June 2018



March 26th, 2018



I’m going away to the coast with my mother for a few days. Finally, time for a break.

Please consider this a first, last and only call for anyone who wants a tacky seaside souvenir. Let me know if you can’t live without something tasteless for your desk or something.

Catch up before I go?

[the public portion of this was set to DMLE, friends and family only after about half an hour.]



I am so offended?

You got: Fat, playful dragon
The fire you spit out, will, on a good day, light a Yankee Candle at most. But even though you are a shitty type of dragon, people with no interests in mythology love you 'cause you are pudgy and friendly-looking. You do fart fire farts, and that's pretty cool.

What if we went to Romania for a weekend?



Since Dedalus Diggle the neon pink sparkling moonbat has decided to accuse me of tapdancing naked as a snickerdoodle not once, but many times, I should simply like to say that my yesterday was spent peacefully in my studio. There I underwent the sacred duty of creation.

I plan to unveil my greatest work at Mr. Nott's dueling tournament. A work that will, I believe, define the our time and culture for the ages. I look forward to sharing it with you then.

In the meantime, I will continue to do masturbation in accordance with naptime cloud palace regulation. Problems can be directed to the herd of cute fluffy bunnies.

Wait what? Oh well.



Is everyone going to the dog show tonight? I hear there are going to be some ultra-rare three-headed crups! Neat!

I have a piece in the new art show the Society for the Preservation of Magical Heritage is putting on next weekend (it's called Tales of Terror: The Ugly Truth About So-Called ‘Muggle-borns’—exciting, isn't it?). There will be art for sale from all of your favourites, including a new sculpture by Morton Fawley. That's April 1st! 8pm! Be there or be square! :)

When are we going to have dinner together this week? I want to show off the new cake I discovered.

Would you like to see some of the designs I've sketched up for that mural for the baby?