June 2018



Posts Tagged: 'eddie+carmichael'



[ Sinistra ]
Hey so

Do you want to get shitfaced and do a wake?

[ Obliviators ]
So, this may be weird but
Hello, I'm

[ Alicia ]
I've been going back and forth about asking this for days but like, after the way everything blew up with Robin I think it's better if I just ask and yk get it out there so it's not something you know that maybe I should know and someday it all comes out anyway and it's messy. And I don't want that. So.

Do you know who k what happened to him?

[ Alicia, Angelina, Fred ]
So, okay. In the grand scheme of things, I may have overreacted with the bug thing. I still don't like it but I'm sorry for freaking out.

Obscurus Books is looking to tell your story. (Yes, your story!) (They made me write that part.) Do you have an interesting war experience? Have you been misunderstood this whole time and just need to get your side out? Owl us, or leave a note here and we'll be in contact.

I need to quit this fucking j



Hi if you're alive and well enough please tell us what happened



[ Robin ]
Totally, definitely hypothetical question, but what do you know about listening devices?

[ Alicia, Angelina, Fred ]
Hey friends! Look at this cool thing Caper found in my lampshade tonight!

[ A photo of the the bug, broken ]

Weird, right?

Hey so Fred, remember when you told me you had extendable ears everywhere? Because I do. And I've not exactly had loads of people in my flat lately and if it wasn't you then

The crup's paw is fixed up and we found his human, and I am hecking crushing it at Cosmic Competition. Who's playing? I'm @reddiesetgo




This crup followed me home today all the way up to my flat.

Photo )

Does he belong to anyone? He's favouring one of his paws a bit.



You know what I miss in this, the age of the exodus of casual conversation here on this journal network? Wizfeed quizzes. How will I ever know what vegetable I am, or which combination of Avengers I am, or what my dessert choices say about my financial prospects? How will I ever know what mansion I'm destined to live in or which Quidditch team really "gets" me?

I feel rudderless and adrift.

"You could just go take the quizzes yourself, Edasich." Please. If you don't post results for everyone to see and compare, have you even really taken the quiz?



Word seems to be that a Carrow shot Willy Locke? They may also have been wearing a turban? And/or slipped on his own snail grease into something sharp. Also it may not have been Locke at all, but an imposter who was posing as Locke for ... reasons. Also, the bats got out of Fledermaus's again, so watch out for that.

Anyway are rumours of your demise greatly exaggerated or what, Locke?

Also, the bats got out of Fledermaus's again, so watch out for that.



Today is the 111th day of the year. It's also National Tea Day and International Astronomy Day, because we couldn't handle the idea of a day dedicated to something so big, so we had to sit at home with our cuppas and keep calm.

So, tell us a story about tea or astronomy or multiple uses of the number 1. Come on, then. This is how we bond and get over our differences.

[ Jasper Williamson ]

I know this is sort of weird, but I've a question.



[ Robin ]
Alright. We're going out. I have six possible plans for your birthday and can improvise at least six more. Acceptable answers to this include: "Tonight," "Tomorrow, and only because I have better plans tonight," or "Both." Unacceptable answers include: "No," and "Maybe later."

[ Alicia ]
I need to
My dad

[ Noelle Zabini ]
Hello, Mrs Zabini. I know you and my father are [...] close, so I thought maybe you and I should get to know each other better.

[ Alicia ]
Hey šŸ°šŸ°

You okay? It seems like there's been a lot.

So I'm not usually into meditation or whatever but I think the whole world needs to just sit and chill for about half an hour and then maybe turn back on. Yikes.



[ Lestrange ]
So, I signed up for that dueling thing Mr Nott is doing next month. And I thought maybe we could do some training together? If you've got some time.

[ Alicia ]
Soooo lol this is probably weird but how are you at dueling? And how would you feel about maybe doing some practice dueling together? Asking for a friend who is me.

Quick survey, and I'm actually looking for genuine answers here. What do you like best about your job/career/profession/current course of study? What drew you to it?



[ Angelina ]
Hey. Can we talk?

[ Bellatrix ]

It's the Ides of March. Get out there and stab yourselves a Caesar.



Rumour has it wards are working again and I'm still sat here at least one more night with nothing better to do, so let's have it. Get it all off your chests.



[ Bellatrix Lestrange ]
You said

You were serious about the knife lessons, right?

[ Alicia ]
Were you hurt yesterday or anything?

[ Lestrange ]
Were you in Diagon Alley yesterday? Did you see

The offices of Obscurus Books are going to be closed for the next couple of days after some sustained damage uncovered a few structural problems. Don't worry, everyone. The books are fine.



Uh hi quick q the wireless said there were explosions at a party tonight?? What's going on??

[ Robin ]
Hey mate just checking you're not exploded, yeah?

[ Lestrange ]



[ Robin ]
Do you want a project? I've got a project.

I took this quiz and Caper is a Slytherin. What have I done?



[ Lestrange ]

Are you
Have you ever
Look, I know you read some of my conversations and
Alicia Spinnet is my friend and
Sending cursed toys doesn't really seem like your style but
Leave Alicia

[ Montague ]
Are you sending Alicia cursed shit?

[ Angelina ]
Is everything okay? Is A

[ Knockturnians ]
Who's up for drinks at the Murky Shirker tonight? Yeah, the Shirker, I said it, it's that kind of day and who needs a liver on a Thursday morning, anyway?

There's a bunch of books about Making The Most Of Things on sale through Obscurus Books this month. Fiction, non-fiction, and everything in between. Check them out, and when you do, pretend this was a better advertisement for them.



So, how many resolutions are already out the door, you figure? I know my one to keep Caper out of my sketchy neighbour's flat and bringing his weird shite back to mine is already up in smoke. It's a good thing I've got about six others I'm working at to make up for it.



Alright, before everybody all moves on to 2018, let's not forget that we're almost to the greatest day of the year: December 29th. A wonderful day. Overshadowed, forgotten, underappreciated, but still important.

Edited later
I'm going to an escape room. Who's coming with? Well that was a fucking stupid idea. Nevermind.



Wow, I can't believe the world ended five years ago today. Time flies.



Thanks everybody for your concern the other night about Caper and about that jinx. Caper showed up after we set out a shiny trap (thanks, Angelina!) and the jinx was gone by the time I woke up so, well is all.

Just kidding.

Also, thank you Mr and Mrs Gamp for the party! Knockturn events are always Events.

[ Robin ]
lol congrats, on the ugly sweater win tie. Yours was def hideous

[ Lestrange ]
[...] So, I'm talking normally again.



Escaped temporarily has Caper niffler my that possible it's ... Knockturnians fellow my to note quick, so. Stuff shiny your watch? Do usually you than more even?



I think the bloke in the flat next to me is performing some kind of sketchy ritual. I keep hearing this low like, Gregorian chanting punctuated by a loud "Ow" or "Oh sonuva --"

It would be funny if it weren't a little disconcerting. If a portal to another dimension opens, well, it's been nice knowing you all.



So how do you go about scoring an invite to a fancy Pureblood gala? You probably have to be related to somebody, right?



[ Cho ]
SO, I ran into a Dementor this week. Can we practice this weekend sometime because guess who has two thumbs and choked under pressure?

Well, I know I'm excited to learn all about some fancy Pureblood families from a charity I've definitely heard of before. What better way to get into the holiday spirit?

Also, quick note for the Knockturn/Diagon set, Fledermaus's seems to have a hole in their shop or something so, you know, watch out for bats. I think they like Christmas music. There's half a colony gathered outside Amanuensis and honestly, it serves them right. It's still November.



[ Lestrange ]
Does Lucius Malfoy know about me?

Obscurus Books' Book of the Week is the harrowing true tale of Man vs. Lethifold: I've Got This Covered by Marlowe Swathe. When cape and cloak salesman Marlowe took a trip to the tropics, the last thing he expected was to be nearly consumed by his own wares ...

Available at all fine literary retailers.



What did that brick wall ever do to you?