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Feb. 3rd, 2010


Somebody's been sleeping in my bed.

Who: Erin, Evan and Langston
Where: The Forsythe residence
When: Nighttime
What: Shenanigans!

Sleep tight guys. If I hear any more screams, I'm just gonna assume you guys decided to make friends and share. )

Jan. 31st, 2010


Familiar Fiasco

Who: Erin, Trenton and Langston and NPC elemental and familiar mentions
When: Morning
Where: A little over fifteen miles southwest of the packlands
Warning: Slight warning for violent type things

The night had been fun for him, even if it had been work. He'd been hired to off an elemental for a man who'd heard about him through a mutual acquaintance and money was always good so he jumped at the chance to make a little of it. The job was even more entertaining than he first imagined it would be as he found that not only did he get an elemental - a low level one at that - but he got their familiar as well. Thankfully the familiar wasn't difficult to capture, the turtle definitely didn't have much of a chance against a hunter.

the sick bastard )

Dec. 22nd, 2009


Getting Pro-Active

Who: Erin and open to all!
Where: Anywhere But Here
When: Shortly after 9 AM, after everyone has arrived

The turn-out was better than Erin had hoped for, in all honesty. She was glad to have chosen the little dive bar as their meeting place, especially after the owner had enthusiastically opened his doors (probably thrilled with all the publicity this was getting the run-down place). Erin had simply chosen it because she didn't figure anyone in here would bat an eye at very obviously armed patrons.

Now she just had to see if she was actually up to the task of leading this little ragtag bunch of would-be badasses. "Alright everybody," she said, "Let's get started. I'm Dr. Erin Forsythe, thank you all for coming. I've tried to figure out a system that'll work out best, but I'm open to ideas for improvements. I've had the news run a phone number for people to report any demon activity - someone will be here at all times, and when they get a call, they'll dispatch a group to check it out. I'm thinking we split into groups of four, more if needed for certain calls. Everyone going out needs to know how to handle a gun, no one is going that can't take care of themselves out there. If you can't go in a group, stay here and help dispatch. We also need people with first aid knowledge. Dispatch will keep a list of cellphone numbers so they can call a group at any time, track locations, et cetera. Any thoughts? Questions?"

Dec. 18th, 2009



Who: Erin
When: EARLY morning, pre-sunrise
Where: The University of Michigan Hospital, morgue

Erin had picked up a shift at the hospital, desperate to try and keep her mind off of the thing she had encountered. The demon, she knew it to be now. She still felt sick thinking about it, and the memory was seared into her brain. The sights, the smells, the sounds... God, the sounds were the worst.

With all the attacks, there was plenty of work to be done at the hospital. Lots of bodies piling up. Erin's encounter with a demon could have been much, much worse.

After downing a cup of coffee, she headed back to the autopsy room, and told the rather green-looking med student there to go get some fresh air. Once alone, she pulled on some gloves, and headed to the table to reveal the body.

It took a moment for Erin to recognize her. )

Dec. 10th, 2009


demons closing in on every side

Who: Nicodemus and Erin
Where: Forsythe and Family Funeral Parlor
When: Ass o'clock in the morning

Erin was still in a shocked daze, but at least she'd never lost coherency or become a twitching mess on the floor. Once the cops finally arrived and she felt safe enough to leave the back utility room; she'd puked her guts out in a garbage can, but her stomach was back under control.

She still heard the sounds, though. The fucking sounds. She couldn't get over those.

Her dad had managed to keep her mom from looking at the grizzly scene, but had not followed his own good advice. He might never be right again after looking, but Erin had tried to prevent it. The police were everywhere, and she was plunked on the floor in the hall near the utility room, leaning back against the wall. No one had been able to tell her what the hell that thing was. They'd had to call in a specialist. Erin needed to know what it was. She needed to know before she could even think about being okay again.

Read more... )

Dec. 6th, 2009


cause this is thriller

Who: Erin and a demon
When: Ass O'Clock in the morning
Where: Forsythe and Family Funeral Parlor (otherwise known as home)
Possible Warning: Probably not for the squicky.

Erin had pulled an all-nighter, wanting to have everything at home seen to and taken care of before the day's showing of poor Vol Callahan. Close to three AM she took a break, heading upstairs to make some coffee. She did so just in time to see her dad off, heading to the hospital to pick up a body. Insomnia must have ran in the family.

She was upstairs fifteen minutes maybe, bullshitting and cramming a few cookies down, and when her dad headed out, she took her mug and headed downstairs.

The cookies were a mistake. Oh God, big mistake. )

Oct. 25th, 2009


Well look who's drinking to forget

Who: Ben and Erin
Where: Anywhere But Here
When: 10:30PM

I see a pattern here... )

Oct. 21st, 2009


It's a good thing summer weather makes for lots of weeds.

Who: Oscar and Erin
When: Late morning
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak

Oscar knew how to do one thing well, and that was avoiding his problems. He found it worked best to weed when he was avoiding his problems, and so that was what he was doing. The weredeer had parked his truck down in the city lot and carried his tools with him. His tools consisted of a bucket to put said weeds in, and a spade to get the nastier ones out. He knelt at a particularly weedy flower bed along the sidewalk, and began to work. The physical effort drove his thoughts from his mind after a while. Oscar even forgot to pay attention to the cars going by, he was so deep in his work.

Aug. 26th, 2009


Text Message to the Forsythes

from ERIKA

best date ever! :)

sent at 10:03 PM

Aug. 4th, 2009


Drama Free Zone

Who: Erin & Scott
Where: Heme
When: Late evening

Scott was waiting for Erin. He hadn't exactly dressed up or anything since this was just a couple of friends going out for drinks. He was going for beer tonight and had already finished one glass but it was kind of hard for him to get properly drunk. Right now, Scott was waiting on a second glass with his head down on the bar, tapping out the rhythm of the music on the bartop without even realizing he was doing it.

He probably shouldn't have gone out drinking almost as soon as Tommy went home but what was supposed to make him happy hadn't. In fact, it'd just made him far more miserable. He'd been kind of hoping that Tommy would be underfed or something just so he could call Tanya on it and have her ass thrown in jail and forget about her. Instead he was... perfect and happy and everything.

Straightening up, he dragged one hand down his face with a heavy breath. Fuck a duck.

Aug. 1st, 2009


Who: Quentin and Erin
When: Afternoon
Where: Scarlet Oak Community Park

It was a slow day for death, at least in Erin's immediate area. Not that she was complaining, she didn't want strangers to die en masse. Really. It just meant she'd had nothing to do and she ended up taking off early out of boredom.

The park wasn't a far walk, and that was where she ended up, sprawled out on the grass and doodling mindlessly on a sketchpad. Her mind wasn't entirely in it, or even focused on her surroundings. She was trying to talk herself out of the itch to go buy some new wheels. She did not need a motorcycle. People ended up on her table every day, sans their brains and the more important bits of their heads, because of motorcycles. But dammit, they were shiny. And she couldn't keep driving the hearse around forever.

Decisions, decisions.

Jul. 9th, 2009


The Grass is Greener

Who: Scott and Erin
Where: Forsythe Funeral Home
When: Early afternoon

The crew had been working their asses off since dawn. The work around town was never done and honestly, Scott wasn't feeling so hot anyhow after the full moon so he'd been a little irritable and snappish all morning. Well, now they were at one of their big contracts. The funeral home was a relatively new contract and they all had to be on their best behavior so no one was crashing lawnmowers into each other or jousting with the stick end of rakes.

And to make up for his earlier snapping, he'd bought beer for everyone on the strict orders that they leave no trash behind. After all, cleaning up the litter was part of their thing and it always got recycled. Help the planet and that bullshit.

It was a humid day after all the rain and the male population of his company were all generally working in shorts and shoes... That was about it. Including him. Scott and his beer were trying to get one of the mowers working after it decided to die on them. It had fuel so what had decided to go to pot? Although honestly, the extent of his trying to help was more standing around while one of the others was poking around and offering suggestions like, "Did you try kicking it?"

Jul. 3rd, 2009


Push it!

Who: Eric and Erin
Where: Some diner
When: Dinner time

This random diner was awesome. Not only were people funny - and by funny, Eric really meant kind of sad - but the music was great. Classic stuff was blasting from some radio, really good classic stuff: Salt N Pepa's Push it. And you bet Eric was dancing and singing along in the middle of the hallway between the counter and the booths. "Ooooh baby baby! B-baby baby!" He sang while doing some Will Smith in Fresh Prince moves.

"Wooooo push it good! Push it real good!" The good thing about being dead is you could do this stuff at a diner during dinner rush without being seen and that was endlessly amusing.

Jun. 29th, 2009


unconventional birthday party

Who: the birthday girl!! (Erin), Evan, Erika, Dorcas, Kieran, and open!
When: late night
Where: Heme

Deciding you wanted to spend your birthday at the vampire bar was probably weird by a lot of standards, but certainly not by Erin's. She'd been dying to check it out ever since she heard of its existence, before the opening. Unfortunately, work had not allowed it. So tonight was perfect! Plus, she was excited to meet her little brother's new girl and possibly traumatize him to the point of revisiting the night terrors and bedwetting stage.

It was what big sisters were for, after all.

She parked the hearse out front, grinning as she noticed the envious looks of what had to be a few vampire groupies. Fangbangers, freshies, whatever you wanted to call them. The bouncer let her in, and she looked around for her friends and family as she made her way towards the bar.

Jun. 18th, 2009


Who: Chris and Erin
When: Evening
Where: Random book store

Erin had made plans earlier in the week to attend a poetry reading at a book store in the city. It wasn't until she actually got there that she checked her phone and saw a text message cancelation. Erin rolled her eyes and shoved the phone back in her pocket. Typical. Did people have any idea how hard it was to parallel park a hearse?

Screw it. I'm here. I'm staying. She would not let such a thing ruin her Friday night! If the reading blew, she'd go dancing. One way or another, she was having fun tonight. She started by ordering some chocolatey iced coffee drink, and headed into the reading area. They hadn't started yet - Erin was usually early anywhere she went. She looked around for an empty seat and plunked down, offering a smile to the nearest person.

Jun. 17th, 2009


It's all in the genes.

Who: Erin and Evan
When: Around 5 pm
Where: The funeral home

Once he'd finished the work for the day, Evan was ready to head home real quick do a quick clean up and wash off the smell of death and embalming fluid. He didn't quite make it out the door however, because he saw his sister and had to stop and say hello. Coming up behind her, stealthfully of course, well, okay, maybe not so much so since he was so tall and lanky. She probably knew he was there before he even reached her. Either way, he put his hands over her eyes and grinned. "Guess who?"

Erin had just finished showering herself. Yes, living with the parents was lame, but dammit, it was convenient living and working in the same place. "Well it can't be the poor bastard I just sent to the crematory." she said, smirking. "And someone who reeks of embalming fluid seems to be in an awfully good mood, so that counts out the rest of the stiffs. Evan?"

He rolled his eyes at her and pulled his hands from her face. "Thanks a lot. Like I don't already know I gotta go home and shower fifty times before six." he sighed, shaking his head a little. "What's up?"

Pimp Daddy Evan has some mad skills )

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