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Feb. 20th, 2015


it rains in heaven all day long

Who: Linnea and various NPCs
Where: Niemi household
When: Late morning

It could be a hard thing, to realize that you did not honestly believe you deserved a normal, loving relationship. )

Feb. 19th, 2015


Your eyes never close, your mind's not at rest

Who: Micah and Rebekah
Where: Their home
When: Morning

Sleep was never easy. It was never deep, it was never smooth, too many faces and too many sounds, too many dreams. Only they weren't dreams, they were nightmares. Relentless, day in and day out. At the very fringes of her consciousness, the first thing Rebekah realized was how deep and smooth her sleep had been - right before startling awake by the very notion of being awake.

I'm awake, she thought, eyes opening in a flash and moving from side to side as her heartbeat accelerated when she realized she wasn't in the grey, dark room Mason had put her in. The bed was large and soft, trickles of light shone through the blinds on the window painting everything a warm shade of purple. A happy shade of purple. It had been her favorite color, once. Plum, said the little voice in the back of her mind, the one that remembered good things. Now, the light hurt her eyes, forcing her to shade them from such warm brightness.

Sitting up, Rebekah pushed her knees against her chest, uncomfortable and startled all over again. This was backwards. There were very specific steps to what she had been told to do, and somehow it felt like Rebekah had skipped a number of them. All of them. She wasn't supposed to be here.

Slowly, swallowing hard, she moved her head to the floor where she knew something horrible would be, staining the carpet and everything else forever and ever no matter how hard you scrubbed. It wasn't there anymore but she saw it anyway. She saw it, the blood. She shut her eyes and remembered the screaming, the gurgling sound of a thirsty monster gorging on the life of a little angel, responsible for the loss of a bigger one, and then a littler one before that. She hadn't apologized, she had never begged for forgiveness and the reckoning was going to be terrible. There was no forgiveness to be had, so she was just an invader. A trespasser. A monster hiding under a bed. She wanted to leave but nothing was where it had been. Flashes of someone else being her was all she could recall and things were not where she had left them because she had never really gotten into this house. That had not been her. That had been an echo, a mirage, something lost and never able to come back. Someone had walked around with her body doing things she had not been told to do, had no business attempting. A sinner had walked around pretending to be an angel and poisoned everything again. And that sinner was her.

"Why am I here, why am I here, why am I here, why am I here - no. No, no, no, no." Throwing herself on the floor, covering the place where the big mess of her brother's blood had once stained the carpet, Rebekah screamed.

Feb. 16th, 2015


A few times I've been around that track

Who: Tessa and Nick (plus an NPC neighbor, plus familiars)
Where: Outside Camelot Place to start
When: Morning

So it's not just gonna happen like that. )


there it goes again, take me to the edge again.

Who: Jason and Annie.
Where: The Bernhard Warehouse.
When: Mid-afternoon.

It was usually for the best for Jason to keep his distance from the others when he didn’t trust himself to keep everything under control. If nothing else he might say or do something that offended or hurt someone else’s feelings and these people were supposed to be able to trust and respect him. How could they do that if he upset them? The worst case scenario was that he would lose his temper too much to pull back from and he would do something he would end up regretting, potentially for the rest of his life, someone might pay the price for his lack of control and that was a risk Jason wasn’t willing to take.

That was one of the main reasons he’d had this one piece of equipment installed in the place not long after their arrival. As strange an investment as it might have seemed to most people, especially for a group who didn’t have much of anything at all, the bag was all but invaluable, a healthy way for Jason to release the stress and pressure that could build up to boiling point. That was a stage none of them wanted him to reach, they had all seen or at least heard what happened when he passed the point of no return. They had had to leave London because of that temper of his, because he’d almost killed a man and revealed himself as a supernatural. A wild animal.

The yell that broke out of him when he swung a fresh punch into the bag was ragged and angry, thick with aggression and frustration and all that tension that was threatening to strain his muscles to breaking point. Sweat trickled down his bare arms and the sides of his face, threatening to sting his eyes before he lifted a roughly bound hand to swipe it away. His hair was plastered to his temples and brow and his chest heaved as he stepped back from the swinging back and then paced around it. When he attacked again it was suddenly, swiftly and sharply, striking with all the power he had to throw into the blows.

Jason didn’t like feeling out of control. Someone or something had stripped that away, not just from him but from all of them, leaving them blank and dazed, their true identities washed away. Perhaps that was what was really getting to him, losing that sense of calm ignorance and easy control, having to come back to this. Anger, frustration, restlessness. Rage.


deep into the darkness where i hide the monsters are buried down deep inside.

Who: Sam and Jo.
Where: The Summers House.
When: Early morning.

The DVD player had long since switched itself off and the TV showed nothing but a quiet field of desaturated static, casting a pale light across the room in the early morning before the sun had even risen all the way above the horizon. On the coffee table in front of the couch were various snacks, a couple of glasses and a few soda cans, remnants of a night spent indulging in entertainment and various foods that had little in the way of nutritional value. The remote had fallen on the floor at some point. The cases for the movies they had watched were stacked haphazardly down in front of the entertainment unit, the last one they’d been watching before sleep had taken them both still popped open and left sitting at a strange angle atop all the others.

When consciousness started to return it was with a quiet wash of confusion that it did so, the feeling that something about where he was wasn’t right, and it was that creeping doubt that had him opening his eyes and blinking to try and clear the sleep from them, moving to lift one arm to try and dispel the grogginess before he realised he wasn’t alone. At some point during the night his companion had slouched against him completely and they had fallen asleep that way. With a single glance Sam knew it was Jo, her short hair was a little ruffled but unmistakable and her scent was so unique and so familiar that he would know it anywhere.

For several seconds he remained exactly where he was, trying to figure out what was wrong because something was. His other arm was free, he realised, and it was that he lifted to swipe at his face but he stopped halfway. There were scars on his arm. What he could see of the other one had the same sorts of scars. Abruptly and without warning Sam’s mind’s eye was filled with sharp teeth and snapping jaws, the echoes of snarls and howls rolled hauntingly in his ears. Mountains, trees, blood and balled fists, raucous laughter and cruel jeering. Sam’s breath caught harshly in his throat and fear struck him with the force of a freight train.

This was wrong. All wrong. )

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what was the spell, it feels like a curse.

Who: Nico.
Where: A hotel in town.
When: Morning.

It was like something clicked in his brain, a release under a sudden pressure, and it was as simple as being asleep one moment and awake the next. Air caught in his throat as he pushed up reflexively beneath the sheets and blankets of a bed that was not his own, a fact he knew immediately and did not particularly care for, and his dark keen eyes scanned the room. The shades were drawn but not securely covered, on the wrong side of the room from where they normally were. The furniture was not that which had picked out for him. Items were missing, nowhere to be seen. The scent was all wrong. Something was missing.

Someone was missing.

Nico removed himself from the bed with light easy movements, pushing his dishevelled hair from his face with steady hands as he studied his surroundings quickly but with a small, simmering sense of disquiet. This was not his room. When he glanced past the shades to the world beyond he was too high up to be in the house that he belonged in. This was wrong. All wrong.

There were his clothes, draped over the back of an armchair that he did not recognise beyond the faintest recollection that told him he must have consciously entered the room and as he stood gazing at it scraps and shards of memory came back to him: fear and panic and confusion, leaving the house without a word, coming here to this hotel, buying a phone. That phone was on the desk against the wall, connected to the wall by a cable obviously meant to charge the battery.

Nico shook his head, turning his eyes from it and looking around the room again. This made no sense. This wasn’t where he was supposed to be. Was it?

His hands found their way to his head, either side, his fingers burying in his thick hair as his eyes closed and he tried to put the pieces together but they wouldn’t fit, misshapen sections of mismatched puzzles that had no business going together. Nico didn’t know what he was doing here, where to go or what to do, whether the phone needed to be destroyed or if he should keep it. Was he sorry he was alone or quietly glad?

With a strangled sound of frustration in the base of his throat he moved to the door leading into the bathroom and shut it behind him, breathing with increasing speed in his building confusion and distress as he stepped into the shower, of all places, and turned on the water. That made no sense either, he hadn’t paused to take off the shorts he had worn to bed, but the water that streamed down from the shower head and run through his hair and over his skin helped to shut out some of the questions that were filling his skull and threatening to either deafen him or just drive him mad.

It was a temporary solution though, a Band-Aid on a bullet wound, and there was only one thing Nico could think to do, something he went on to do as reflexively as someone might perform a basic task, something they had done hundreds or thousands of times before.

Without letting himself pause to think about it first he took a deep breath and opened his mind to reach out for that of another. Whatever was going on he couldn’t do it alone.


my world is changing, i won't put up a fight.

Who: Mason and Kiley.
Where: Cherryblossom Place; Mason’s apartment.
When: Morning.

There was no alarm that went off to trigger his return to the waking world and it was a slow and steady recovery of consciousness, nothing special about it at all to signify that anything was out of place. More often than not he didn’t really need that alarm, Mason was more than capable of getting himself out of bed but as he started to stir and the sounds of the world beyond the windows and walls of the apartment started to creep in at the edges of his awareness, the subtlest shaft of light from the morning sun landing across the surface of the bed in which he lay, he knew something was different. The warmth of the bed itself, the sheer comfort he felt, made it difficult to care but as the minutes ticked by and sleep relinquished its hold on him piece by piece things started to settle, his mind shook off the dust of slumber and started feeding him information about where he was, what needed to happen that day, and with whom. There was someone else in the bed, too.

Not that unusual, really, it wasn’t the first time Kiley had shared his bed and last night wasn’t the first time they had--


Mason’s eyes opened and he rose up onto his elbows, bringing his chest off the mattress while being careful not to disturb Kiley’s arm where it had come to drape across his back at some point during the night while they were both asleep. At some point he had rolled over onto his stomach, evidently, and she had nestled in close to his side. Without even needing to look beneath the sheets that were draped over them both Mason knew one fact with unwavering certainty: neither of them were wearing any clothes.

They had slept together. More than once.

“Oh my God.” It was so quiet it could scarcely even be considered a whisper and just for a moment Mason pressed his face into the crumpled pillows on his side of the bed before lifting his head again and lifting one hand to lay it gently against her bare shoulder, a light touch coupled with her name in a soft hushed tone meant to rouse her from sleep slowly and carefully.

Something had happened to bring them to this point. Mason just wasn’t entirely sure yet what that something was.

Feb. 15th, 2015


hope you like vegan

Who: Crystal and Desi (NPC'd familiars)
Where: Crystal's home
When: 8:00 p.m.

She isn't going to eat one of my pets if I ask her not to. )

Feb. 14th, 2015


you look at me i look at you neither of us know what to do

Who: Daveigh and Gabe.
Where: His hotel room.
When: Morning.

A frown played across her face as she realized she wasn't alone, a presence at her back and an arm across her waist told her she hadn't slept alone last night. )

Feb. 12th, 2015


baby-sitting demons

Who: Angeline and Bubbles {NPC Jamie}
Where: Bubbles' "aunt's" trailer
When: Early evening
Warnings: Violence, blood demonic shepherd

Bubbles wasn't in a very good mood. )



DATE: Thursday, October 15, 2009

BIRTHDAYS: No Birthdays Today!

WEATHER: Most of the morning is overcast, but by noon, there is a full downpour happening and it’s not likely to end until well into the night.

EVENTS: Hopefully everyone has been enjoying their states of complete bliss, because today everything ends. While those with fae-blood have already experienced their own “reawakening”, today is the day that it happens for the rest of those living in Scarlet Oak. At the stroke of midnight, the spell will dissipate, losing it’s grip on the town completely. Much like the fae-blooded from the day before, each and every person will come out of the spell differently. Some will instantly know the truth the second they wake up in the morning. Others will regain their memories slowly as the day progresses. Regardless of the rate, when midnight hits, marking the end of the day, everyone’s mind will return to its former, unblank, state -- with the added bonus of the clear memory of the past few days. This time, everyone knows that their mind has been tampered with; memories were gone and now they are back. Surely no one has done anything that they will regret during that time, right? Right!

Given the confused state of most of the inhabitants of Scarlet Oak, the news platforms have refrained from issuing official word on what has happened to everyone. The mainstream outlets have been speculating about something contaminating the water and causing temporary memory loss. The idea that a bad crop of vegetables were distributed throughout the town thanks to a nearby farm has also been tossed out. But that isn’t the only opinion being floating around. Given the most recent incident with the Fae and the high school, people are quick to place the blame on the fair folk once again.

With the spell lifted, there are certain matters that have been overlooked for the past few days. The first of which being the high school. While the decision to reopen on Monday had been a tentative one, officials are finding it difficult to pull students back out of their classes given that they’ve been attending for three days so far without incident. The principal of Scarlet Oak High School has decided to hold an assembly this afternoon before school releases for the day to discuss the Fae, supernatural race acceptance, and to encourage those who attended the dance to make use of the new trauma counselor in town. The “discussion” was met with mixed reviews -- some students showing support for understanding, while others voiced concern and outright rage.

The murder investigation of Pastor Daniel Lemuel is moving along much more smoothly now that everyone has regained their proper memories. A witness has come forward, stating that they observed a young blonde-haired woman and man enter the church on the day of Pastor Lemuel’s death. Though they weren’t able to get a good look at the man, enough of the woman was seen for a sketch artist to draw a mock up. This image has been displayed on the news, requesting that anyone who might know who this woman is to call the police department, as she might be a key witness suspect in the murder.

Additionally, the body from the building fire has been revealed to be Roselyn Coyle, whose family has been notified of the incident. Given the forensic evidence found at the scene, it has been determined that her death was not an accident, mostly likely homicide. Unfortunately, the fire burned away much of the DNA evidence that would have helped them discover the culprit. The investigation will continue, but officials are not hopeful that any new information will be revealed.

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