Jun. 26th, 2012


Tuesday June 9th 2009

Who: Max and Rorie, then Mal and Garret (and a brief appearance by Sim)
What: The Rescue!
Where: Evil vampire's house
When: Midday
Rating: PG 13 for violence

Rorie had come home tired and went straight to bed. He’d slept all of Monday, not even noticing if Garret was around or not. There hadn’t been any noises, anyone tapping on him to check on him or just creeking on the door way as if they were leaning in to look at him. Nothing. Not that he really noticed anything right off the bat. Rorie was passed out and hadn’t moved except once to get up and go pee. Come Tuesday morning when he wasn’t as tired or sore, he shuffled around the house, foraging in the great fridge for something to eat when he finally noticed it was quiet. The kind of quiet that tells you no one’s in the house with you. Even Pete was silent in his corner of the room.

Read more... )

Feb. 22nd, 2012


Wednesday April 8th 2009

Who: Max and Myron
What: Chasing
Where: The grounds
When: Morning
Rating: PG
Status: In Progess

Myron had skipped his first class, because his alarm didn't go off and his next wasn't for a while. So, he decided to maybe go for a walk around the quad. There was nothing else to right then and he wanted to explore some more. Dressed in his warm gear, he didn't plan to do much exercise right then. Just some walking. It seemed that fate had different plans for him. He caught the scent on the slight breeze and froze. So far, he'd been able to avoid the hellhound teacher. But now he was apparently on the quad somewhere. Looking around and sniffing, he spotted a young boy not ten yards from him. He stared for a moment before his eyes went wide and their eyes met.

No one moved as Myron stared at the hellhound pup. Maybe if he didn't move, he wouldn't do anything to him. But hellhounds were dogs, not T-Rex's. So at the moment of a twitch in the air, Myron bolted, screaming.

Chasing couldn't happen if the guy was going to just lay there in the grass like a lump. )
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Feb. 17th, 2012


Friday April 10th 2009

Who: Wesley and Max
What: Healing
Where: The BGH
When: Late night
Rating: PG 13

Max had a clear head about him, even though he knew that he was in a lot of trouble. But he knew what he had to do. First, he needed to find the Sex Nurse. If he could do that, and quickly, then he would be okay. Maurice had given him a ride to the house, but Max insisted that he would be okay on his own from there. He didn't want Maurice getting too involved with his real life. They were just in business together, so their mutual trust only spread so far. Although after tonight, Max was pretty sure that he really liked his vampire friend.

Walking up to the front door, Max was covered in scratches and in blood, thankfully most of it not his. Not so thankfully, most of it belonged to the enormous rotweiler in his arms. The animal was scratched and bitten, muscle and tendon exposed beneath shredded skin, its breathing labored and uneven. As he got to the door, Max knew that the polite thing to do was to knock, but he was in too much of a hurry to be polite. So he let himself in, sniffing the air and looking for the healer. When he finally found the right room, Max twisted the doorknob and let himself in, grunting softly beneath the weight of the dog in his arms. "Sex Nurse," he said calmly, even though a part of him wanted to fly into a panic. "I need help. You have to fix him."
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Jan. 1st, 2012


Sunday March 15th 2009

Who: Max, Rorie, Mal and Garret
What: Max is hosting dinner
Where: His room
When: Sunday night
Rating: PG 13

Despite how small the room was, Max had managed to make it passable. He liked Malcoda's house better, because the house had space and a kitchen and cookware, but he needed to prove to the humans and the elder that he could be a useful part of the pack. He missed his room, and the house, but he couldn't stay there anymore. He was a grown hound now and Malcoda insisted that he act like a human child to fit into the world up here. Well, he wouldn't. He was more grown and more strong than Rorie and Garret and he would not be the lowest member of the pack. Rorie and Garret weren't even hounds, and they didn't have to prove themselves to be higher up. It wasn't right.

But he wanted to provide for his humans, at least until he could maybe get some of his own. He loved Rorie and Garret and because he was a stronger pack member, he needed to care for them. And maybe if he provided for Malcoda as nwell, one day he might even surpass as Alpha. That thought made him very pleased indeed.

The bed had been moved to the middle of the room, a board placed over the bedframe as a makeshift table and the mattress propped against the wall next to the closet. Silverware, plates and glasses were lined up for everyone at four places around the table, and four large throw pillows sat on the floor around in place of chairs. The heavy cotton sheet used for a tablecloth was a dark blue, which (in Max's mind) made it look quite smart. He was very pleased with himself, pleased even more with the spread of food lined up at his desk- a hearty pot roast with carrots and potatoes, four little cups of homemade applesauce, a bottle of red wine (because the internet said pot roast needed red wine, not white) and for dessert, carrot cake (sadly store bought). It wasn't as impressive as the things Malcoda made the humans, but maybe they would like it anyway. It smelled delicious at least.

Hearing footsteps coming down the hall, Max yipped in excitement, flattened down his hair and ran to the door, opening it just before Rorie's knuckles could knock. "Hey! Hey!" he barked excitedly. "I have food! It's done and good and you can eat it!" Grabbing Rorie by the hand, he tugged him inside, leaving Mal and Garret to follow.

Oct. 5th, 2011


Friday February 6th 2009

Who: Garret, Mal and Max
What: Getting sick
When: After 8pm
Where: Mal's campus flat
Rating: PG

Max had been insistant that he, Mal and Garret go back to the houses at the same time, despite being told many times that Garret was going to be working until very, very late and Max would be asleep by the time he was ready to go. But Max had insisted, and since Mal had an apartment on campus (and therefore could easily let the pup fall asleep and then just bring him home), the hounds were on campus for awhile into Garret's shift. And then of course, the road leaving campus had been closed because of the snow, so they were stuck here anyway. Which suited Garret fine- after all, he could come visit them while he was on his rounds, and do one of his favorite things in the entire world- steal kisses while on the clock.

It was a little past eight when Garret phased through the front door, a big grin on his face. "Hellooooo?" he called, looking around for his boys.

"GRIT!!" Max had been determined to stay awake since Garret and Mal had told him that he probably wouldn't. Of course he would! He was big, and strong, and he could do anything! Getting up from the couch and bolting to the door, Max threw his arms around Garret in a tight hug. "Grit! Hey! I'm still awake see, because I'm strong!" He hopped backward a few steps, arms swinging wildly, energy coursing through him. This was great! Grit was here, and Mal was here and... and... And suddenly his tummy felt funny. And his head. It was weird, like something he had never felt before. A chill ran through him, making him cold. And then he threw up all over the floor.

Jul. 17th, 2011


Friday December 26, 2008

Who: Mal and Max
When: Evening, past sundown
Where: Playground
What: Max yelled at Rorie and refused to come home so now it's Mal's turn.

How on earth did the hellhound get himself into these situations? He'd come back to Garret's house after spending time in his own place just to get his head together and found an irate Rorie yelling about curfews and disrespectful pups and how Mal needed to go out and fetch him home. Mal was half tempted to leave Max outside on his own for a bit. It wouldn't hurt the pup any. He knew the basics of hunting so food wouldn't be an issue. It wasn't like he'd freeze if he remembered to keep himself warm.  Max was perfectly capable of taking care of himself for at least a short amount of time. If he wanted to come home, he was more that able to do so. Rorie didn't take kindly to that suggestion.

Which meant Malakai was now running around, an hour past sundown, trying to find a pup who had probably hit puberty and was acting out. Lovely. He knew the pup wasn't on campus so he started to hunt him down, following the faint scent trail left behind. It took a bit, but he finally tracked Max to a playground just outside the center of Danvers. Wanting a bit of privacy -because scolding hellhounds was never quiet- Mal cast a silencing spell and a mirage charm, encompassing the whole of the empty play area. Now he could shift without worrying some human would see him and freak out. The only thing they'd see would be an empty playset.

It was easy enough to see the pup hiding underneath the slide, so Mal walked over, crouching down at the far end so he wouldn't crowd Max. Still, it was obvious he wasn't happy, if for no other reason than he had to find the pup like a training hound on a hunt. Embarrassing. "Well?"
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Jul. 1st, 2011


Thursday December 18th 2008

Who: Max [and Wesley via phone]
What: Wanting Grit
Where: Garret's apartment
When: Thursday afternoon
Rating: PG

Nobody had been around. Mal wasn't, Rrrie wasn't, Grit wasn't. Max had gone to the house and nobody was there, so he went to Rrrie's house and nobody was there, so he came back to the school to see if Grit was home. He wasn't. But oh, hadn't Max heard? Garret was in the hospital. He'd had a heart attack. This caused Max great distress. Grit's heart had attacked him? Why wasn't Malcoda there, keeping him safe from it? Maybe Max could go fight the heart. He was strong, and he had been taught to be sneaky, to kill. He could maybe do it. But he wanted his humans. Rrrie and Grit had been under a spell and Mal said he couldn't see them, and now they were gone and Grit was sick and all Max wanted was his humans!

So he did all he could think to do. He broke into Garret's apartment to try and figure out where they all were, what he could do. He was in a hospital. Well, Max could call a doctor and ask for Grit. He'd been told little kids couldn't go into hospitals, but if he made the doctor know that he needed to see his Grit, then the doctor would understand. Sniffing around, he found Garret's phone on the table next to the bed. Scrolling through the contacts, he found one that was very promising indeed- Sex Nurse. Nurses were in hospitals too! That was the person he needed to talk to.


Sniffling, wiping tears from his snotty face, Max put the phone in his pocket, looking around the place. It needed some picking up, and Max could do that. And he could order food too, put it in the fridge. Grit was counting on him, and he didn't want to disappoint. Straightening his shoulders, he set forth with new determination, grabbing clothing off the floor and starting to pick up the place.
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May. 24th, 2011


Monday December 1st 2008

Who: Garret, Malakai, Rorie and Max
What: Bringing the family together again
Where: Garret's campus apartment
When: Monday Evening

The texts had been sent, Max had been washed down (much to his dismay but Garret did not trust him burning dirt off himself and not burning the building down), and the apartment was almost clean. Mal had not exaggerated in his frustrations with Max, although a perk of the little pup was that he ate the leftovers Garret tended to leave on tables. Garret was nervous. He didn't know how this was going to go, if either of them would get angry, or feel deceived. If Rorie would be too afraid to want to stay. If Mal would feel ashamed and hide away. If Mal would even show up at all.

Pacing back and forth, Garret ran his hands through his hair again, waiting for Mal. Max was watching the pacing, head moving back and forth like he was at a tennis match, a perpetually perplexed look on his face. Malcoda was coming, wasn't that good? Unless Grit was nervous that the elder would try and take Max away again. But Grit had promised he wouldn't, so there was no need to be worried. And so he wasn't. And when he smelled Malcoda beyond the door, he actually felt excited. Scared, a little bit, but excited.

But he still hid behind the couch when Garret opened the door.

May. 23rd, 2011


Saturday November 29th 2008

Who: Max and Garret
What: Picking up a pup
Where: The local tire yard
When: Saturday Afternoon
Rating: PG 13

"I know you're here, little thing." Sitting himself on a large and tattered truck tire, Garret rested his elbows on his knees, looking into the dark pile of tires stacked high. He didn't know why Max was in the tire yard, the place reeked like burning rubber and sulfur and it was not a pleasant place to sit. But he had been here for the past two days, laying inside the methane flame being given off the burning pile. "Come on, Max. C'mere."

The pup had smelled Garret long before he'd arrived, but he hadn't moved. Maybe it was some coincidence that the human had shown up, maybe he was looking for one of the black round things here. But no, Garret was here for him, which probably meant Malcoda had sent him. Which meant he was going to have to go back to Hades. Well, he wouldn't. He would go someplace else where Malcoda wouldn't find him and he would get away from Garret because the human was weak and Max could outrun him. "No," he said defiantly.

This kid needed to come home now. )
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Apr. 23rd, 2011


Sunday November 16, 2008

Who: Garret and Rorie, then Mal and Max
What: Proposals and houses
Where: Rorie's house, his neighborhood, then Mal's place
When: Noonish

What's marriage? )
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Apr. 11th, 2011


Sunday November 9th 2008

Who: Garret and Max
What: Bonding or something
Where: The Outdoor Track
When: Early Morning (6am)
Rating: PG

After spending about nine hours waking up seemingly every 20 minutes, Garret had decided that he was done trying to sleep. There was no sleep to be had. He was thinking about Finn, and Rorie handling this all alone, about what had transpired and how he was glad that he didn't know the details but at the same time he felt he should. As much as he didn't like Finn, he did like Finn. Finn reminded him of himself, the kind of person that was easy to hate unless you could see beneath the cocky surface. Garret had seen it, much against his will. And now he was worried sick. Those O'Bannon brothers were going to give him an ulcer.

So strapping on his sneakers and zipping up his hoodie, Garret decided to run. Running cleared his head, got the blood flowing throughout his body, it relaxed him. He also decided that this could be a good time to do some of that "trying" in regards to Max. Kids woke up early, and it was likely that Max was already sniffing about and chewing on things while Malakai was still passed out or covering his head with a pillow and trying to ignore the madness going on around him.

Clearly, 'run' was another word Max knew. And also clearly, he was incapable of being stealthy. They seemed not to have come to that lesson in his training. )
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Apr. 3rd, 2011


Monday November 3rd 2008

Who: Garret, Malakai and Max
What: Spending time together
Where: Mal's apartment
When: Around seven
Rating: TBD

Just to be spiteful, Garret had eaten before coming over. It had only been an oatmeal raisin Clif bar, but it had been food nonetheless. He was full, and his stomach would not growl in hunger while he was with Mal, and that was the point. There was no limit to how spiteful and petty Garret could get just to prove a point. Not that Mal would care. Or probably even notice. At least, he would never let Garret know that he had noticed. No, he would just act like he usually did, indifferent to anyone's emotions around him, concerned only with his own little world. There were rare glimpses of the truth but for someone like Garret, who needed constant reassurance, it was infuriating.

And he was hoping to deliver some of that infuriation right back. That's why he had eaten, even though he knew Mal would make food for him. And also why he was wearing a torn pair of jeans and a simple tee shirt, as though indicating he hadn't given much thought to their hanging out tonight. (Also, wearing something he wasn't totally attached to would prevent something he did like from getting drooled on by Max.) Pausing a moment outside the door to run his hands down his hair, Garret pahsed through the door into the apartment, backing up immediately (and thumping his back against the door) as he almost walked right into a little kid sitting cross legged on the floor right in front of the door. "Hey!" Max declared, sitting totally naked but grinning happily. "Grit!"

Mar. 29th, 2011


Wednesday 5th November 08

Who: Cassie, Mal and Max
What: Visiting the sponsor and finding the surprise
Where: Mal's apartment
When: Wednesday evening.

Picking up her pillow, Cassie buried her head in the feathers and fabric and let out a muffled scream. This conversation with Jason about dating, not dating, what was going on.... it was just awkward and confusing. She needed a distraction. Luckily for her she had a date to annoy her sponsor instead though so taking her leave from the awkwardness, the demon logged off, grabbed her phone and set off for the staff apartments, texting Fox as she walked.

By the time she arrived at Mal's door she was no clearer about anything, but she was feeling lighter. Unfortunately for Mal this meant there was no way she was going to announce her arrival and give him prior warning, even if he had probably smelt her coming. No, instead she let herself into the apartment, without even thinking about the surprise and the fact Mal had mentioned a 'he' that might escape.

Mar. 25th, 2011


Sunday: November/2/08

Who: Cherry, Malakai, Max
When: Sunday evening
Where: Malakai's apartment
What: introductions and dinner

Cherry had bought the steaks the day before, but got a last minute text from Malakai telling her that Sunday would be better, so she held off on cooking the meat until now. As the beef soaked up heat and lost a bit of its color, she monitored it carefully, making sure two of the steaks stayed as rare as possible to please the puppies. She removed them from the heat when they met approval and quickly wrapped them in foil to hold in the heat. Cherry then let her own steak cook a bit longer so it was medium well, the way she preferred.

With the steaks cooked to perfection, she grabbed her keys and cell phone, then piled up the containers of food, including mashed potatoes, hot biscuits and even dessert: chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. It was a real feast, and fixing it had been therapeutic for the struggling empath. It gave her something constructive to do other than feel sorry for herself.

She hauled the meal over to Malakai's door and knocked with her foot. "Hands full!" she called out, "I can't open it!"

Mar. 18th, 2011


Who: Malakai, Garret, Rorie and Max
What: Meeting the newest addition to the family
When: 9pm
Where: Mal's apartment
Rating: PG Adorable!

It wasn't that Garret was nervous, per se. He wasn't nervous. But he was uneasy. He didn't like children, and he didn't like puppies, and right now Mal had a combination of both at his apartment. And judging from the way Mal had acted on the phone, this wasn't going to be a circumstance where the kid would only stay a little while. This was one of those "changes forever" kind of deals. Which was partly why Garret had brought Rorie. This was Rorie's life too, and he needed to meet the new addition. And also Rorie had really, really wanted to come. Holding onto the younger man's hand, Garret stood in front of Mal's apartment, debating if he should even bother knocking or not. No. If it were any other time he would have just phased through the door. So he turned the knob and came inside, squeezing Rorie's hand gently.

Hey! Hey! Hey! )

Mar. 12th, 2011


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Who: Malakai and a new face....Miroslav
When: Afternoon
Where: Boston
What: Mal's getting out of clean up duty and finds trouble

Don't wanna hang from there, don't wanna die... )
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January 2013




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