The Communications


January 17th, 2013



[Text to Carol]

>> Before we got together, you didn't feel an unnatural repulsion to me, did you?
>> Or the exact opposite? Like you couldn't control yourself?

Text to Jefferson

>> Oh, Buster. You're wrong.
>> You have so much to live for.



Text to Marius:

(for full effect, this was sent at some ungodly insane middle of the night hour. Because it would be RUDE to barge into wherever he's sleeping and wake him up but texting is fine)

>>Guess what *I* just dreamed about?
>> ;)



Text to Leonard McCoy

>> Another inhaler?
>> Goddammit.




Texts to Pete Wisdom )



secured message to Bristow


To Sydney Bristow )

Text to Lulu

>>I have found your beau.
>>and there is a new medecine.
>>it will come up to you soon.
>>it may be what we seek.

Text to Big McIntosh

>> I'm going to jump out of a plane with Wade from the Internet, so I don't get arrested.
>> This progression of events makes perfect sense in my head.
>> If I die, please kick my Uncle Mike in the 'nads at my mom's funeral.



[Text to Cameron]

>> Do you believe in ghosts?
>> Like, do you think they're possible?



[Text to Faiza]

>> I'm back and I'm alright
>> Forgive me for not calling, but I just came out of surgery and apparently they put a tube down your throat
>> My voice is a little hoarse



[Text to Jim Kirk]

>> Danger, Will Robinson!


PM to people Graham knows (who are not also his flatmates): Bethany Hawke, Clint Barton, Emma Swan, Mary Margaret Blanchard, Oliver Queen, Roy Harper, Ruby Lucas, and Sansa Stark. )