January 10th, 2012

[info]lt_col_quinn in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday: March/21/09

Who: Remington and Candi
When: Saturday evening
Where: starting in the staff parking lot
What: first meeting

Remington was lucky to not crash his new truck or get pulled over as he sped back to TJS from his brother's place. His mind was a wreck right now. Learning about what had nearly happened as a result of him leaving home when he was eighteen made him hate himself. Obviously, it was their father's fault first and foremost, but Remington couldn't shake the guilt. If he'd stayed, his dad would have left Riley alone. Remington could have continued to take the majority of the abuse and protect his siblings as much as possible.

He was limping worse than normal as he climbed out of the truck and headed back toward the staff building. Running through Riley's house and collapsing on the hard tile floor of the bathroom had done a number on his legs. He was pushing himself far too much. Part of his recovery involved resting, and he wasn't doing enough of it. He was also now bleeding through the gauze on his right hand which most definitely had some broken bones from punching the wall. What a mess. He'd gone over to see Riley in an effort to smooth things over, and it felt as though there was even more tension between them.

January 2013



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