The Communications


August 9th, 2012


Text to Emma Frost

>> Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!
>> (Um, we didn't need any of that thing you suggested.)




[PM to Charlie Pace]

What'd the drummer get on his IQ test?

[Delivered to Roy Harper]

A huge basket of chocolate without a note.

[Text to Tyrion]

>> Hid the tv remote in The Girl Cabinet in the bathroom. Don't tell Bronn, see how long it takes.




[Text to Steve Rogers]

>> On my way back, trying to help with some clean up.
>> How are Pepper & Betty?

[Text to Scott Summers]

>> How soon are you going to have a response team ready?
>> Not today. For future giant monster type issues.
>> This is speeding up, dude. Are you ready?



[Bulk Private Messages]

[To Kitty, Neena, Jean, Jubilee, Emma, Dani and Pete] [BCC to Wrex with names omitted]

We all know this is just the beginning. We don't have to be proactive, but we can be reactive. Stark can't stop things like the Hulk all by himself, even if more of the Avengers show up. Stark wants a response team. I want to give him one.

ETA: We can get some legitimacy. They're forming SHIELD. There are drawbacks to that we need to discuss.

[Private to Kitty]

What's this about Magik being around? Is there anyone else you haven't told me about? I know Rahne, but I'm not inclined to bring her in on anything at the moment.

Phone call to Coulson/Hill's desk.

It's chaos. People are running, and Steve is the only one trying to push through the doors and toward the giant green shape at the center of the mess. He has Hill's desk on speed-dial, thankfully, and he's had his iPhone long enough to know how to ask Siri to make the call.

Ring. Ring.




[Text to Nick Fury & Maria Hill]

>> Clean up should be quick.
>> Boss, we've got to get ready fast.

[Text to Pepper Potts]

>> Are you doing all right, Pepper?
>> I heard you were at ground zero.



[Txt to Obi]

>> That big green guy on the news?
>> Don't have a stupid. Please.



Phone call to Agent Coulson.

Immediately after hanging up with Steve, Hill speed-dials Coulson's number.

Ring, ring.

Morning Edition!

The Irvine Reporter )




[Text to Bruce Wayne]

>> I trust the situation is under control?
>> I'm on leave, but I could help in a civ capacity.

[Text to Maria Hill]

>> You all right?



[secure message to Caroline]

One must wonder how difficult it would be to get a sample of a green giant.

Perhaps he's skinned a green giant knee on a building. Hmm.




[All of these are sent later tonight, when Agent Hill presumably has a second to breathe.]

[Text to Steve]

>> You all right?

[Text to Stark]

>> I told you Good work today.

[PM to John Blake]

Are you I'm glad you weren't

Nothing sent.



[ Text to Moira MacTaggart ]

>> I hope you aren't dealing with gigantic green men issues.
>> Because I might have a medical emergency

Text to Bucky Barnes

>> Weird day.
>> Just wanted to check in, see how you are.