August 15th, 2010

[info]geminana in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday, July 19th, 2008

Who: Ana and Adam
When: Saturday night around 9pm
Where: Student parking lot at TJS
What: Ana's teaching Adam how to drive stick among other things.

With everything she had said and done lately, Ana was feeling less and less like herself. Charlie, Will, and at one point even her own sister had called her soft. And then on top of that, she had agreed to teach a Responsible Feeding class at TJS with Ava. This really wasn't her and it was confusing. Now more than ever, she felt the need to prove to herself and to everyone else around her that she hadn't changed. Or at least she hoped she hadn't.

Adam was a tough egg to crack, there was no doubt about that. He was making Ana doubt her skills, but she was determined to get her way with him. Which is why while on a bored whim, she decided that this weekend would be a good time to teach him how to drive a stick shift. She could definitely use that to her advantage.

Once the sun set on Friday, she set off from New York to Danvers in her new Camaro. She left no explanation for her sister. All she said was that she'd be back sometime Sunday. Ana didn't want to tell her what she was up to in case she didn't succeed. Arriving in Danvers, she got a hotel room for the night and settled in.

On Saturday, she began to wonder why she was going to so much trouble for a guy she barely knew. Those thoughts continued to swirl through her mind as she drove to the school. This felt like such an elaborate game, all the way down to the outfit she had chosen to wear for the night. It was all about making him feel comfortable with her and to not perceive her as a threat. And she hoped it worked. Sending Adam a quick text, she got out of her car and sat on the hood as she waited for him to come out.
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[info]roriemccool in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday July 19th, 2008

Who: Garret and Rorie, with minor Finn
What: Garret taking Rorie to Boston
Where: The school then Boston
When: Right after this.
Rating: PG-13

How could he do this to his own BROTHER? )
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[info]fallendisgrace in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday 19th July

Who: William and James (and probably Devon and Rocky at some point)
Where: James' apartment in NYC
When: Early morning
What: HOLIDAY!!!!!
Rating: Probs R for swearing

It had been so hard for Will to keep his excitement bottled down for this trip to Hawaii. Especially the night before when he'd feigned tiredness and had only managed to give James a blow job instead of a full on session. He required sleep because he was getting up at 6am, and not being a morning person he wanted to be at his best when he rose up to surprise James.

Not that he'd slept. He watched James a while, noting every last breath and mark on his face (not that there were any) and listening to his heartbeat. It was when the clock neared 6 that he slipped out of bed, fished at the back of his underwear drawer and got two of his lei to put around his head like a bandana and draped around his neck. All dressed up pretty, wearing only boxers and his Hawaiian flowers, Will scooted up across the bed, crawling over James' body then settling down on him, watching him expectantly with a huge grin on his face.
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January 2013



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