The Communications


July 7th, 2013




private message to Shepard (trigger warning) )



Text to Rose Tyler

>> Rose I finally got out from behind a lockdown in the building.
>> Cell phones have been down.
>> Please say you're all right.




-- hey there, handsome



Text to Turin

ยป Where are you?!



[Voice message to Tony]

"You have anyone back at the lab that can, uh-" Gunfire, and cursing in Russian "lock down the nuclear arsenal. I trust Sydney, I'm not sure I trust the people she's talking to."

Voice Message to Hill and Coulson

"We could use some back-end help."



Voice Comm to Arthur Smith

"Ring a ding, buddy. You on the clock?"



[Text to Frodo]

(Backdated to 6/27)

>> I'm at Universal Studios with a friend
>> Please tell my family not to worry




-- Hey, you okay over there?
-- There's some pretty crazy stuff going on outside!



[Texts to Mickey Smith]

>> Hey, you're okay, right?
>> I mean you're in a safe place.
>> It's getting bad out there.



[locked message to Agency/Avengers/Normandy crew/X-people]

When this thing is dead, we need to destroy every shred of it we can find. The technology is too dangerous, and even a dead Reaper can still influence peoples' minds and brainwash them.

We absolutely have to avoid anyone getting a hold of pieces of this thing.

PM to Sydney

There's a man named Harold Heisen. He also goes by the name Harbinger. He runs a cult/church.

And he's a dreaming Reaper. He's probably going to see this as some proof of his visions. I highly recommend you have someone bring him in. But he's very dangerous, and his followers are fanatics.

I gave him all the chances I could. I should have put a bullet in his head.



Secure Transmission to Maria Hill

There blasts of energy and screams audible in the background, but at a distance.




To those that Shepard got in touch with

I've sent you some schematics on what we're dealing with. Our problem is that we don't have enough energy to punch through this thing's shields with a frontal attack. We need to find a way to overload it.



Text to Roy Harper

>> My dad said I could get
>> my own archery gear since
>> I'm really liking it and your
>> lessons are awesome.
>> Plus he saw in the news
>> about Vegas and said it's good
>> to be able to defend myself.

Voice Comm to Garrus Vakarian

"So I need your help locking down the U.S. arsenal of nuclear missiles."



Mass Text to Tonks, Remus, Regulus

>> You guys okay?
>> If you need someplace
>> to hide out during this
>> mess, come to my place.


[Text to Dana]

>> Hey, Dana
>> Just wanted to make sure you're alright.
>> Let me know, okay?
>> I'm worried and I miss you.
>> <3 (text not sent)

[Text to Jules]

>> Jules, how are you doing?
>> You making sure everyone's doing okay?
>> Hope you guys are being safe.
>> Maybe we can all go on a trip when I get back.

[Text to Holden]

>> Hey, man, how you holding up out there?
>> Do me a favor and make sure Dana's safe? (text not sent)