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May. 29th, 2014


Now my stomach is sick

Who: Faith and Frankie
Where: Their home
When: Early evening

Oh you had better have a really good reason for what you're doing right now or this is going to be a baaaaaaaaaad night. )

Feb. 16th, 2014


Should I stay or should I go?

Who: Desi and Frankie
Where: Sarah's Place
When: Dinner time

The staggering lack of balance felt around Desi had been the entire reason why she had gotten blackout drunk the night before. Of course that didn't help the balance of the universe, but it sure as hell helped Desi's - in putting her well beyond incapable to keep steady, as it happened. Hours later, however, once the hangover, following elation at her own magical powers and finally the company of family wore off, Desi was left with that nagging feeling again. And then, the distinct notion that she had no idea what to do about it.

Having the weekend off also meant that instead of having actual things to do, more often than not, Desi was left with her own thoughts (and Hatee's) to keep her company most of the day. Eventually, after having left Arwen's home Desi had gone to hers, showered and dressed properly (which meant, in fresh clothes she hadn't worn last night). Then, she had made her way to the school, where chaos and despair still reigned supreme. Times like these, she really could use your typical all-american burger and milkshake - with or without company. So once she was satisfied with her time spent at the high school, Desi made her way to Sarah's Place. When her time to order was almost here, she was still unsure whether to ask for it to go or not. Sure, it was sad to dine out all on your own, according to most people. For Desi it was a nice respite from all the people she dealt with daily - family included.

Jan. 31st, 2014


some people get weird about their pets

Who: Brendan and Frankie
Where: Frankie & Faith's house
When: Early Afternoon

wasn’t she supposed to be trying at manners? )

Jan. 12th, 2014


hand over the snacks and no one gets hurt

Who: Frankie and T.J.
When: Morning
Where: Local grocery store

Frankie was an adult, and if she really, truly tried, she could behave like one – she just didn’t want to )

Mar. 13th, 2013


even if this chemistry's catastrophe

Who: Faith and Frankie
When: Late Afternoon
Where:Their house

The overcast sky looming overhead made the day feel dark and dreary, which only added to the overwhelming feelings of boredom Frankie was facing. )

Oct. 29th, 2012


Maybe I'm a different breed

Who: Frankie and Logan
Where: an arcade in S.O.
When: afternoon

Maybe I'm not listening )

Aug. 12th, 2012


that honey badger ate my homework!

Who: Faith (and her class) and Frankie
When: Late Morning
Where: University of Michigan

As much fun as it was to play with Sonic, there was no way that Frankie could spend the rest of the day doing so.  )

Jul. 26th, 2012


and the bells will ring, and the children sing 'cause you're gonna be all mine

Who: Faith and Frankie
Where: Perth, the airport and later Frankie’s apartment
When: 2001
Warning: NSFW

Don't you see what we could be? )

Jun. 22nd, 2012


Don't look back 'cause I don't even want to

Who: Frankie and Joseph plus Bandit (NPC)
Where: The park
When: Around three

'You're showing off in the middle of the park.' )

May. 23rd, 2012


"You have a hedgehog?"

Who: Faith, Frankie and Marisa
When: Early evening
Where: Faith & Frankie's place

Cats weren't made for weather like this and that included were-cats. )

Apr. 1st, 2012


Just own the night

Who: Faith and Frankie
Where: Their home
When: Around 7:30 p.m.

Even brighter than the moon. )

Jan. 26th, 2012


The human world - it's a mess

Who: Charlene and Frankie
Where: Lenore's Bookstore & Cafe
When: Mid-afternoon

You dream about going up there, but that is a big mistake. )

Jan. 24th, 2012


If you wanna play it like a game well come on, come on let's play

Who: Faith, Frankie and a couple NPCs
Where: Perth, Australia
When: 2001
Warnings: Violence... seriously unresolved sexual tension

'cause I'd rather waste my life pretending than have to forget you for one whole minute. )

Dec. 31st, 2011


i won't stop until i find you

Who: Frankie and Faith
When: 11:37 and on
Where: Broadway Bridge, Ann Arbor and in the Huron River
Note: >.> Frankie's language, it's pretty spicy

Preternaturals For Peace, sounds kind of hokey if you ask me. )

Dec. 1st, 2011


never get between a girl and her snacks

Who: Frankie and OPEN
Where: Grocery Store
When: Morning

She slowly walked down the aisle, initially looking for Faith's treats, but the farther down she went, the more she was distracted by the snack food )

Nov. 17th, 2011


never been more excited or terrified

Who: Faith and Frankie
Where: Faith and Frankie's house
When: Early evening

she was here now and absolutely terrified there wouldn't be much of a warm welcome awaiting her )