The Communications


June 16th, 2012


Phone message for Annie

He's already too late, though he hasn't realized it yet.

"Annie? It's Finnick. Hey, you might not want to look at Valarnet tonight. Just give it a couple hours and don't click the scrollback. I'll be home in twenty minutes. I hit up Redbox, I hope you're ready for comedy gold."




>> So what are you wearing?
>> Do you have any fancy wear?



[ Email to one Mr. Wisdom ]

I hope that I have gotten the correct email address.

Attached is the photo of me you were requesting.

[attached image] )



[Txt to Garrus]

>> I think I found the place.
>> [Image: A nice house]
>> Easily defensible positions, a nice yard, and two houses for sale next to each other.

Private Message: Phil Coulson

Subject: Advice. )




Text to Tony
>>A 'melee brawl with a group of deviants'?

Texts to Shepard and Garrus
>>I did it.
>>I got it working.



Via Post

Package to Sansa Stark. )



Delivery for Steve Rogers

The note says: "You know, for winter. Just thinking of your health, man."




[Text to Brandon Sullivan]
Can you drive me to LAX? I'd drive myself but I don't want to leave my car there since I don't know when I'll be back.