May 31st, 2010

[info]reeseinpieces in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday: May/25/08

Who: Reese and Ingrid
When: Sunday night into Monday night
Where: heading into Boston
What: a date?

Standing in the parking lot, ass pressed against the driver's side door of his car, Reese checked his watch. An hour ago, he'd sent Ingrid a text telling her where to meet him. He'd given her plenty of warning, right? They'd talked about going out the other night, he'd mentioned what kind of clothes she should wear. Didn't take him much time at all to pick some dark jeans and a fitted white cotton shirt. What the hell was the hold up on her end? It was dark. Time to fucking party!

Finally, the sound of heels clicking on the pavement caught his attention. Reese peeled himself away from the car to spin around and see one fine woman walking toward him. "'Bout time. I was beginning to think I'd been stood up." Not really. Though he was starting to wonder if Ingrid was Italian. Those women were never on time for ANYTHING! They routinely showed up three hours late, no apology or excuse, and then got defensive when you bitched. He bought a watch for one woman he'd dated over there, and she actually took offense, saying Italians don't operate on Eastern Standard Time. Bitch didn't even put out until the fifth date, and it wasn't all that great!

Ingrid was better than great though, so Reese would tolerate a decent bit of abuse from her. She could show up a week late, and he'd probably still be waiting.
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[info]frozen_faith in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday, May 31

Who: Addie and Will
What: Time to try that partying thing again
Where: In Boston
When: Evening

Addie was looking forward to a second night out with Will.  He'd promised to entertain her this time.  But first, a good tussle.  Now that was entertaining.  She was surprised the Angel had agreed to it since he'd seemed pretty upset about hurting her last time.  Of course, he'd been <i>trying</i> to hurt her and that's what upset him most likely.  She'd egged him on to it, though.  And she fully expected to lose this fight, but then, she was hoping to give him a run for his money.  At the least, she planned on surprising him.  What?  He didn't actually expect her to play fair, did he?

Waiting by her car in the garage, she texted her brother to let him know she'd be leaving for the gym soon.  They could have sparred here at the scool, but she didn't want an audience of students.  They wouldn't even really have an audience at the gym.  Just Danny.  And he wasn't really an audience, just there to keep the gym open.
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[info]start_me_up in [info]tiberiusswann

Monday, May 26th, 2008

Who: Vinnie and Starbuck
When: Monday afternoon, right after his convos with Frankie and Tiger
Where: Starbuck's apartment
What: Some serious venting.

Vinnie was absolutely LIVID. It was bad enough that he was still trying to figure out what to fucking do about what had happened this past weekend with Rocky, but everything had just been made worse when Tiger let it slip to Frankie that Vinnie had kissed someone that wasn't his girlfriend. Shit. Vinnie fucking trusted Tiger. He didn't think to tell him not to mention anything to Frankie. Things you said to your friends was meant to stay there. And now Frankie had blown up at him YET AGAIN for not telling him. This was such a freaking mess.

After Frankie signed off, Vinnie slammed his computer shut and stalked down the hallway. He needed to get the hell out of his room before Tiger came back. If he saw the other guy right now, he'd end up charbroiled as hell. Vinnie's hands were dangerously hot, his temperature having risen from being so pissed and he stopped in front of Starbuck's door, pounding on it harder than he would've liked.

[info]hearitbleed in [info]tiberiusswann

Monday May 26th 2008

Who: Lloyd and Fisher
What: Last visit before Fisher leaves for summer
Where: Lloyd's apartment
When: Night, after dinner
Rating: ?

People were looking at him funny. Of course, people usually looked at him funny, but today it was much more. Some seemed confused, some shocked, some just outright laughed. A few shook their heads. Very few had no reaction at all. Fisher walked quickly with his head down, sort of miffed as to how many people were out and about. He had expected that, with finals the next week, people might be in their rooms studying or something, not out here gawking at him.

He was grateful to get to get to the staff building, grateful more that no one was wandering those hallways. With a deep breath and a shaking hand, he rapped his knucles on Lloyd's door. The demon was going to bust a gut laughing at him. Partly because he looked completely uncomfortable, partly because he was fidgeting like crazy, and partly because he was dressed exactly like he was on the tabloid.
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[info]crie_dela_loupe in [info]tiberiusswann

Thursday, May 29

Who: Sydni and Mikhail
What: Mikhail comes back with a surprise
Where: Their apartment
When: Late evening

Mikhail had left a few hours ago to visit a friend who was visiting the US.  Sydni had spent her evening playing with Molly and cooking a few dishes for the rest of the week.  She had gotten into the habit of cooking a few casseroles at a time so she didn't have to cook.

The brunette expected her husband back any minute.  Little did she know what he'd be bringing with him.
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