Dec. 9th, 2011


Monday, March 2, 2009

Who: Rorie and Bastian
When: Evening, after dinner
Where: Cafeteria
What: An apology, an invitation
NOTE: This is a lazy-ass AIMscene.

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Aug. 8th, 2011


Monday January 5th

Who: Bastian and Estrella
When: Morning, after breakfast
Where: Outside the kitchens
What: Random run in with lost people!

Estrella knew she should have grabbed the map that came in her welcome packet before she had headed out of her dorm this morning, but she thought she had it covered. And now she was wandering around some dark, dank hallway trying to find her way BACK to her dorm room and she had no idea how to get there from here. As a bonus, there wasn't anyone around right now for her to ask. So she was just wandering, hoping to see something vaguely familiar to light her way or, at the very least, to bump into someone she could ask. She was just about to pull out her cellphone and call the main office when a nearby door opened and she managed to catch sight of the backside of a person as they started up the hallway quite a ways up from where she stood. "Hello!" She called out, taking off in the direction where she had seen the person emerge. "Hey, you there!"

Bastian had just finished up the breakfast shift and was about to take the two hours he had before he needed to be back into the kitchen as a break. )

January 2013




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