June 2018



December 5th, 2017



This is rather insulting to some of us, isn’t it?
I’m sure this doesn’t mean much, but I am sorry you have to do it too.



I think I'll do just fine without an ID, thanks.

I found out a while ago that Dedalus is a member of the Order. I wouldn't have guessed, though I probably should have.

[Leon, Jeremy, Imogen] (aka Healers that aren't evil, if there's anyone I've missed poke me and I'll add them in)
How's St Mungos today? Whatever this law means, I hope we can find a way around it. Or should I say 'you'?



real q: do you think we can use our own pix for this ID thing? bc any IDs i've had i've def been able to use my own model pix. and i have the perfect one

cut for pic )

it's got all the info you'd need for me imo.



Fred's better, thanks so much, Jeremy. And Mum!

As for these ID tags, we probably have to get them if we want the shop to stay in business as much as I'd like to just... not. Though I wonder if we can put up some sort of "No IDs Needed" up inside, Fred? There's always owl delivery too, but yeah. I'm going to try and get ahold of one to strip it down - see if there's any truth to the 'not tracking your movements' line. If they don't have some sort of monitoring charms though, they could easily be used to ward people out of places, or target groups with x on their IDs with certain hexes wards when they try and cross thresholds.

This is rubbish, basically.

[Percy & Fred]
He's better, now. If you want to stop by.

Sorry about everyone who swarmed you yesterday, you know how Mum and Dad get.



i cannot imagine this new id business is going to do very well around HERE. some of us don't even have faces to photograph! and i'm CERTAIN there are a few of us with no blood to document.



Certain members of the DMLE remain bitter and tetchy about their uselessness. Corner has been questioning how "STRANGE" it was that Roger Davies was a target and the lack of clear answers. So strange, Williamson wants to start a murder board in the break room. Judging by other disgruntled whispers, it's possible a few of them may be looking into rebuilding cases. I have nothing concrete yet, it's all talk and ranting. I'll keep an ear out.

Other chatter:
  • Rodolphus, judging by Dearborn's latest rant, you owe him a new shirt

  • Corner keeps trying to come up with ways to avoid Greyback. RobardsSomeone suggested dressing up as a vegetable.

  • Gilbert bitches about you a lot, Graham

    Gawain Robards appears to be looking into ways to get Mr. Nott disqualified from the election. I overheard him muttering about legal loopholes and Azkaban. Just a head's up that he could be causing problems, sir.

    Can we redraw Secret Santa. I don't like who I got. They're impossible to buy for.



    The Ministry leaves us no choice but to comply with this decision, but I am not pleased with the lack of consideration of how these IDs will negatively impact Wizarding businesses.