The Communications


November 21st, 2014



[Texts to Buffy Summers]

>> So, I'm sure you're gonna be having dinner with your family next Thursday, but....
>> I was wondering if you'd wanna come over for dessert.
>> My parents are gonna be here, but I know we're gonna has more dessert than four people can handle.
>> If you can't come then that's fine.
>> We can always do something another time.




[Text to the Mikaelson Clan] )

[Text to Rebekah, only] )

[Text to Cami] )




[Text to Hiccup] )

[Text to Korra] )

[Text to Logan] )



[Voicemail for Ana Lucia]

(Voicemail) )



msg to Hank and Emma Frost

You're invited to our house for Thanksgiving, if you'd like. Rachel and Kitty are going to attempt to cook some turkeys.