December 11th, 2009

[info]jamesownsit in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday - March 1st, 2008

Who: James and Will
What: They've been assigned as partners for a project in Supernatural History
When: Thursday Evening
Where: Will's room to start

Fucking hell. Just as he was starting to get himself out of the fucking pit of despair he had found himself buried in and start to recover a bit of his trademark McCafferty swagger, James gets assigned to do a project with fucking Will, of all fucking people. To say that this had put him in a foul mood was an understatement. He was fucking furious about it. But there wasn't shit to be done about it other than suck it up and deal with it. He knew already that this wasn't going to be pleasant.

Cissy wasn't working today, so she had agreed to keep Devon, which was preferred over the daycare that the school provided simply because he knew her and Devon knew and loved her. He didn't like the idea of trusting strangers with his child, and that's what they were at the daycare, no matter how much time he'd spent around them. He'd just dropped the boy off with a few of his toys before heading to the boys' dormitories to track down Will's room where he was to meet him. He had no intentions of staying there, however.

Even his knock sounded annoyed, his jaw set in that way that it did whenever he was facing something he was determined not to enjoy. Even with no memory, James and Will didn't click. And that was saying something. James got along with pretty much everyone when he had no idea who the fuck he had been for the past five years. But this man got on his nerves regardless. They both had huge egos, that was the problem. There just wasn't room for the both of them when they got together.
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January 2013



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