The Communications


July 6th, 2013




>>...What are the not solid little kid forms?
>>They've got creepy voices and sound like the little sisters from Bioshock?
>>Cause they're freaking me out and everything.
>>Are they a you guys thing?
>>It's like I can't think straight and I see them but my brain...won't let thoughts st....
>>(nonsense stream of words and letters)



Courier delivery to Sherlock Holmes

A severe Swiss gentleman in tactical gear left a harpoon gun and a thermos of tea in front of Holmes's door, knocked loudly twice, then left. The tea was really strong, and still very hot. The harpoon gun was brand new, and had all necessary accessories.



sent earlier this morning to Normandy Crew

>> Taking the Normandy on a shakedown cruise
>> I'm driving.



Frantic, panicked texting.

>> So.
>> That's the ex.
>> He moved across the country when I said
>> I wasn't ready for him to move in.
>> Fun times.
>> Have fun with Mavis.

>> Want to go to Napa with me?



[distress signal to Sydney Bristow, Scott Summers, Wrex, and Avengers]

"Reaper incoming, trajectory shows somewhere in Southern Nevada. Probably the largest population center. Lost contact with the Enterprise."

ETA: Txt message to Nate

>> Nate, what's your sitrep? Can you get some eyes on it from up there?

(ooc: assuming most of Shepard's crew joined her in her joyride. xD)





>> Large ship just took us out. Get somewhere safe


>> Enterprise is down.



Communication to the Avengers

>> I know you're all going to find this incredibly shocking on the day of my wedding but
>> Assemble.





>> Get us to the action. Everyone who has powers or combat experience. Give us five minutes to get ready. Can you give me a sitrep?

X-men + Gaz + Obi-wan + friends (you know who you are)

>> Be ready for a bodyslide into combat.




Messages to James T Kirk and the Crew of The Enterprise )

Telepathic message to Cora Mallory sent a few minutes later )



open message to Avengers, X-men, and general heroic types

What we're facing is the nightmare from my dream world. Their only reason to exist is to cause the extinction of technologically advanced organic life, and they have a particular dislike for humanity. There will be no mercy and no quarter. They will turn brother against brother, and they will turn the rest of us into raw material to build another Reaper.

We fight, or we die, there's no other option.



text to Navi Wisdom

>> Dear Petal
>> Going to go play with the x-people during zombiepocalypse.
>> Would you like to come along or stay at home?
>> You can shoot more things if you'd like?
>> As long as you keep our squash inside of you it should be perfectly fine.




[Text Messages for Jack Benjamin]
>> Are you all right?
>> I'm on my way home from my Dad's place and I saw scary monsters
>> I'm coming home

[Text Messages for Link]
>> Are you all right?
>> Can you come over?

[Text Messages to Navi]
>> Are you okay?
>> I saw scary monsters
>> This isn't the end, is it??



Message to Luisa

>> Going to Vegas to help save the world.
>> Please stay safe.



Texts: (SO NSFW in comments)


>>I've got to go. Just for now.
>>I'll be back and safe soon as I can
>>Can't run. Not now. But just to mop up and see if I can...
>>Whatever this is, there's something they did to Roy
>>I've got him to extract and then with any luck we'll both be back.
>>The guards outside know how to protect you, there's a saferoom in what used to be the wine cellar if you pull the door that looks like a closet for whites.
>>I love you. I WILL come back.

(After he's back in L.A County)


>>How do you feel about these zombie things
>>And Vegas?
>>Wanna go kill some?


>>Love you
>>Look, you're gonna need to stay at the ranch a little longer for this to boil over
>>Uh make sure you're away from windows, doors, somebody'll know what to do.
>>Stay this time but try to keep everybody calm.
>>You're my damage control.

Agency Members In The Know:

>>Anybody need a ride out to the action?
>>I can take...six to eight more
>>But it's gonna be fast.



>> Get over to my friend Lo's; we were there before.
>> Don't argue if you were going to. This is serious.


>> Guessing you're not going to Vegas.
>> If you need a place to go, come here. [address]
>> Bring the boy.


>> This looks bad.
>> Go help save the fucking world.
>> Kitty said she'd train me when this is all over.
>> And I will always, always love you.


>> Eli and me are coming over.
>> Maybe one or two others.
>> It's safer where you are, I'm sorry.
>> And you're, y'know, a big fuckoff demon.



[Text to all other Sailor Senshi]

>> Be on your guard.
>> If you can't hold your transformation for long, stay with someone who can.
>> I'm not losing any of you.

Text to Atton

>> Going to Vegas
>> Figured you would with Obi-wan.
>> If we make it through this?
>> Marry me?



[msg to Sydney]

The Avengers would like you to know that we frown upon the use of nuclear warheads and in no uncertain terms you'll have a very unhappy Tony Stark if the government decides to cut it's losses.

Not to mention a very displeased thunder god and former KGB operative.

Phone call to Jean Valjean

Ring ring