June 2018



Posts Tagged: 'nora+cadwallader'



Photos under cut )



Rhys was the kindest, most compassionate person I've ever known. He only ever did what he believed was right. He was brilliant and patient and caring and good and I will love him for the rest of my life.

Before you took him, he was brushing out tangled puffskein fur and baking cookies. He wasn't mouthing off or bombing parties or planning an insurrection. He was living a quiet life running a bed and breakfast before you took that from him, too.

You killed him for nothing and I hope you rot in hell.



[ Former Aurors ]
I need

They took Rhys

[ Dafydd ]
Something's happened, you need to close up the shop and come home

[ Baz ]

You can't Please



[ Baz ]
So, Rhys and I talked. And we've got some things to take care of here before we can do anything but we're pretty much set, we're going to go.

I know it's not fair of me to keep saying it so I promise this will be the last time but I can't not ask one more time because you're my baby brother and I love you and I really want you to come with us.

[ Grace ]
Hey, you.

I couldn't find a good name generator for today, so I'm going to skip that and instead put out a question for discussion!

What if the Snitch were only worth 50 points, instead of 150? But everything else was the same.



Please pretend this entry is filled with inspirational and/or groan-worthy spring-related puns encouraging you to book a holiday at the Gentle Green! My advertising brain seems to have turned off for the night. ("You'd be hopping mad to miss out!" should get you thinking on the right track!)

To make up for it, find your Easter Bunny name!

Here! )



It's a new month, so MARCH your way on in to the Gentle Green!

"Why would I want to go to Wales in March?" you may ask yourself? Because sometimes, we throw surprise birthday parties for our puffskeins and the guests are all invited. Happy Birthday, Pea!

[ Rhys ]
Testing, testing! Let me know who can read this, please!



[ St Mungo's ]
Hey guys. I don't think I've told everybody yet, but I'm coming back. Tomorrow, actually, so I'll see everyone around!

This one's fun!

What's your pirate name? )



[ Friends of Gawain ]
Unless someone else is already doing something, Rhys and I are going to start funeral arrangements for Gawain. We would welcome some help and company if anyone would like to join us tonight for dinner and planning.

Also, we're [...] given the circumstances, we're a little concerned about security and publicity and that sort of thing, so that's something we would like to keep in mind, I guess.

[ Baz ]
How are you feeling? Is your throat any better?

[ Puffskeins in the snow video, because everybody needs it today :( ]

I hope this brings a little cheer on a dreary day.



Where are three places you've always wanted to travel and why?



[ Baz ]



[ Friends of Rhys and/or Nora, but not Rhys bc it's a surprise! ]
Hey guys.

[...] There isn't really an easy way to put this, but Rhys and I have had a really difficult couple of days and I want to do something nice for him. There is a symphony performance in Caerphilly on Friday evening and I've gotten tickets for the two of us, but I think it would be really nice to surprise him if some of his friends were there too. He sort of plays down how much he loves the symphony but it's really important to him.

Or if symphonies aren't your thing, you can join us after for a drink at [Rhys's favourite Caerphilly pub] for awhile. It's nothing formal, just a night out.

With a couple of caveats!

One, no one is allowed to make fun of the symphony or people who like the symphony. Not even in a lighthearted teasing way!

Two, no one is allowed to mention the name Lestrange. Or really any of them.

Three, no board games. We're taking a bit of a break.

And just because I know people will want to ask, even if you're too polite to, it's because Rodolphus Lestrange was here this weekend. He showed up and checked in as a guest. We're both fine and safe and everything, but it was [...] I mean, you can imagine. Rhys is pretty private about things so I'm sure he won't want to talk about it with anyone, so it's just so that everyone knows.

Let me know if you can make it to either or both. Thanks, loves!

[ Rhys ]
We have symphony tickets for Friday.

[ Magpies ]
Thank you for not hurting each other or yourselves while I was out!



Rhys is included on all initial wards on this post.

[ Former Aurors ]

[ Gawain ]
Are you somewhere relatively safe right now?

[ Baz ]

[ Grace ]

[ Magpies ]
I've let the head office know already, but I'm not feeling well and I'm not going to be at practice or anything this weekend. I'm sorry, everyone. Play well and take care of yourselves!

[ Baz ]
[...] How is your hand?



Mari Lwyd is visiting the Gentle Green sometime tomorrow afternoon, and you're welcome to come by to greet her when she arrives! You don't need to book a room, just let us know you're coming so we can make sure we've got enough food.

(And if you decide you'd like to book a room while you're here, we've got a couple available!)

Nadolig Llawen!



This is for all the little brothers out there.



Oh no! You've been kidnapped by the characters from the last film you watched -- but don't worry! You'll be saved by the characters from the last tv show you watched. How do you fare?



[ Here is a photo of Pea wearing earmuffs ]

Snow is starting to fall here at the Gentle Green! Book a night or weekend away for some peace and quiet before the holidays come in earnest. (We're also looking to expand our little library, so if anyone has some old books in need of a new home, consider us!)

[...] Please remember to bring your IDs at check-in.



Happy Birthday to my favourite little brother. He's thoughtful and kind and a little dramatic, but his big heart is always in the right place. Many happy returns, Bazzy.



Fenrir Greyback is in charge of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures? Did I hear that right?



How many jumpers is too many to wear at once? Asking for a friend.



I've a game for tonight!

Comment here with your name, and then people can respond saying what form they think you would take as an Animagus and why.



[ Rhys ]
Did you know there used to be a poltergeist here for real???

Looking for a quick weekend getaway? The Gentle Green has some spoooooky plans for this weekend, so book now!

Here's a little preview of what you can see if you come to the Green:

[ A short video of Pea dressed as Peeves the Poltergeist hovering over Rhys's head ]

Mention "Peeves" when you make the booking and save 10%!



Under a cut just in case )

Honey, I'm supposed to be a Spooky Geek for Halloween.



[ Magpies ]
Alicia asked a couple of weeks ago about learning mediwitch stuff. I'd like to still do that when everybody's recovered, if you're still interested.

How is everybody doing?

[ Just picture lots of puffskein gifs from the winternet ]

For anybody having a tough week! 💜



[ Friends of Rhys and/or Nora -- this is a loose ward! Jump in! ]
We're having a games night on Friday at the Green. Come! Bring friends you trust! Bring weird alcohol if you like weird alcohol, because our stock is pretty normal!

Today is One Hit Wonder Day. Not just for me and Rhys, for everywhere. What are the best one hit wonders?

I loooove "Charming" by The Mermen. (Sorry, Rhys. I also know it's terrible.)



[ Baz ]
Please only read this after you've had a nap and plenty of chocolate and feel okay again. It's not a big deal.

But one of the Snatchers from the journals came by the Green today asking questions and left me his card to contact him. He'll probably come back if I don't. I'm taking care of it.

I can include you on the ward if you'd like, but if you'd rather stay out of it today, I completely understand and I've got this.

[ Will Locke, Rhys can see ]
You wanted me to contact you?

[ Angelina ]
The Snatcher you punched was Willy Locke, right?

We've just spotted our first Welsh Green of migration season! Enjoy the warmer climes, friend.