April 7th, 2009

[info]rollin_golem in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday: 10/19/2007

Who: Go'al'enu and open (For either Q&A or post presentation mingling)
Where: The Control: Earth classroom
When: 8:00 P.M.
What: Go'al'enu begins his lecture series.

Go’al’enu was standing in front of the small crowd of students and staff, appearing to be dressed in a very lavish suit and tie. In actuality, it was his own crafting that had made the suit/tie combo, as he generally avoided wearing real clothes when he knew he would have to shift, which his presentation would require. He had a series of note cards on a podium he had fashioned from obsidian, and he tapped the cards a couple times on the black stone to gather the crowd’s attention. As they began to quiet down, he cleared his throat and began.

“Good evening fellow staff and students. It is my honor to be speaking in front of you today, about the Elemental condition, and to be able to present some of the knowledge I have amassed in my extensive travels. For those who do not know me, I am an Earth Elemental who has existed upon this planet for 3000 years, give or take. During this time I have made it my mission to gather as much information about the supernatural world as I possibly could, and have in my possession a vast library of myth, fact, and personal experiences with creatures of all types of abilities.

”Now )

[info]ex_ciri253 in [info]tiberiusswann

Wednesday, 10/17/07

Who: Ciri and Go'al'enu
Where: outdoors
When: 9 am
What: moving baby trees to protect them from the cold of the winter.

Ciri threw on random clothes and her coat, hurrying out the door. She had no idea why she wanted to rush, but her worry made it necessary to save the very young trees as quickly as possible. In her haste, she forgot to put on her shoes. That wasn't important right now. Her running barefoot was quiet on the floors of the hallway and she found the exit that led to the trees by the school. The grass was cold and tickled her feet, but Ciri dashed to the place where she had agreed to meet Go'al'enu. Being friends with him was lucky and he was patient enough to teach her and answer the questions she asked. His simple actions of their previous meeting earned him complete trust from Ciri as well as her affection.

"Go'al'enu!" Ciri greeted and wrapped her arms around him for a gentle squeeze. There was no time to dwell on the hug because they had an important mission. "I will show you where the young trees are," she added in Ancient Greek, turning to the trees and started to hurry in the direction of the seeds and the sprouts. The plants were not too far away from each other, but they had landed a good distance away from the school. Ciri managed to dodge the roots of trees sticking up from the ground, running daintily.

They reached the area a few minutes later and she stopped in a small clearing, crouching besides a certain patch of grass. She spotted the couple of seeds and waved him over to investigate. "Here are the seeds," she told him and rose to her feet again. "The young trees are over there." Ciri walked over to where there were three sprouts rising from the ground, a reasonable distance from one another. "Do they have anywhere to go? Can we get a house for them? I do not know how cold the winters become here and I am worried."

January 2013



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