MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'lyle+dylandy'

Jul. 22nd, 2015



Day 333 | Video / Action; open

[ Video, maybe not much before noon. ]

So. [ Neil was tossing a rubber duckie in one hand. ] If anyone's frustrated with these things yet, there's a shooting range that can use some variety of targets. If you come by and dump these things for me - or us - to shoot, you can stand by and watch them be destroyed, fair and square.

And by us I mean anyone who wants to be on the other side of things, feel free to join me. Artemis? Lyle? I'll be at the range.

[ Action: at the shooting range, well into the early evening. ]

[ Neil did head out directly for the location he had named, filling up a bag with duckies on his way. There, he'd be around, both to show off with easy cheer, and to talk shop with those who felt like it. Or work through challenges with them. That could also be fun.

He was fine. Not like he'd spent the day before trying to sort out through his own head when it came to memories and family losses or anything. Just. Fine.

Whoever showed up, they'd be greeted with a cheerful,


Jul. 14th, 2015



Day 332 [Action | Open][Videos | Closed]

[Action | Open]
[On today's episode of "adventures in being a zombie" Liv is attempting to order brain from the Vampire Blood Shack without anyone noticing that going down. Watch as the extremely pale girl attempts to be chill and subtle as she checks out the bar and waits for it to miraculously empty so she can work on this craving thing before it's a problem.]

[Voice | Closed to Carol]
I'd ask if you're planning to tell anyone, but from what I remember I guess I should be asking if you're planning to kill me. [Hi, Mom. Miss me?]

[Voice | Closed to Natey!]

[Voice | Closed to Lyle]
[Saved the hardest for last.] Most relationships start off with dinner and a movie. We didn't even exchange names. [But she knew it. Everyone was right. This place does get stranger.]

Jul. 6th, 2015



Day 331 (strange relations) / Open Video / Picnic Mingle

[Have Euphie's smiling face on the screen. Kanji and I would like to invite you all to a picnic today! Of course we want to see all our family there, but friends and soon-to-be friends too. [That means strangers.]

You don't have to worry about bringing anything, but if you'd like to bring something extra to share or a game that would be fun or even just an extra blanket just in case that would always be welcome.

We'll be in Trois Park near the koi pond and fountain at noon today.

[There will already be some blankets laid out and pink picnic baskets with a variety of food—many of which have been prepared in extra cute ways like rice balls shaped like cats. You probably think this was mostly Euphie's doing, but it was mostly that boyfriend of hers, Kanji.]

(OOC: Mingle! Tag yourself in or hit up Euphie on video here or at the picnic here. Want to be a relation of Euphie's? Just let me know!)

Jun. 15th, 2015



Day 328 | Video and/or action

[ There was a brown-haired man who seemed pretty battered up, though not as completely exhausted as he himself was expecting. Any life-threatening injuries had been healed... but the eyepatch was in place, needed, covering his right eye where the visor covered his good one. ]

... are you people for real? I mean, not that I don't see the point, all things considered. And not that I'm not grateful for getting yanked out of a potentially life-threatening situation. But this place?

It's not exactly a complaint, but the punishment doesn't seem to be proportional to the crimes. Other than the part where there's work to do and it can't be done while I'm stuck here.

Anyone know what the actual big idea is? Because something doesn't add up. If you've got something to say about it, name's Lockon Stratos.

[ No, he wasn't expecting ready answers. But he was curious about reactions. Any variety. ]

Oh, and by the way, whoever's been taking care of this little guy here? [ He made sure Haro was in the vid pickup, a blue multifunctional ball. ] Thanks a bunch. It really is appreciated. [ Lockon - Neil - did, in fact, know who it had been. But if this was a prison... he might as well let those who've been here longer contact him, rather than calling them out directly over the network. A little bit of caution could go a long way, right? ]

Jun. 8th, 2015



327 - Flood Event Mingle

[ Perhaps you're a really strong swimmer. Perhaps you've found a canoe to paddle around in, unhooked a door to recreate the ending of Titanic. Perhaps breathing isn't a necessity for you. Perhaps you're already doomed to drown. Whichever your situation, there's one thing for certain.

The rain isn't stopping. ]

((ooc: EVENT POST! Remember that death is, if not permanent, still cause for a punishment! ))

May. 19th, 2015



[ action | open ]

[Someone was feeling bitchy today, and might be a little angry at his hacking cohorts from yesterday. It was slightly misdirected anger because he had agreed to do it, and he was aware that he really shouldn't be angry at them, per se. But it didn't help that he was still tired from using his quantum brainwaves so much. The restrictions in the prison made him tired if he used them too often, and now he couldn't feel them at all.

Was this part of his punishment? The damn rhyming thing he was told to do was ridiculous, and he fully planned on not doing that until he absolutely had to, but taking his abilities away? That had happened against him for hacking once before. It was completely logical in his head that it happened again. He didn't know that others were having the same issues.

He could be found, out and about, trying to keep his mind off the fact that his quantum brainwaves weren't working properly. This also meant he'd be easier to sneak up on today.]

Feb. 21st, 2015



311 // open action // closed voice

[ Her skin is falling off.

Or rather, her skin looks to be falling off in big, rotten chunks, dirt dusting her hair. She's never been more aware of what her skull looks like and the scary thing here, the really scary thing is that she can't tell for sure if it's actually happening. It feels right, when she looks at herself. Closing her eyes, Chuck carefully feels out the shape of her face, finding smooth skin and round cheeks as always. She seems alright. She doesn't look it.

Just to be safe, she wraps her head up in a scarf, puts on sunglasses to cover up parts of her face. Maybe her time ran out. Maybe there's more to Ned's power than even he knows, things that affect humans but not dogs. Digby never fell into tiny meaty chunks, but that doesn't mean she won't.

Brave in the face of her own expired mortality, Chuck heads out to get to the bottom of this, looking more like a mummy than the corpse she feels like. ]

[ Voice, closed to Ton. ]

Ton, could you, uhm. I need your help.

Jan. 5th, 2015




[You won't hear them coming. You won't see their snare. The mistletoe bots are out and they're hunting you, two by two. You can run and you can hide, but eventually you will be caught, and then there's nothing left to do but kiss your way out!

Chapstick stations will be available.]

(OOC: Mistletoe Bots Info)

Dec. 18th, 2014



DAY 302 Video / Action

[ He had been able to open the shop for a few days now but Facilier had wanted the chance to make a thorough list of his inventory as well as get his tock up to scratch. But now he was ready to do some business and have some fun, or at least fun in the long run.

The video feed clicks on and shows the nice big sign Facilier’s Magical Emporium before Facilier himself gets into view with a big smile on his lips.]

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I pull you away from your boring day to give you this update. [ He takes you inside of the establishment, were there are rows of bottles with oils, potions and creams behind a big wooden counter.]

I welcome you all to my new shop, were you can find lotions and potions for all of your skin care needs. [He gives you a sweep of the arm towards all of the early mentioned bottles.]

And as always I give tarot-readings for those who are interested. You can find me at [Location.] in Sector 4. [ Don’t worry he has not tampered with any of the potions, which is very nice wouldn’t you say.]

Dec. 5th, 2014



Day 300 - Evening Anniversary Mingle

The festival continues. The dome's "sun" begins to set and the the sky is painted in gradually darkening shades until all is dark beyond the warm glow of the lanterns and sparkling of the colored lights on the rides and booths.

The speakers high above on the floating island begin to play soft, instrumental music and the dark dome flickers to life once more as projections of landscapes light the sky. They fade in and out every few minutes with images of cityscapes, deserts, seasides, mountain ranges in shades of futuristic, ancient, post-apocalyptic, foreign, and outer space. It may seem like a random assortment at first, but then the scene shifts again and just might take your breath away as you recognize what you're seeing. No people. No animals. But the landmarks are all there. It's a place you grew up or lived or worked or fought for or died at, and then it's gone again, fading into someone else's memory. Sometimes the scene is distinctly autumn-themed. Sometimes it isn't.

After an hour or so the scene shows another sunset and the sky goes dark aside from the sparkling of a starscape. New lanterns are lit leading a path to the beach where there's a large white open-style tent with a dance floor, the ceiling strewn with fairy lights. Flames light the fire pits and there are several cozy resting areas set up with plush cushions and thick candles half-buried in the sand for light. The music takes on more variety and life, perfectly suitable to dancing. Refreshments are available for those who've yet had their fill or simply need a moment to cool off away from the dance floor for a moment.

Nov. 12th, 2014



day 297 :: open video

[ The video opens on a man in his mid-twenties, fit and caucasian and brown-haired, complete with charming smile and the top of his orange jumpsuit tied around his waist. ]

I don't know what you're all complaining about. I think this is a great look for me. [ He flashes a pearly-white, rogueish grin. ] What do you think, ladies? Or gents. I'm not picky.

Oct. 17th, 2014



Day 293 - Video - Open

Hello. [Euphie has confidently addressed the masses over broadcast television and in public forums, but today simply speaking to the network is difficult. She hasn't been very vocal or social since Day 290 when she woke up with a compulsion to "kill all the Japanese." It wasn't the first time this has happened to her and now more than ever she's afraid it won't be the last, but she can't hide. If she stays quiet and apart she won't only be miserable, she'll be unable to help anyone else.]

First of all, I would like to apologize for my actions and the things I said a few days ago. It was not the way I feel, and it's not what I want. It is the result of something like mind control. I thought it had passed, but it seems to return at times. I would be happy to discuss it more with anyone who has questions. I will understand if you don't feel comfortable around me, but I do hope it doesn't make anyone feel unwelcome or unsafe in the school.

There is a school here and we're always looking for more people to teach classes and more students for those classes.

I would also like to publicly thank Spike for protecting me yesterday. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there. [There is a bandaid on her forehead from where debris had caused a minor head wound.] Thank you to everyone who was helping protect us yesterday.

Oct. 15th, 2014



293 // open video

That was some weather, huh? I never thought I'd experience a storm underwater... guess I know what it feels like to be trapped in a snow globe now. Is everyone alright? I feel bad for you newcomers — we're not usually this wet.

I don't have any of my equipment in this apartment, but I still feel like today calls for cupcakes. Any requests?

Oct. 7th, 2014



[Day 292 | Video] - First thing in the morning

[Lyle is sitting in his apartment with the haros. Anyone who knows him can tell he's not happy. Heck anyone who doesn't can see that he is as well]

Is it just me or does the warden's daily greeting mean something bad is going to happen?

[And then a flash of lightning outside and an audible crack of thunder]

Well... I'll be damned.

Sep. 22nd, 2014



Day 290 | Open Video | Fast Forward

Closed | Action | Housemates )

[ Open | Video ]
[A very determined looking princess is on the screen.] I am requesting help! Defense force, are you listening? Anyone? I have been locked in my room, and I must get out. It is very important!

(OOC: Euphie is under compulsion to kill all the Japanese right now. She will discuss this—and attempt to do it if released—so warning for genocidal discussion.)

Aug. 20th, 2014



Day 285 - Video

[Let's just say curiosity killed the cat. Lyle heard about the wigs in the museum and had to go check them out for himself. So he is there in the gift shop where there a collection of wigs essentially for the taking and he is fooling around]

Really? What are the wardens thinking with their museum exhibits.

[He picks up a rainbow colored wig]

This one really? No, wait this one!

[He reaches grab one and but it on. It's dark purple. Guess who he thought of with it]

I really don't know if I should be amused or scared.

[ooc: haha Lyle has the orange pearl from the siren pearls so he's not acting quite like himself. Have fun with that]

Aug. 17th, 2014



Day 284 / Video — Open

Hello Mariners!

I think we should play a game, so I thought of one that might work over the network. It's called Would you Rather.

I'll give you two scenarios and you'll have to choose which one you'd rather do. You won't actually have to do them of course! Then you'll give me scenarios and I'll choose. Let me know if it doesn't make sense. Maybe once it gets going it will be clearer.

Now, I'll start.

Would you rather visit the future or the past if you could time travel?

(OOC: Backdated to late evening. Please feel free to threadjack.)

Aug. 5th, 2014



[ d.283: Video/Action | Open ]

----------- [ VIDEO ] ----------

One. hundred. days.

[ Each word is punctuated, as Reki looks into the feed, incredulous. ]

I'd ask what's going on, but I'm not too sure I want to know...

[ Reki needs her bearings. Looking through the communicator made her tense, and to say that the lack of familiar names and faces "troubled" her is an understatement. But she manages well enough to only show mild annoyance -- a typical day in Marina. ]

Has this happened to anyone yet? No memory of 100 days? I think I might need some explanation.

[ She might have an idea already, but she's here hoping that what she's fearing is wrong, that it truly is a typical day in Marina, that she isn't left behind again. ]

----------- [ ACTION ] ----------

[ Reki's at the bar of the Devil's Compass -- a half-consumed drink to her right, communicator to the left but within reach, and an ashtray with a gradual growing pile of cigarettes. She's puffing through another stick, looking towards the door at the slightest sound.

Might be the cigarette smoke, might be the light that are mixed with her hopes to see a familiar face, and thus she ends up looking at anyone coming in, an unspoken and friendly "Hey!" in her eyes --

Is it truly a familiar face, or a new one she ends up looking at long enough? ]

(( OOC: I apologize in advance for my slow as I'm in GMT+8, but I'll do my best to make a.c.-worthy threads! ))

Jul. 19th, 2014




[And Lyle has something that is both odd and important at the same time. So he decides to post.

Well that is if he can keep a straight face. He starts the video then he has to cover his face with one hand, both exasperated and amused at the same time. Finally he moves his hand and speaks]

Really? I didn't think I had to add "use a screwdriver" to the list of things that haros couldn't do.

[The Irish sniper then shows why he was laughing. It looks like cabinet doors and everything needed to attach them to the frame: hinges, screws, and the handles all laid out nice and neat on the floor. One would think he was getting ready to attach them... but one would be wrong. That isn't the case at all]

Would you believe when I left an hour ago those were still attached to my cabinets? And on a similar note, anyone know who this belongs to?

[Now Lyle turns the camera back to him and holds up a screwdriver]

Jul. 8th, 2014



[Day 279] Video/Baseball Practice Mingle — Open


I am now taking applications to be my roommate! If you're interested you should...[Pausing because he hadn't thought this far ahead.] tell me. [He really isn't enjoying this alone thing.]

OH! And come to baseball practice today. You should really join the team if you haven't already. I think that's it!

(OOC: Use THIS THREAD for video replies. Notifs are off for mingle purposes.)


[It's that time again! The (usually handwaved) baseball practice! Grab a glove, grab a ball, grab a bat! Come work on your technique, do some drills, play catch, talk to your fellow baseball players and people who stop by to look (and maybe be enabled to join.)]