July 4th, 2010

[info]conflicted in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

Who: Kim and Starbuck (and some Kai and Kamea too)
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Their apartment in Boston
What: Celebrating Father's Day
Rating: He's a DILF.. what do you think? ;)

Kim knew that Father's Day was a rough day for Starbuck, but she wanted to change that. His father may not be around anymore, but his presence still remained. She understood that it hurt to not have him physically present, but the fact that Starbuck could still communicate with him had to ease some of the pain. And Starbuck was now a father himself and he had the gift of love from the most beautiful baby girl. Kim was glad that Kai was also around to share in this day. The three women in his life just wanted him to feel loved.

Part of that plan involved finding Starbuck the right present. Kim had helped Kamea make her present for him, but she had to go out and find the perfect one for her to give him. It had taken her a few weeks, but she managed to find something that she thought he'd like.

Coming out of the bedroom with Kamea in her arms, Kim held his present behind her back while Kamea held hers in her tiny hands. "Wanna give Daddy his present now?" Kamea nodded happily as she was set down on Starbuck's lap, holding out the card she had made.
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January 2013



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