January 17th, 2011

[info]ava_adore in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday 20th September 08

Who: Ava and Charlie
What: Talking
Where: Music studio
When: Tuesday evening

Ava had been spending a lot of time 'elsewhere' since she returned to the school on Sunday, as had Charlie. Things were definitely tense between the two of them, even though they tried not to be play nice for the sake of Maggie, but it was still there. Her omission of the truth, their fight, her trip with Ana, it was all driving her mad, and they weren't fooling the little girl at all. That was something she knew for certain after an interesting conversation with Maggie earlier, and it was a large part of what pushed her to try and sort things out, one way or another.

Time had passed since she had asked Charlie if they could talk and she had got lost in music as she waited. There had been songs of her own, other people's songs that resonated with her, but as it got closer to when he should be arriving Ava switched to songs that didn't reveal her own weaknesses, or at least that was the aim when she started singing...

And when you fall apart And I’m dying from a broken heart I’m there too )

The problem was somehow she did connect to the lyrics she was singing, connecting them to the little girl in her life now. Ava looked up from the piano at Charlie, who had entered towards the end. "She asked me if I was going to leave too..." She said quietly, with tears in her eyes. So much for staying strong and doing this all rationally.
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[info]in_his_shadow in [info]tiberiusswann

Wednesday: October/1/08

Who: Nox and Ana
When: Wednesday around 9:00pm
Where: the Responsible Feeding classroom
What: preparing to become a donor

Where would you prefer to feed? )
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January 2013



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