January 25th, 2012

[info]offthegrid in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday - March 24th, 2009

Who: Ingrid and Reese
When: Evening
Where: Their apartment
What: A surprise

It was dumb to be nervous, and yet she was. This was a sensation that was a relative new presence in her life and Ingrid was remiss to admit that it had become quite frequent. Now that Reese was back in her life, though, she wanted to do everything right, everything better. And she was trying very hard to do that and, in turn, putting a lot of pressure on herself. But pressure was good. Pressure she could handle. She was determined. And hopefully tonight would go a long way toward showing that.

The dinner was set. Wyatt had already been picked up from daycare, cleaned up and seated in the high chair at the table as well, playing with his little spoon and babbling. It was admittedly a little bit cute. Dinner was ready, just put on the table, a large and piping hot dish of Shepard's Pie. Beside that, there was a smaller one, a single sized portion that was less aggressively seasoned and pulverized to shit before being cooked. That one was for the baby, and she was allowing it to cool a bit while waiting on Reese to get in.

It didn't stop there, though. She'd made peach cobbler too, complete with a touch of lavender. And chilling in the fridge was some sweetened and whipped mascarpone cream that would help to offset the flavors. This was the type of cooking her mother had always done. And Ingrid could only hoped that it tasted good. Her palette couldn't really pick up on the flavors, couldn't quite determine if they were too subtle, too strong, or just right, but Bastian had given her a pretty comprehensive recipe and she had followed it to the tee. She just really, really hoped that it had all turned out right.

When she heard the key in the apartment door, she could feel her stomach tighten up ever so slightly. Her hands smoothed down the front of the dress she had changed into once the messy part of the cooking had been done and she called out once she knew he was in the apartment. "We're in the kitchen." He could probably smell that. The whole house smelled of food at the moment.
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[info]franklyscarlett in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday: March/27/09

Who: Frankie and Nico
When: Friday morning
Where: the greenhouse on campus
What: awkwardsauce!

Frankie loved Fridays. Her only class was track, and while it was in the morning (waaay too early), she loved running. It helped her start the day on a good note, and she often followed up with a trip to the greenhouse with a book and portable breakfast in hand. Today was just like that. After a good hour of running, she headed for her favorite spot in the greenhouse.

While water and Frankie didn't quite mix, she liked the sound it made while trickling through the little koi pond. She thought it was fantastic that Nox had built this greenhouse for his daughter. It was a magical sort of place even though it involved no actual magic at all. Nature in itself was magical. The building was warm and filled with all sorts of colors that helped her forget it was winter.

She plopped down on the bench she liked to think of as her own and pulled up her feet, opening her book at the same time to pick up where she'd left off last night. Frankie was such a sucker for cheesy romance novels. It pulled her in immediately, making her deaf and blind to the world around her.
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January 2013



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