Jan. 3rd, 2013


Friday November 29th 2019

Who: Lo and Noah
What: Going to a strip club!
Where: Danvers
When: Night
Rating: NSFW

Sooo... this was going to be awkward. Lo had promised Noah that they'd go out to the strip club for some girl time, but there was a problem with that. Namely, that Lo wasn't a girl anymore. He'd woken up this morning as his old self, and having seen the lady Noah in the hallways, his friend hadn't been so lucky. But he had promised Noah that they'd go out, and he'd promised that he would wear a skirt, so he was keeping that promise. In fact he had found the pinkest, frilliest skirt he could and had put it on, and was freezing his shapely ass off waiting in the parking lot for Noah to show up. If he was going to.

But when he looked for Lo he couldn't see him...all he did see was an attractive guy...in a pink skirt... )
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Dec. 15th, 2012


Monday November 18th 2019

Who: Lo and Noah
What: Boys going bra shopping
Where: A boutique in Danvers
When: Midday
Rating: TBD

When it had become apparent that whatever had happened- magic, Lo had to assume- wasn't going to get fixed in one day, he figured that he needed to buy a few essentials to survive in his new girl body. Which meant clothing that might actually fit, and underwear that wouldn't slide down his ass every step he took. Maybe even a bra or two.

After walking around the town until he found somewhere that looked pretty feminine, Lo stepped inside and took pause, looking around in mild intimidation. Well... that was certainly a lot of stuff. Women had clothing down to a science. There were lacy things splayed out on tables, things hanging up on racks, shelves, wall pegs, all over the place. There wasn't an inch in the place not displaying something feminine and cute. While trying to decide where to start (probably underwear), Lo spotted a seriously smoking girl who looked completely out of her element, which seemed strange because everything about her indicated that she should be right at home in this shop. This made Lo smile a little, and he walked over to the girl and tapped her shoulder.

"You're from the school, aren't you?" he asked with a tiny voice and a sweet smile. "I thought so, you look completely lost. I'm Lo. Need any help?"
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Nov. 30th, 2012


Monday November 4, 2019

Who: Li and Lo
What: Artist drawing
Where: Art room
When: Afternoon

Lo couldn't hold back a smirk as Li nearly burst into flames right there, embarrassment obvious on his face. )
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January 2013




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