November 4th, 2011

[info]blake_elliot in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday 15th February

Who: Blake, Penny and Godric
Where: Blake's apartment on campus
When: Sunday evening
What: Cured! But Blake's sill a mess.

Since calling Godric on his birthday Blake had been to say the least, distracted. Though Penny had managed to calm him down and convince him that diving off the boat to get back to Boston wasn't exactly the most sensible thing, he'd instead tried to find a cure, only to see from checking journals at the weekend that people were already being saved.

It was a relief, but also an extra worry. If people were ok, and the electricity was back on, then why wasn't Ric calling? What had happened to him, to Hope? What about everyone else? Blake just about managed to keep it together on the plane ride home, mainly for Penny's sake. He didn't envy her having to put up with him over the last few days and he'd been very conscious to try and keep the panic to a minimum.

Arriving in Danvers on Sunday evening there was one place Blake wanted to go and he immediately headed back to his apartment, Penny in tow. The door was flung open the moment the key was turned, and Blake met the scent of illness, Ric and Hope the moment he entered.

"Godric?! Godric please tell me you're here..."

[info]smartassets in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday February 15th 2009

Who: Lyle, Fisher, Ingrid and Nico
What: Getting cured
Where: Nico and Lyle's apartment
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: PG 13

It had been days since Fisher had been trying to get to his brother, and even though he'd barely slept at all, he felt completely alert. There were three needles clutched in his hand, three doses of antidote for the three people apparently living in his old apartment. Three people (one of them his straight brother's fucking boyfriend) that were dying of whatever sickness was going on in there. Fisher's stride was long and quick as he moved, and since he still had a key to the place, he walked in without knocking.

The last person Lyle had expected to see stride into his apartment uninvited was his brother. )

January 2013



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