June 2018



December 10th, 2017



According to this advent calendar, it's Christmas Eve already. Happy Christmas! Time really does fly when you're old.

Is it more depressing to spend Christmas alone or to try to get yourself invited to whatever your friend's doing?

Got time to feed some ducks today?



Thanks everybody for your concern the other night about Caper and about that jinx. Caper showed up after we set out a shiny trap (thanks, Angelina!) and the jinx was gone by the time I woke up so, well is all.

Just kidding.

Also, thank you Mr and Mrs Gamp for the party! Knockturn events are always Events.

[ Robin ]
lol congrats, on the ugly sweater win tie. Yours was def hideous

[ Lestrange ]
[...] So, I'm talking normally again.



I got a letter from Michael yesterday and to make a long, VERY AWFUL story short: they've been teaching the students DARK ARTS. Like actual dark magic! And they're doing detentions with BLOOD QUILLS! Even though they're just kids! And shouldn't be learning dark magic or having detentions with blood quills or having to endure ANYTHING ELSE that's happening that my brother probably isn't telling me because he doesn't want me to worry! And I don't know what to do!

And also if you tell anyone about this please don't say you got it from me. I don't want Michael to get in trouble.

My brother is a seventh year at Hogwarts right now. He's really bright. He doesn't write much and I just figured it was because he doesn't write much usually, but I got a letter yesterday from him and most of it is because he doesn't write much, but he says they're censoring letters. This one was fine because he sent it from Hogsmeade.

He says that the new professors are teaching them Dark Arts and giving detentions for no reason where there are blood quills (which was something that I remember him saying Umbridge was really into, so that's great!) and I know that's not a lot of information so as soon as I see him, I'm going to ask him for more, but if you know him, this isn't something he'd ever share so the fact that he's saying things aren't fine and he's actually scared and he's asking for help is really, really bad!

I just wanted to tell everyone but I know there's nothing we can do about it! But what i



Tomorrow marks the day when IDs will be required to enter the Ministry and other wizarding establishments. Please ensure you have your IDs or you will be turned away. We will keep the registration open of course so there is still time to get your ID.

[Friendly like people]
I think I'll need a good drink after all this is done. Particularly with the coming protest I see coming.



It was hardly planned out, but I'm pleased to know my Christmas shopping won't be interrupted by vigilante abductions and hag attacks this year. If only the Ministry would heed my suggestions for how to deal with the Wandless next. What an extraordinary gift it would be.

Who here is attending this ridiculous protest at the Ministry tomorrow? We should be there to give them a warm welcome and a round of laughter while the DMLE arrests them.



[a picture of Graham's artfully drawn dicks here, the message and Dark Mark has been cropped out]

If you want to scare someone with your graffiti, maybe don't draw dicks.