October 5th, 2011

[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday February 6th 2009

Who: Garret, Mal and Max
What: Getting sick
When: After 8pm
Where: Mal's campus flat
Rating: PG

Max had been insistant that he, Mal and Garret go back to the houses at the same time, despite being told many times that Garret was going to be working until very, very late and Max would be asleep by the time he was ready to go. But Max had insisted, and since Mal had an apartment on campus (and therefore could easily let the pup fall asleep and then just bring him home), the hounds were on campus for awhile into Garret's shift. And then of course, the road leaving campus had been closed because of the snow, so they were stuck here anyway. Which suited Garret fine- after all, he could come visit them while he was on his rounds, and do one of his favorite things in the entire world- steal kisses while on the clock.

It was a little past eight when Garret phased through the front door, a big grin on his face. "Hellooooo?" he called, looking around for his boys.

"GRIT!!" Max had been determined to stay awake since Garret and Mal had told him that he probably wouldn't. Of course he would! He was big, and strong, and he could do anything! Getting up from the couch and bolting to the door, Max threw his arms around Garret in a tight hug. "Grit! Hey! I'm still awake see, because I'm strong!" He hopped backward a few steps, arms swinging wildly, energy coursing through him. This was great! Grit was here, and Mal was here and... and... And suddenly his tummy felt funny. And his head. It was weird, like something he had never felt before. A chill ran through him, making him cold. And then he threw up all over the floor.

January 2013



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