September 14th, 2010

[info]_starbuck_ in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday: August/5/08

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Maui
What: Starbuck is PISSED after his AIM convo with Fisher

On Fisher's end, it simply read [offline], but Starbuck didn't actually log out of the program. Instead, he threw his laptop across the room, breaking the machine. It was the first time in a very long time that Starbuck had taken out his rage on an inanimate object. Fisher's words cut deep, not because Starbuck believed them, but because it infuriated him to have anyone talk ill of Kim, and he was still on edge from the fight with Ed and Luke. Kim wasn't stupid, and Starbuck knew with every ounce of his being that she loved him more than anyone else in existence. How could Fisher say such things? It made Starbuck wonder if he'd made a mistake in befriending the guy, and maybe that was what hurt the most. Starbuck hated when he was wrong about someone, and it just dredged up the hurt he'd felt upon realizing that Kat wasn't who he thought she was.

Not bothering to explain his outburst, Starbuck stormed out of the house and toward the beach. He needed to cool off, and water was the only thing that helped in such situations. He'd feel better when the ocean was licking at his limbs.
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January 2013



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