Dec. 18th, 2012


Sunday November 17th 2019

Who: Nic and Linc
What: Linc needs to freak out a little bit
Where: Nic's apartment
When: Sunday morning
Rating: PG 13

Lincoln was livid. Not only had he woken up to find he had breasts and a fucking questionable wardrobe but Nicanor not realise who he was by speaking to him. Maybe his voice was too feminine but the manner in which he spoke should have been obvious right? .... maybe.... It didn't take long for him to come out of his apartment and through to knock angrily on Nic's, though the force in which he knocked was frustratingly lighter than he wanted due to the delicate wrists and natural way he rapped. Fucking bad dream, this had to be a bad dream.... How else could he look like a raven haired sex kitten?

Nic saw the woman on the other side and his fears were confirmed- he had no idea who she was. Her face was totally unfamiliar to him. )

Nov. 18th, 2012


BACKDATED: Friday November 1st 2019

Who: Nic and Olivia
What: Not being at parties
Where: Outside
When: Evening
Rating: PG

Nic was not drunk. Not entirely. He had been drinking, yes, but so had the rest of the staff. They might have been at the party in town instead of walking around on campus, but that wasn't the point. He wasn't harassing students, he was just walking around. And watching his breath in the cold night air, and laughing at how the puffs of vapor looked close to when he exhaled the cigarette smoke form his lungs.

As he drew closer to the recreation center, Nic had enough sense to sit himself beneath a tree and not go inside. Just in case he was drunker than he should've been and would present himself poorly in front of the students.

Are you a stupid person for Halloween or just drunk? )

Oct. 3rd, 2012


Sunday October 6th 2019

Who: Nic and Linc
What: Linc is picking up his drunk friend
Where: A bar
When: Late night
Rating: TBD

It had been a strange day, and Nic had ended it with heavy drinking. It wasn't normal for him to act this way, to drink so much that the floor wouldn't stay put beneath his feet. It took a lot of liquor and a little determination to get him to that state, and he had both tonight. Because after his date with Caitlin, who was a very sweet girl, Nic had had a revelation that was both uplifting and utterly depressing. So he had decided to drink. And when he couldn't walk anymore, or see, he had called Linc to come get him.

With his head rested on the table and various glasses surrounding him, Nic waited patiently for Linc to get him, for that familiar smell and that even more familiar scowl and condescending look. He was looking forward to it right now, to the familiar. To the comfort. Seeing Linc's displeased face would be like coming home.

Aug. 28th, 2012


Monday 23rd September

Who: Linc & Nic
Where: Nic's poor apartment
When: just after meeting Meredith
What: well, Linc's just met Meredith, panic ensues

She was here. Those were the only words going through Linc's mind as he bolted towards the apartments. The girl is here, she's here, shit fuck SHIT what am I supposed to do? He'd told her to leave. Never look back. He knew it hadn't been from this place but he knew as well that he'd meant never return to him, and now she was in his space. His nerves were tingling, his thoughts were racing but he had one goal only -

Linc burst into Nic's apartment, throwing his sports bag to the side. The moment the door was closed he leant up against it, head against the frame, closing his eyes. He was safe in here, with the lycan, nobody else from his past could find him. Or was that what he was really worried about?

"If you still have my couch ready I'm staying on it again."

Aug. 15th, 2012


Tuesday September 17th 2019

Who: Lincoln and Nicanor
What: Going out
Where: A dance club
When: Early evening
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

Linc had said that he needed a woman, and in some ways, he was right. He needed to try being in a relationship, he needed to open himself up to let someone in, he needed to learn to trust. His friendship with Nic could only go so far in that way. Unfortunately for Lincoln, his only friend was not the kind of man who went out to find people to date. So while Nic wanted to be of help, he didn't know how. There were typical places, such as bars and clubs, but what kind of woman would they find there? Probably not the quality of person Linc would need.

Brow furrowed as he contemplated this, Nic walked into his apartment, hung his keys up on the hook, put down his laptop case and went to greet his current flatmate. But his mouth stopped in its greeting at the sight before him. Lincoln. With no pants on. "Why are you... what... put pants on!" he shouted, covering his eyes.

Nic, are you ashamed to see another man's body? Are you that insecure? )

Jun. 28th, 2012


Tuesday June 9th 2009

Who: Nicanor and Lincoln
What: Linc comes back from the vampire den
Where: The front lawn of the school
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG

When people had started disappearing, Nicanor had assumed it was Linc's people. And he was furious about it. He had tried waiting for Linc by his room the day that the schoole discovered the problem, but Linc never came back to his room. He didn't come back that night, or the night after, or the night after. At first Nic thought that this meant Linc had left, that his crew had called him back and he was gone forever now, the hunt ended here. And Nicanor was furious. He plotted and planned all the ways he was going to bring pain to someone he thought was his friend, how he would track Linc down and make him hurt. And he carried that anger with him right up until he heard that the people who had disappeared had been chained in the basement of a sadistic vampire, and Lincoln had been one of them.

Waiting on the front lawn with a few others who needed to see their loved ones, Nic was chain smoking Marlboros and waiting for the van to pull up. He couldn't just let go of the seething fury he'd been holding onto for days, but at the same time he knew that it was directed at someone who wasn't guilty of anything. But that fact that Nic had assumed that he was, that Linc was capable of hurting these people, was enough to make the little lycan wonder if their friendship was worth really having.

When the van finally came, and people started climbing out covered in blood and scars and looking horrifically shaken, Nic tossed his cigarette butt to the ground, biting his inner lip nervously. Watching person after person filing out, his anxiousness grew and his mind became convinced that Linc was coming out in a body bag, that he hadn't made it, and it bothered him that this thought bothered him so much. He shouldn't care so much about someone like that. But the minute he saw Linc, bloodied and pale and looking meeker than he'd ever looked before, there was only one thing Nic could do. Running across the grass, Nic assaulted the other man in a tight hug, not even minding the reek of blood and death on him.

May. 7th, 2012


Tuesday May 12th 2009

Who: Nicanor and Lincoln
What: Going out drinking
Where: Downtown Danvers
When: Evening
Rating: TBD

There was so much confliction with this meeting that Nic didn't know what to feel about it. He remained very quiet as he got dressed and shaved his face, and checked his neck for any signs of scarring. There was none, but the older wounds, the faint lines of previous injury, were still there. The healers hadn't taken those away. This only brought more conflict into Nic's mind. Seeing those scars reminded him of what Linc really was, of how he truly felt about the supers. But in his heart, Nic felt differently. There was something about the other man that wasn't poisoned, that had been exposed and it was delicate, fragile. Almost innocent. It was that notion that wouldn't let Nic dismiss this so easily.

Clean shaven, smelling fresh and in clean clothes (save for the old, weather worn, incredibly beaten leather jacket), Nic came out to the parking lot to meet Linc. The man was standing by his truck, as promised, looking... Nic did not know what. "Hello," he said with a small, unsure smile.

Apr. 19th, 2012


Wednesday 6th May

Who: Lincoln and Nicanor
Where: The stables
When: Mid-late evening
What: Linc is dealing with the 'change'
Rating: TBC for poss violence

Lincoln had been outside when he suddenly felt his heart stop. It was alarming because a) he was still alive, and b) it hurt like fucking hell. Everything in him screamed for food, feral and instinctive. His teeth began to point. Every muscle in his body ached as it shut down and eventually Linc felt nothing. He didn't breathe in air... he couldn't hear the rush of blood through his veins but he could hear the slightest twig snap. With his vast amount of experience he knew instantly what he was but rather than loathe it at the moment he just had one question: how?

He'd been so careful to avoid getting bitten, he'd not gone anywhere to endanger himself. Unable to think straight for the hunger, Lincoln had fled to the barns and had stayed there for 24 hours.

The shakes had become worse and he now lay crouched and feral in the hay, comforted by the scent of the horses' blood but no less desiring to tear at their veins. He'd shooed them away, refusing to give in to such a disgusting instinct.

Feb. 2nd, 2012


Monday March 30th 2009

Who: Nic and Candi
What: Sniffing out a friend
Where: Hallway someplace
When: Morning
Rating: PG

It was a frustrating admission, but Nic was getting very good at hiding. He hated that he had to lay low here, but he knew that it was not yet safe to be out and about. He had to stay out of sight, especially since he knew that Linc and his men were nearby and they would not hesitate in putting a bullet in him. So for now, he was trapped inside, letting frustrations bew in his own head and keeping to himself. There were many people that he passed in the hallways, all smelling in one way or another, and none of them drew his attention... until today.

A beautiful, blonde woman swished past Nic is a haze of golden hair and sauntering hips and limber legs, her scent carried on the air as she passed. He breathed her in, pausing in surprise and then turning around to look at her. She was coyote. It was overpowered by a stronger scent, a vampire's scent, but it was there nonetheless. "Nahual," he breathed, jogging to catch up with her and touching her arm to garner her attention. "You are coyote, yes?" His accent was obvious, spanish. "Also I am as well. We are the same." He actually smiled, pleased by this discovery.
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Jan. 22nd, 2012


Wednesday March 25th 2009

Who: Linc and Nic
What: A meeting/Confrontation
Where: The cafeteria
When: Lunchtime
Rating: TBD

Now that his hip had healed some, Nicanor was making himself reacquainted with the campus. It had been months, but much of it looked the same, though he heard now that there was a new director in charge of the building. Even though it all looked the same, it didn't feel the same. There was a shift in the air, in the vibrance of the place. The students seemed to have lost some enthusiasm. He had also heard about the sickness, about the disease that had infected the school. Maybe that had destroyed a bit of the liveliness of this school. It was a shame, too, because Nicanor had liked the energy exuded.

But there was something else, too, that unsettled him. Not so much a something, but a someone. A man that he saw, that looked familiar to him. It was not a happy assosciation, either. Nicanor wasn't sure, but he thought that maybe this person was a person he had seen before while he had been on the run. The kind of person that hurt those Nicanor wanted to help. But he couldn't be sure, not until he could really get a look at him, get his scent. And the opportunity came in the cafeteria one day, when Nic saw the man coming his way, looking for a place to seat himself. He drew in a deep breath as the man passed, closing his eyes to try and remember. It had been dark, wet... a street in the rain. Running. Many of Nicanor's memories were like this, so it was not unusual, but then the man's eyes flashed in his mind, and Nic remembered. He wasn't a protester, like Nic and his friends, and he wasn't on a mission to bring about equality. He wasn't police force, or even special police force to try and supress the supernaturals. The man was a hunter.

Getting himself lunch, Nic scanned the room quickly to find the man, then limped his way over and sat beside him. He did not look over at the man, but instead grabbed a french fry and bit off the end. "I know what you are," he said quietly, his eyes remaining forward. "And I know why you are here."

Jan. 1st, 2012


Sunday March 15th 2009

Who: Hope and Nicanor
What: The nahual is back on campus
Where: Hope's office
When: Mid afternoon
Rating: PG

It had almost been too easy, getting onto the campus. It wasn't that Nic was afraid of someone knowing he was back. He did not want people to see the state he was in. He didn't want questions, he didn't want to have to explain it to security, or have the word of him spread through the school like a fire in a dry field. He just needed rest, and time to recouperate, and someone who would make him feel as though there was a reason to stay alive.

He had heard a couple talking in the city about their daughter, and her school, and the full moon that had been soon and hopefully she would be "recovered" for a visit. It did not take much for Nicanor to put the pieces together, nor did it take much to break into their car and hide himself away in the trunk of it. There would be some blood left behind, but if investigated, he was fairly certain it would analyze as animal blood, and the nice couple would not go to jail. At least, he very much hoped not.

From inside the grounds, he moved as stealthily as he could in the daylight, keeping to the tunnels and listening at doors before he moved through them. Hope's office wasn't very far, and she often left the door to it unlocked (probably because her mind was distracted with her own brilliance). Creeping into the dark office, Nicanor limped over to the desk, seating himself on the floor and leaning his back against it. Sighing heavily, his body going limp, he grimmaced from the sharp pain shooting from the gunshot wound in his hip, and hoped that he didn't bleed on nice Miss Hope's clean carpet.
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January 2013




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