August 25th, 2010

[info]franklyscarlett in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday: July/22/08

Who: Frankie and Kim (Starbuck and Kamea later)
When: Thursday evening
Where: Boston, ending up at Kim and Starbuck's apartment
What: a distracted sprite gets jumped... and a toddler stuns everyone!
Rating: some smexin' later

Frankie was all flustered from stupid journaling and her phone conversation with Fox. She knew she probably should just drop the whole thing with Arc's rant about vampires, but Frankie simply couldn't. It still infuriated her, and she still couldn't understand how Cassie could let that sort of racist bullshit go on. How could you be friends with someone so vile? Worst of all, how could the people Frankie cared about like someone who was okay with that shit? Frankie didn't like the idea of Fox being friends with Cassie, and now it was all made even worse by the fact that they'd kissed before.

She had to go for a run to clear her head. That was the only way Frankie could really get rid of her frustrations short of bursting into flames for a bit, but that was hard to do in her apartment with the fire alarms and everything. Running would wear her out and help calm her down.

But when Frankie was in moods like this while running, she wasn't the sort to pay attention to her surroundings. Bad guys tended to notice that sort of stuff. Cute, petite girl in short shorts and a little t-shirt who looked like she couldn't put up much of a fight. Yeah, she was a tempting target.

Too tempting for a man leaning up against the brick just along the side of an alley. As Frankie jogged past him, he reached out and grabbed her roughly. One arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back to his chest, while his free hand tightened around her throat. "Scream and I'll snap your neck," he warned.

Frankie wasn't good at listening though. She never had been. So as the guy started dragging her toward a car, the hand around her waist trying to push into her shorts, Frankie screamed and emitted more than enough heat to burn him. The guy yelled and let her go, seeming stunned by this development. Frankie was free of his grasp, and she turned around to throw a fireball at him before bolting out of the alley and back to the street. She ran as fast as her feet would carry her, wishing it was dark so she could fly instead and get as far away from that bastard as possible.

Too far from home, and scared to go there anyway, Frankie ran toward Kim and Starbuck's place. When she arrived, she was sweating, panting for air, and crying as she banged on the door.

[info]start_me_up in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

Who: Vinnie, Tiger, Lyle and Starbuck
When: Saturday night
Where: Starting off at Vinnie's apartment then a burlesque lounge in Boston.
What: Vinnie's Birthday Bash!

((Save spot for gdoc.))

January 2013



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