The Communications


January 18th, 2013



Text to Grantaire

(Again, this was sent in the really really early morning hours. )

>>Grand R.

>>You won't believe what we were doing in my dreams.



text message to Tonks

>> I'm sorry I've been so busy lately. Doing a lot of volunteer work.
>> Company is donating a lot to the hospitals for the quarantine.
>> But I want to hear EVERYTHING.

Text to Thor

>> They found my parents.
>> Well, my Uncle Jack used the words 'most of'
>> Enough for identification and a funeral.
>> So. . . yeah.



Post to Enj's Personal Blog: An Open Letter To My Audience

January 18th, 2013

Dear Readers-

I have appreciated the comments I have been receiving, and the debates that the newcomers who found me have engaged in, along with the new topics you have lead me to consider, and I think you for that. I do not apologize for or disclaim any of the beliefs I have put forth in the post of two days ago, and believe that they hold valid, even in our changing world.

What I do apologize for is letting these things get out of hand and the namecalling and baiting I engaged in as a result of some of the statements. The attitude that I displayed while replying to some of you, two comenters in particular with whom I was dismissive and rude, the result of which is my position was compromised, and much hope of these people understanding it.

I've been rude, sarcastic and abrasive and I've hurt the cause for which I stand in the process, and I am sorry for those things, and the way I made my piece clear.

I understand that many of you have your reasons for disagreement and that it IS up to myself and the others like me to have our beliefs heard and work to make these changes which we are striving towards. Understand that work is being done in this direction and my posts here, attempting to draw up support for these ideas, are one of the things I do. Therefore, I appreciate your arguments and counterpoints as I test the waters,so to speak, and I'd welcome further commentary and discussion in the future as you see fit to offer it.

I retract the name calling and the well poisoning , association fallacies and judgmental language of two days ago, and look forward to future debates and discussion here.






>> I'd like you to interview this Abby Maitland person. I think she can help us recover from this virus.


>> Can I take you out to dinner?



[Text Message to Peter Parker]

[While she's in the car with Draco]

>> Draco kidnapped me and is taking me home.
>> Thank God for twin brothers.



[Text to John Jones]

>> My roommate and my brother are... something...
>> Should I be nervous?
>> I'm kinda excited.



text; Thor

What would you say if I told you that I dreamed I was a man?




Text to Sam
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