May. 5th, 2010


Friday | May 16th 2008

Who: Karaoke peoples!
When: Friday, later in the evening AFTER DRESS REHEARSAL.
Where: The bar Astrid and Keagan's karaoke party is at.

"Hey, everybody," Astrid giggled as she sidled up to the mic, tapping it for everyone's attention. She was a little tipsy. Okay, no, way more than tipsy, but she'd been doing a really good job of being social over the last hour since karaoke had started. The thing had started while Duncan still had his kids in dress rehearsal, so imagine her surprise when he showed and Adora hadn't seen him yet. "So, okay, next up..." She giggled a little more, as if to a secret only she knew. "We have my favorite Il Profesore to siiiing. Mister Boyaaard..." She said with flare as she moved off the stage and went to go plop down in the first seat she could find, which was next to Summer.

For the first time in a very long time, Duncan was a suffering from a slight case of stage fright. It wasn’t the masses of young faces staring up at him from the dimly lit audience. Nor was it the fact he had to follow a rather handsome boy performing that goddamn “Hallelujah” song that made women automatically drop their panties. No, the unsure expression on his face and the way he came on stage with his eyes slightly downcast was because of one woman, at one table, in one direction. He knew exactly where Adora was sitting.

He may have known where she was, but Adora hadn't quite made out what Astrid was saying. To be honest, it had gotten to be white noise by that point. She wasn't even facing the stage, she was kind of moping. She'd thought Duncan was going to be out here for karaoke, that maybe he'd be a dork and do something. She thought she had it aaall figured out. But then she'd remembered his dress rehearsal and she honestly thought he wasn't going to show.

His eyes stayed on the rolling teleprompter that scrolled the lyrics. He gently laid one hand on the standing microphone while the opening notes to “Stand By You” by The Pretenders began. When he sang, his voice was soft, unsure, but clear and beautiful.

... )

Apr. 8th, 2010


Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

Who: Nick and Astrid
What: Meeting up for the first time since her party.
When: Afternoon
Where: Common Lounge

Nick really hated flight lessons... yeah, he used to love them, but that was then and this was now. He was quiet as he walked up to the dorms, rubbing at his shoulder and grumbling internally. His T-shirt, once a pristine white with the words "Out of my mind. Back in five minutes." scrawled on the image of a post-it note on his chest... was now covered in dirt and grass smears along his left shoulder, and he was rotating that arm a bit as he walked. His wings where snapping irritably as well, but he folded them against his back as he stepped into the common lounge.

Mirrored sunglasses were tugged off and he gave a glance around before he exhaled and went to slouch on the couch, head tipped back to rest on the cushioned back. He didn't care, at this moment, that he was dirty and should go change. He was just glad that he didn't have to head to Supernatural History after this... although the reason for that was somber enough that he wasn't outright rejoicing. Besides. He didn't want to go to his room. There wasn't anything to do there.
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Apr. 5th, 2010


Sunday | April 26th 2008

Who: Summer and Nick
When: Sunday afternoon 1pmish
Where: Pool, then Student Accessible Kitchens
What: Swim lessons, then cooking lessons.

Summer arrived precisely at their arranged meeting time holding a gym bag with regular clothes. She wore flip flops, board shorts, and an oversized JOURNEY tee shirt....over her swim suit. Where was her swimsuit? Good question. It was barely visible, save for pink bow sprouting out the crew neck of the tee. She was practically swimming in the band tee; it had been her brother's.

"Hey!" she said, when she spotted his wings first and the rest of him second. She flapped over to him, her shoes noisy on the side of the indoor swimming pool. Her heart was hammering at the inside of her chest and she could already feel she was flushed. Water. Eeehh. )
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Mar. 28th, 2010


Thursday, April 23rd, 2008

Who: Nick and Emma
Where: Outside Supernatural History, then the dorms.
When: After Supernatural History, then around eleven at night.
What: Nick's request and then the followthrough.

After another fruitless night of next to no sleep, Nick had decided that if the insomnia didn’t stop soon, his brain would. )
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Mar. 24th, 2010


Tuesday | April 22nd 2008

Who: Summer and Nick
When: Tuesday late afternoon
Where: Outside, then student lounge/entryway to dorms
What: Sebastian is a hot guy magnet!

Summer prided herself on Sebastian walking very well on his leash. The little terrier generally bounced merrily right beside Summer's sneakers, content to stay close and occasionally glance up at her for a treat or verbal piece of encouragement. Generally. Occasionally something snagged his attention and he couldn't help himself.

A little before supper time on Tuesday, Summer had her dog out on a longer walk, one hand loosely gripping his leash while the other scrolled through her phone text messages. Her aunt was too tech-savvy for her age; she texted Summer for every little thing. Not that the witch really minded it so badly --- her aunt was pretty darn cool.

Without warning, halfway through typing, the dog lunged forward, rudder-like tail straight, and barked off into the shrubbery nearby. Summer let out a little gasp, dropping her phone into the dirt. "Sebastian!" she scolded, crouching down to retrieve her cell.

'What the hell, man!' )
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Mar. 10th, 2010


Thursday | April 17th 2008

Who: Summer and Nick
When: Thursday, 4pm ish
Where: Halls
What: Nick* checks up on Sebastian

It was funny, in the interesting kind of way, to see Summer in class on Thursday. She'd waved and smiled, and he grinned in return with a nod and slight lift of one hand while removing those sunglasses with the other. He wore battered jeans and a fleabitten gray T-shirt, again with an obscurely amusing slogan across the chest. This time it was "Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?" His brother thought it was hilarious when he got it for him. His wings were, once again, on full display, which was why he sat towards the back of the class-

All through class he was contemplatively watching the board, scribbling notes in a haphazard fashion that might kill her organizational mind, but worked for him. He didn't waste his time afterwards though; notebooks slapped shut, he hopped to his feet and dragged the whole mess with him as he moved for the door. But there he waited, leaning a shoulder against the wall outside the room until Summer escaped the class. Then he grinned. "Hey." Is this stalking? It could be considered stalking. Shut up, brain. )
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Mar. 6th, 2010


Wednesday, April 16th, 2008 (Early -- 3:30AM)

Who: Summer and Nick
Where: Summer's Room
When: Horrifically early on Wednesday morning.
What: Sebastian's feeling lousy, so Nick comes to take a peek at him.

Clearly, she had been asleep when Sebastian got sick. )
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