February 15th, 2010

[info]nocturnalcoitus in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

Who: Duncan and Adora
Where: The Infirmary, then Duncan's place
When: Sunday, late morning
What: Adora gets released from the Infirmary now

.... )
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[info]fireme_up in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday April 4th

Who: Lloyd and Fisher
Where: Lloyd's apartment
When: Friday afternoon, around 6ish
What: Fisher needs life skills! Betty is the best person to teach him. With... uncertain results.
Rating: tbc

Lloyd wore his red apron as planned, getting everything ready. Mixing bowls, ingredients, the oven warming already. Everything and anything Fisher wanted to make was able to be done today. Bread, cupcakes, pancakes, biscuits, even quiche! The boy needed some skills, and as he'd said the ones he had already were not really useful for everyday life. Lloyd also needed a healthy distraction and as he'd been cooking for about five hours a day since Wednesday, it seemed only fitting that he share it with someone else as well as pass on some learning.

His stereo was on in the kitchen and he was bopping along, fixing up the measuring weights and trying to ignore the notion that Garret was down in the apartment below, maybe even able to hear the music which was being played. Lloyd had to get his mind off this and Fisher would be a nice distraction.
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[info]hellsmessenger in [info]tiberiusswann

Wednesday 4/2/08

Who: Kelsey, Malakai
When: Early afternoon
Where: Copy Room
What: Malakai starts preparing for the next week of classes and runs into someone new!
Rating: PG

Malakai flipped through the book he had picked up from the library about the various types of demons and races. In class, they were finishing up a segment about frost demons and their origins, and this book had an excellent chart in it to keep the basic facts straight. Trying to be considerate, Malakai thought he'd copy the pages for the students to use as a study guide for the upcoming test.

Walking into the copy room, he glanced up from his pages to see a woman already at the copy machine. "Good afternoon," he said to her back. "Looks like I'm not the only one working over break, huh?" Malakai chuckled, marking the pages he wanted to copy with his thumb. Moving over to the nearby table, he pulled the chair out, the rubber feet squeaking on the tile as he sat and scooted back in. "I'm Malakai. I don't think we've met yet."

January 2013



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