MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'touma+hashiba'

Oct. 16th, 2012



189 [voice]

Hey. [He's still a little awkward with addressing everyone.]

I uh, I’ve got some good news for y’all. Nothin’ on Eric but I’ve decided t’take over the Greasy Spoon in Sector 4 so we can have a human run bar and grill since bots just ain’t as appealin’. [Nothing against vampires! Sort of...]

New name pending... But it’ll probably be called Merlotte’s. Th’bar still needs built and I need some extra hands so if anyone wants a job jus’ let me know. I’ll need anyone willin’ t’cook, clean, do dishes or serve and later bartenders or barbacks if we get enough business. I... haven’t exactly worked out how t'make it worth yer while but we can talk about it. An’ th' work will award y’all points t’get things from the Wardens.

An’likewise I’m lookin’ fer anyone good with their hands t’help me renovate th'place.
Eric, I believe I’ll be takin’ ya up on that offer from a few days ago, ya know, what we agreed upon t’help with your punishment? I know it’s probably in bad taste t’ help competition but, well, I’ll need help with liftin’ and carryin’ in parts or new furniture and th’ like. We can negotiate if ya want.

Otherwise, I hope t’see y’all there an’ hope we can make things just a little more like home for everyone.

Just a heads up that there will be a bot presence for a few days, per the Warden’s orders but once they’re satisfied it’s all ours.

An’ pardon our dust.

Oct. 15th, 2012


189 ♦ Video / Action - Open

[Dawn has actually been in Sector Zero for about an hour and a half. She’s been combing through all the information provided on the headset unit. She’s had time to decide that this isn’t some wacky dream her subconscious has cooked up for her. Seeing all the people walking around her, all the detail in everything around her, she even pinched herself a few times. Nope, not a dream.

She flips on the video feed.
] Hi MarinaNova Asylum… well, score one for the age of technology, I guess. And hey, I guess I didn’t actually have to study for that impending college algebra test of doom that was supposed to take place tomorrow morning. Time wasted that I’ll never get back. Like, who needs college algebra except for accounting or math-type majors anyway, right? If you graduated high school, don’t you already know all the math of the basic and necessary to everyday life?

[Her rambling ends there and she grows a little more serious, pulling her lip through her teeth. She is trying so hard to put on a brave face and not freak out.] So uhm… I’m looking for someone named Buffy. Short, blonde, usually has really nice shoes and maybe a pointy stick in her hand? [She presses her lips together, stopping herself before she can go on. If Buffy’s here, then everything is going to be okay. That’s what she knows as truth right now. And if Buffy isn’t here, well she’s on the verge of a break down in which there will be many tears and much freaking out.]

Oct. 2nd, 2012



➀➇➆ | v | action → open.

[ angel's taken his quest to get the hell out of dodge a step further, currently located at a back table of the library with a notebook, pen, and pile of books. there's several pages of notes and scribbles already adorning the notebook's pages, things he's pulled from memory, but some of it's incomplete and a large portion of it is presently just not doable under these conditions. which was frustrating, considering he had clients back at wolfram & hart who jumped dimensions through pan-dimensional doorways all the time, people who flitted back and forth between one reality and the net as if it were as simple as leaving one room and entering another. he refused to believe there wasn't some way around whatever the wardens and their higher ups (as he was certain they weren't at the top of this prison chain; a big brother type was watching, they always were). there was always a loophole, it was just a matter of finding the damned thing. ]

...sacrifice a couple of nuns, godking whose powers may or may not work -- thank you, me... [ dropping the pen, angel leaned back in his chair, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose. nerfing illyria's powers? good idea at the time, but if she were here, that ability to hop across worlds would come in handy. ]

This is getting me nowhere.

Sep. 29th, 2012




[It's about that time that baseball teams gather and get their practice on, what with new people joining, and with others who might be interested in joining. Maybe you also know someone on a team and want to be there for moral support. Or! Maybe you just really like baseball and want to watch practices, which take place on days ending in 2, 6 and 9.

Hikaru in particular is the new Team Captain for the Flying Knights. He's visibly nervous about leading the team, despite having been really cocky about taking the role. However, despite his nervousness, he's willing to learn how to be the best Team Captain he can be for his team, if only to kick the asses of Yuuri's team, the Purple Dragons.

Baseball teams, prepare to get PUMPED UP!]

[ooc: This is a mingle/event style post! Everyone is free to do as they wish in regards to what their character is doing, so long as you include it in the header! They can be practicing with their own team members or with the opposing team, interacting or communicating with team members for baseball reasons (or not!), cheering a friend on, taking a break, or anything you can think of! Current baseball teams list along with more info (joining, games, etc). And here's an old baseball mingle for an example of how this has been done in the past.]

Sep. 25th, 2012


[ video | open ]

[Well, here is an Ashura at his morning tea, looking pensive, as if somehow expecting the tea to taste different.]

You know, in all the commotion of yesterday, I rather forgot I had turned 279. Odd, isn't it, how you can forget something like that? I had thought... I would feel different on that realization, but I suppose we all expect that and it never really happens. Maybe that will happen at 280, a milestone of sorts.

What do you all usually do for your birthdays in your worlds? Any special customs?

Sep. 4th, 2012



[ video - closed to Jane Foster | action - open ]

[Touma was in the library with his notebook, still working on getting things together that he could remember from his previous notebook that had been left behind, what he could remember from the night of the transfer, and what he had observed during the glitch with all the temporary inmates. And he was doing this despite Nasuti's disappearance. It was something to focus on, and, even without her here to bounce ideas off of, he was determined to work this out.

At some point, he clicks on the video for his comm.]

Hey, uh... Jane Foster? Sorry we didn't get to meet up earlier, but with all those people and the weird glitches, things got kinda crazy and weird for the Defense Force. But, it looks like stuff's calmed down a bit, so, if you've got some time... I'm in the library.

[183 | Voice | Open] Ectobiology.

Hello fellow inmates! [Jane seems oh so chipper this fine day, why?

After a little talk with Dave and the approval of the Warden , Jane has acquired a large book on the art of Ectobiology.

For effect, she reads aloud.

"Ectobiology is a science that allows the cloning, breeding and genetic modification of an organism using appearification." I know this sounds really crazy and outlandish but while this has the base information, I'm sure there is more to be discovered by reading further into the book. Possibly even acquiring the materials to test this theory out.

Would anyone here be willing to study a little science with me?

[Jane is actually playing a really dangerous game here that could land her into some huge trouble.]

ooc: Those not from Jane's world here is a WikiPage about it. Yes it is a completely bullshitted science. But I thought it would be fun for her to explore it!

Sep. 3rd, 2012



Day 183 [video | open]

It's raining. [The obvious weather report has been stated. You're welcome.] So, we can't really play today, but today would be too soon anyway. We need to get the rosters back up first. [Anyone know what he's talking about? Being clear wasn't really important, was it?]

But in a few days we should have a baseball game! [And then all those cheerleaders will have something to cheer at. Otherwise they might have to cheer at science class or something.]

Um, but first we need a team captain for the other team and more players. So who wants to play?

(OOC: Current roster here. Let me know if you have a kid that needs to be removed or moved to the other team or someone that should be added! Also, if someone else wants to manage cheerleading elsewhere I'm happy to just link to your post or you can drop notes on this and I'll add them!)

Aug. 30th, 2012




[Cyril is seated outside the ice cream parlor. he's dressed in his snazzy 1920s-era clothing, but more importantly, his attention is entirely focused on the pile of Legos (or brand name-less building blocks) in front of him. he has a number of airplanes and trains and trams in front of him, some finished and others half way there. Let no one say that the man doesn't have hobbies.]

[Considering the amount of Legos left, he has a long way to go. He pauses long enough to look at his half-finished plane, before tossing it over his shoulder and onto the ground.]

What's better - an airplane or a battle ship?

Aug. 25th, 2012


action, text

[Static. Interference. Silence.

If you are awake at all tonight and tap into your communicator, then it is very likely for you to experience these three things.

If you are awake at all tonight and have ventured into the darkness, then please use caution, because lurking and always watching... is him. Even indoors there he'll be in the blink of an eye. It's him, he's here, a blank face perhaps at your bedside or just along your window pane.

And then after a high pitched squeal of static and distorted screams--]

found you

((OOC: Please keep this list in mind if you choose to interact with The Operator at all. Thank you... and tread carefully.))

Aug. 20th, 2012


4th wall; video/action/open


[ On the video screen, my friends, is a man with an interesting face and a leather jacket. He seems not at all disconcerted to be a newcomer here. Considering the prisons he's seen, this one is pretty nice. Plus, he doesn't intend to stay. ]

[ He grins in greeting. ] Hello! Nice place you've got here, considering. I'm the Doctor, and I'm looking for a blonde girl, name of Rose. Has anyone seen her? We got a bit... separated when we came here. I think. [ He looks a bit confused. He doesn't exactly remember how this came about. ]

Or if you've met my friend Jack -- and you'd know -- [ He lifts his eyebrows significantly. ] -- or seen a strange blue box around, I'd appreciate knowing. Thanks!

[ He waves goofily and turns the video off. ]

[ ooc: The Doctor is a bit of a wanderer, so action is open pretty much anywhere in the dome, or video/voice is also welcome! ]



[Action | Open | Anywhere!] Put a tiger in your tank-- er, dome!

[ One would think that a tiger of this size, of all felines, would either go and hunt for prey -- there certainly are a lot of them present -- or perhaps try to break free by attacking the glass barrier. But no.

The beast has a communicator clipped about its ear and the side of its face, screen over an eye and going about the open spaces, as if it's looking for something.

Anyone who passes by its rather large personal bubble will get a look that is quite scrutinizing -- are you one of his boys? Are you that human girl who helped those boys? Are you of the Netherworld? Regardless, he does not attack, but will wait for anyone curious enough to approach, or clumsy enough to stumble on him. If he's the one to approach, the tiger knows he'll just chase humans off... ]

(( OOC: Have Byakuen / White Blaze of Yoroiden Samurai Troopers / Ronin Warriors ~ Come along, he's friendly! :D< ))

Aug. 6th, 2012



[video] [action]

[the video shows Jane, dressed in a tshirt, jeans, and a flannel shirt, since she's discovered the clothing store. She's glad to get rid of the orange jumpsuit. But her fashion isn't the thing on display today. She's perched on a table, papers strewn around, and a notebook in her lap]

Okay, so I got my notebook. It's the one I had at home, which brings up a few questions, but that's not what this is for, not completely. Reid, you said you wanted to look at some of my research? Oh! Touma Hashiba. When would be a good time to meet to discuss your notes?

[she pauses for a moment, then hurries on, as if something just occurred to her]

Oh! Question. Anyone have tips on living with others of the opposite gender? I've managed to land myself in a frat house, with all the connotations thereof. Back home I only had Darcy, and she was a very good roommate.

Jul. 9th, 2012



Day 175 [Video]

[have a brunette woman, in orange, and a headset, with a decided 'what the hell' look]

Seriously? An asylum? The last time I checked, there was a few rules against that, nevermind all the supposed crimes I committed. Are they sure I did what they said I did?

[she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, and continues]

I mean, not to be one of those tin-hatters, but it is possible that there are duplicates running around. There are theories abounding, all talking about parallel realities and many worlds, and they're published by reputable people. It is entirely in the realm of probability that there is a criminal version of myself running around and versions of everybody else here, too.

[a small smile, dryly amused.]

I'm Jane Foster, and I'm sure there is a logical explanation for this entire situation.

Jul. 4th, 2012



[Day 174][Video for Defense Force* (loosely)]

By now we all know the situation. [For a girl who does a lot of network trolling, she can sound all business sometimes. This is one of those times.]

Suzaku is gone. We have no powers for the rest of the day. We have no warden-provided weapons or intel for the foreseeable future. So, we need to make our own. I think we need to split into smaller teams—one to each sector.

I made a list of team leaders from the people who responded to Lacus. You don't like your assignment, you can take it up with me or take a walk. It's temporary. Spend a couple of hours today and then hit it again tomorrow until we've got some idea of what we're working with. I know you need some time to find your things and secure your own housing. Now, team leaders...

Gino — Sector 0
Cain — Sector 1
Tear — Sector 2
Angel — Sector 3
Robin — Sector 4
I'm taking Sector 5.

Team leaders, choose your team. No fewer than three of you. Your mission is to survey the sector you're assigned. See how it matches up to the maps we were provided. Record and report any anomalies. Get an idea of the number of bots and sentinels in each sector and their movements. Don't engage. Look out for any potential threats. If you come across other inmates who need help then help them. The frequency we have now is a secure one. Use it to check in with dispatch to let them know who will be on your team and then report back every half hour with your whereabouts and any news.

Dispatch is working with Lacus in the educational facility for now. Sakura, you're with them. [Because she's not okay with you being in the field.] Anyone not on a team or with dispatch will be on call in case an emergency.

Gino, I suggest you find someone for your team who can fly or teleport when these monitors come off. We need to know about that island too.

Zelgadis, Reid, and Peter, you're with me.

Problems? Questions? Comments? Speak up or get to work.

OOC Note )

Jul. 3rd, 2012



[Nasuti is not too happy about the orange jumpsuits, but she's trying to make the most of it. She has her hair up in a tight bun as she slowly jogs the streets of Marina Nova.]

They're calling this progress, but it sure seems like some huge steps backwards, if you ask me. Though I guess they can't let us forget that we're we could forget...

So the jump-suits are a point against. Anything new and shiny about this place that would count in its favor? Since it looks like we've got a lot of ground to cover, guess it wouldn't hurt to put our heads together.

[locked to Touma]

It's just you and me now, huh? Are you as clueless as I am as to why?