Nov. 27th, 2012


Wednesday November 6th 2019

Who: Rusty and Lula
What: What indeed. ^_^
Where: Rusty's room at the BGH
When: Evening
Rating: Probably NSFW

Lula was nervous for quite a few reasons. One, she had never been to Rusty's room before. They had always gone out places, for coffee or dancing or to see a band play somewhere local. Nothing this intimate. She had never been to the frat house because Rusty didn't like bringing her around for Brad's sake. Well tonight Brad could get stuffed because she was coming over and they was going to watch the movie she'd brought. Or maybe they wouldn't watch it at all. That made her nervous too. If things went the way she thought they were going to go, Rusty would get to see her a lot more exposed then she had been in a long time. And maybe he wouldn't like what he saw. Maybe she wouldn't. Pictures was one thing, but seeing things in the flesh, in person, was a lot harsher way to judge.

But she was bundled up in her coat, and she was standing on the front steps of the house, and after chewing her lip for a moment and then almost deciding to cancel, Lula rang the doorbell and waited for Rusty to come open the door. She liked him, really really liked him, so she was eager to get inside but also totally freaked out about it.
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Aug. 5th, 2012


Wednesday 11th September

Who: Rusty n Lula
Where: Smokin' Joe's Music Hall Bar.... I just made that up
When: Weds night at 8
What: Lula's being shown the local music bar

Despite Brad's warnings about his sister, Rusty was still taking Lula out because he'd made a promise and offered to do it. He wasn't a man to go back on his word. He was quite prepared that this would be showing her the ropes, a nice three hour evening, then go back to the Frat house to hang with his new best buddy. Brad was really cool and he didn't want to upset him, but he didn't want to upset Lula either.

Besides it'd be the last night he'd be able to go out for a while. Dude was getting a little edgy over the impending Full Moon so it'd be nice to bust out a song or two with some fellow musicians before heading home. Dressed in a checkered shirt as he waited by his truck, Rusty tapped out a rhythmn against the hood of it, humming "Bee Bop a Lula" under his breath.
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January 2013




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