The Communications


August 26th, 2020




Wanda & Billy Texts
au-mom checks in on au-son
references to the deaths during plot

Hey, how're you feeling now? )




Daphne & Ciri Texts
the biggest shock to come out of princess in a while
set after this log

ciri.exe has stopped working. please inform my grandmother i've actually taken leave of my senses and that the world is coming to an official end. )



Text to Thomas

>> so I put a bid in to direct one of the projects sent to you
>> denied. Honestly, I'm not shocked by it.
>> I'm doing some extra work for Alice.
>> You know I hate it.
>> Random thought at six am feeding for Emma.
>> Why don't we start a production company?



Direct Message to Hayley Marshall

Hello. You don't know me but I got your name from one of the extras on set when I was asking around for a new yoga instructor. They weren't sure if you took on private students for solo sessions but I thought I'd reach out and ask just in case. I'm Alice Liddell. I don't really have time to do actual classes which is why I'm hoping you'll be willing to take me on as a student.