually she wasn't very good with the face to face. Her tongue got tied up and she said something weird and stupid because her mouth ran on before her brain could catch up. And then, people just stared at her with dumbfounded expressions and then it got awkward and quiet. She didn't want things with Berta to go south that quickly because then she would lose someone who actually thought she was cool. Someone actually thought she was cool! Nobody had ever thought Beth was cool before. She didn't want to blow it.

So what was she going to say? Or not say? Berta didn't look judgemental or anything, but then again Beth hadn't had much time to talk one on one with her so maybe she just didn't know how weird Beth was yet. And Beth didn't want her to find out. "I'll just say hi," she said to herself, ticking off possibilities on her fingers. "Or hello. Or... I could say 'What's up?' but that might be kinda stupid, I mean I know what's up, we're going to hang out today and I only talked to her like ten minutes ago so not much has happened since then and now, so that's stupid. I'll just say hello. Or maybe, Hey Berta. Or HI BERTA HEY WHAT'S UP!" Beth squeaked loudly, turning in her pacing and seeing Berta standing right there. How long had she been listening??
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January 2013



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