The Communications


June 17th, 2012




[Text to Tyrion]
>>You still stuck to the little bint?

Text message.

James Potter. )




[Texts to Robert Baratheon]
>> My daughter might be gay. I suppose it's better than Theon Greyjo I have no experience with this outside that one time we did Macbeth 30-odd years ago.
>> Either that or she's becoming a camera whore just like you I don't know how you deal with all this media attention, even if they publish papers that are about as reputable as The Sun. It's absurd.



[Text to Tony]

>> Knock knock.




[PM to Emma Frost]

You're a fucking bitch

I don't even know if that was really you

Who DOES that to someone

eighteen months in a black cell

I had a son and he feels real but he never existed

What kind of person are you?

[PM to Obi-wan]

I know you're not going to like this, but I need to know where more of those fights are being held.

[PM to Pete Wisdom that was never actually sent]

You were right about the fucking terminator



Text to Sirius Black

>> Okay, now Gryffindor means something.
>> You were there, and the hat, and the tables. Way to dream infect me.



Roy Does Father's Day!

It's time to honor male role models and shit! So, some cards get set around: Click the cuts to open them!

for wrex )

for clint )

And for Oliver! Which actually comes to his door via the classic game of Ding Dong Ditch
this says it all, really )



[Text to Michiru]

>> I... keep having the most vivid nightmare.
>> Does the name Galaxia mean anything to you?



E-mail to Romany

Dearest tart of a sister,

Hello, from the bedroom. From where I am angrily punching my fingertips onto a keyboard, because I'm hacked off at you and don't want to see your face ever again, you dirty occultist sibling stalker.

Because I can't be arsed to do it myself, I'm shirking this onto you. Please inform our smelly, insane father that I wish to extend him a 'happy' FUCK YOU day, and I hope that he lights himself on fire, since no one in their right bloody mind would piss on him to put the fire out.

Also, his housing bill's been pre-paid for the month.

Oh, and I want eggs and bangers and toast soldiers, because you've inconvenienced me.

Absolutely NO love,


P.S. - Get off Thurman's couch and go home.



Presents from Disneyland!

Varric )

For Carver )

For Carver's twin sister )

For Hawke )