MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'yuuki+kuran'

Feb. 29th, 2016



DAY 365 — Anniversary Festival Mingle

Happy Day 365, Marina Nova!

Hear ye, hear ye! Inmates, prisoners, fellow underwater dwellers! Lend me your ears and hands and actually just bring all of you because we're having a ye olde Renaissance Faire to celebrate a full year in this bubble under the sea!

The dome has of course been decked out appropriately. Flickering torches light the pathways, interspersed with larger bonfires that you can cosy up to with that special someone - or perhaps just a glass of honey mead. Pennant banners hang across the gates and along the buildings, sporting the proud coat of arms of the prison (a lot of purple and octopi, for some reason) and many of the clothing stores offer time-appropriate options for those of you who still knows how to have fun. The kiosk has even been re-imagined into a castle.

Many areas within the dome has activities to partake in and, if you're skilled or lucky or both, prizes to win!

Let the celebrations begin! Fanfare! )


Feb. 26th, 2016



[364] video / action

Oh, okay... I think I'm doing this right. [Shaky camera steadies on pink frills in a pink room, something recently claimed and immediately personalized. The walls aren't quite the right shade but she'll fix that in time, but in the meanwhile she's decked out the bedroom in fuzzy throw pillows and shag carpet, butterfly posters and pretty much every furnishing that's spent time in the bedroom of a strongly feminine 90s kid.

Plot goes Jezebel on the bed, flat out on her stomach with her legs kicking back behind her. The framing of the lens hides her horns from view, cropping them out in lieu of long red curls that bob around when she tilts her head.]
Hi! I'm Jezebel.

I just spent like, forever getting settled here but this is the first time I've ever been able to make friends. So I was wondering if anyone wanted to talk! My dad used to be super protective and I pretty much never got to leave the house so... I've got a lot of things to catch up on. Like ice cream, Nyteblayde, swimming, popsicles... [She's counting on her fingers as she goes along] kittens, puppies, cars with doors, grass and trees - but I saw a couple of those - and pretty much every kind of food I can imagine. And that's just to start.

I'm going to go out later and look around again. I want to know everything I've missed out on. But - geez, is it always this cold? [Asks the girl from Hell, who's used to scorching temperatures. Literally.]

[Action; The Blood Shack]

[Okay so it might've been more up her alley to go have fun trying karaoke for the first time but she's here instead. Maybe on a subconscious level it feels more like home, the metallic scent of blood tinging the air and the over all feel of the place. She wanders around before ordering herself a drink - starting with a bubbly soda but with the intention of trying other drinks as she goes along. Don't think she'll be startled by a taste of alcohol though, she is... Satan's daughter after all.

She can also be found on the way to or from the Shack, perhaps a little more giddy on the return trip.]

Feb. 15th, 2016



Day 363 | Open

[Action + Video]

This again...

[With a frown Yuuki can't believe that once more she is sporting not only the dome's most fashionable anklet, complete with built in hunter technology, perfect for suppressing vampire abilities! But even worse she's somehow in the orange jumpsuit once more. Not only that, but she woke up upon the ground in the center of the butterfly pavilion. It's not that she hasn't napped in public before. But she'd definitely remember changing into orange comfortable clothes to do.

Not to mention...her head feels somehow- foggy. She's not really sure how else to put it. What had she been doing before now? Marina is as familiar as ever, but something feels off. Which can only mean one thing, right? At the very least she remembers how to use their communication device. All at once she flickers up onto the screen on the network. With a sandwich from The Bistro in hand (she was hungry and thought it might help clear her head) she gives a small wave.]

So... does someone want to tell me what my punishment is this time? I distinctly remember putting on a performance not all that long ago and that should have been the end of that. I mean- it wasn't that bad. Right? [Don't answer if you thought the concert was.]

Somehow I feel really disorientated.

[Although if she's back in an orange jumpsuit... had she left? But on all those other occasions she had supposedly disappeared she hadn't been forced back into prison gear. Just what's going on now?]

Zero...? And Yuuri-kun, too. Anyone really. What's going on? [The fact that she got a welcome message again... she hadn't disappeared again, had she? And if so... how long has she been away for?]

Aug. 6th, 2014



4th wall/Video/Action

[The communicator flips on to a face that might be quite familiar to a number of inmates. Zero is standing alone in the middle of the stables in sector one. A frown on his face, he looks both annoyed and confused as he stares at the orange jumpsuit he's wearing. It feels to him like it's only been about five minutes.]

I don't really remember leaving this place.

[He scowls, turning his attention back to the communicator.]

I'm not quite sure how long I've been gone, but I'd much prefer my own clothing over this--thing.

[But most importantly.]

Yuuki, Yuuri, Hikaru? I hope you didn't give my room away in my absence.

[ooc:Marina memories]

Aug. 4th, 2014



4th Wall | Video | Action

[ One long haired vampire princess appears on screen, dark sorrel gaze trained on the screen, fangs clear as she stands in the middle of one of the parks. It's obvious she's furious, and she's marching across the dome toward the kiosk, electricity cracking all around her as she moves. ]

You do not separate a mother from her child!


Delusional, petty, stupidly programmed... Are you listening to me you creepy pieces of junk!? I'm going to cook your systems and have a barbecue if you don't set things right this instant!

Jan. 28th, 2014



[Day 256] [Closed Defense Force Interview]

[It's a good day for interviews. Less chance of kissing the potentials.

Kitty gathers with Reid, the profiler, and Yuuki, the vampire of many abilities including reading emotions. There's a little room in the headquarters that works well for this kind of thing and Deanna should be arriving anytime now. Someone inside will direct her back.

For now Kitty is sitting on the table because chairs are overrated, but there are several sitting around the table. It's something of a conference room.]

Jan. 14th, 2014



day 254, action or audio

[Nathan is a smart boy. He’s quick to catch on and even quicker to realize that being a prisoner in a giant underwater bubble with disembodied overseers is a lot more exciting than being a prisoner in a psychiatric facility. Being crazy—and Nathan has never had greater faith in his lack of sanity than when he woke up under the sea in an orange jumpsuit—adds slightly more excitement to the equation than he might like, but he’s willing to test this new prison before getting homesick.

He sets aside some time to get acquainted with the rules, the map, and the remarkably urban prison before trying to send any messages, sulking aimlessly about Sector 0 and into Sector 1. Nathan doesn’t mean to sulk, honestly. The fifteen year-old is no broodier or more morose here than he was at home, but the teenager finds it hard to shed a sulking air. The habitually-hunched shoulders, sickly pallor, and inability to maintain eye contact do nothing to help him in this regard.

His attention inevitably turns to the headset. It seems simple enough to operate, and he has nothing to lose by trying to call someone. He is, after all, probably experiencing some kind of weird dream or hallucination. What’s the worst that could happen if he moves that little button to “voice”?]

Hello? [His voice is smaller and more hesitant than he would like it to be. Some of that hesitance is related to how stupid he feels. Who designed these headsets? He probably looks like he’s talking to himself, and he’s not that kind of crazy.] Can anyone hear me?

I don’t know who I’m calling, so if you can hear this, just… call back, I guess. [The teenager fumbles for a slightly less awkward sentence to hang up with.] …Thanks. Bye.

[Or awkward is good, too.]

Jan. 13th, 2014



day 254 | action;

A long time had passed since Deanna had felt the distinct lack of her empathic powers. She had only felt this sort of emptiness once in her life before today and it was no better now than it had been then. Last time, she had thought she would forever be without them and felt as though she had lost a limb, but she was hopeful that this time she could figure out what had caused her to lose them in an effort to get them back. At least she had experience in dealing with this feeling. Not that this would help her much, but it was a start. It was better than nothing.

Unsure where she was or how she had gotten here, and feeling as lost and alone as she had ever felt in her life, Deanna wandered around the area. She passed what looked like a park of some sort, a library, and something that looked like a residential building. That seemed a little more permanent than she had been hoping for. She'd listened to the welcome message, but it definitely hadn't seemed like something the Federation would condone, which meant that she had been kidnapped somehow. That wasn't a good thing for many reasons and she didn't like to think of what Captain Picard might do when he found out, let alone Will Riker. It was inevitable that one of them would and she doubted either would take it well.

Still, being here was an opportunity to learn about a new location and Deanna intended to do as much information-gathering as she could despite the situation she had recently been exposed to and the one she was in now. What she really needed was a way to contact Starfleet, if not Captain Picard himself. She had found something that seemed like a communicator, but without having someone she trusted verify it, she was hesitant to use it. Whatever the case, she much preferred to make contact on her own terms and that included being in possession of her empathic abilities. So for now she kept searching the area. It wouldn't do her any good to stay in one place.

[ ooc: deanna can be found anywhere in the dome today, but she starts out in sector 2. ]

Jan. 10th, 2014



[video/action] 253 - & devil's compass mingle

[The Devil's Compass is no longer littered with candles, save perhaps a few on the bar that add a little something to the dim lighting that recreates the old-world style of tavern the place is modeled after. It's actually quite clean otherwise, with Tyki lounging in one of the booths with a bent knee up on the seat and the camera looking at him sitting there with a cigarette drooping out of the corner of his mouth.]

If you haven't been to the Devil's Compass yet for the drink or my company, I'll give you two further incentives.

[Sidelong he reaches to crush out the cigarette, a plume of smoke coiling upward.]

One, there's fresh pie thanks to the lovely Charlotte.

[His eyes flick up to the camera with a dangerous glint while his lips curl.] Second, this week we've also got a barmaid. She doesn't bite but she might scratch.

[And so Tyki's bar is open as always but with a mingle! And for the next week Kitty Pryde (the elder) will be roped into being the Compass' barmaid due to a bet gone wrong. Tyki will be exceptionally cheerful about this, more often behind the bar than usual (which in itself is fairly often) at least while she's on the job. This means he'll be rather friendly and talkative. Best time to meet him, really. He'll have a thread right here.]

Jan. 2nd, 2014



252 // open video+action//noon

[ The weight of a revolver against his hip brings with it a sense of familiarity. Of security, memories of the shooting range with Hotch looking over his shoulder with great disapproval. That was many years ago now and although his aim could be better, he can at least hit what he intends to hit these days. It's a security measure he should've taken a long time ago, but didn't.

Now that he has, it brings authority and confidence to his voice despite being off-camera. Someone's sick of this shit. ]

I hope everyone's had a chance to recover from, uhm. The recent events.

Anyway... I'm Spencer Reid and for those of you that don't know, I'm the temporary leader of the Investigative branch of the Defense Force. We're currently looking into the incident that occurred a few days ago and would be very grateful for any information any of you could give us about what happened. Any little thing could be helpful, so even if you dont think you saw anything special we'd still like to talk to you. Eye witness accounts are good but in lieu of that we'll take any reports on what happened and how you perceived the event.

You can come down to the Defense Force HQ and talk to me or any of the other members of the Investigative Team. If you'd rather do it somewhere private, let me know and I'll arrange a meeting elsewhere.

Thank you.

Oh, and as a general reminder... the Defense Force is here to help you. To protect you, but in order to do so we need to know when something happens. We're only human. We can't stop fellow inmates from harassing you if you don't report it to us first.

[ With that he cuts the feed and settles in by his desk. He'll be reachable there and through the communicator until late afternoon when the Criminology class starts (which I'll totally post tomorrow) ]

Dec. 27th, 2013



Day 251 | Video | Open

So did we know there were things like that in here, or was it a lovely surprise for everyone else, too? Because frankly I'm not entirely reassured by the promise that they've been contained.

[Private to Jack Harkness]

Are you alright?

Dec. 18th, 2013



250 // closed audio // open action

[ Closed audio to: Rebecca Crane, Penelope Garcia, Sam Winchester, Alex Karev, Piter de Vries, Yuuki Kuran, Korra, Artemis Crock. ]

[ It's not the darkness that scares him, but the inherent absence of light. Perfectly normal, rational fear that makes it absolutely okay for his heart beat as rapidly as it is, fingers trembling from the effort to keep goddamn calm because he is past this. It's fine. Just checking in. Everything is going to be just fine. ]

Please tell me you're okay.


[ FBI agents aren't ones to sit at home and cower and soon as Reid has made sure that the people he cares about are safe and well, he makes a valiant effort to at least get himself to the Defence Force HQ where he can at least be of use. Armed with nothing but a flashlight and the reflexes of a life-long bully victim he braves the dark and the raptors, keeping close to the buildings so he can slip inside should the bloody reptiles come too close.

Of course, that won't help much if he finds himself in a fear zone... ]

Dec. 17th, 2013



250 - Fear Itself Mingle

[ Today is a day where most would be at risk of oversleeping.The dome lies dark like in the dead of night. The sun hasn’t risen today, streetlights casting a dull yellow glow and occasionally flickering out into nothing, only to spark back to life a moment later. There is no electric flicker from the kiosk. The Wardens are still. The wardens are silent.

The dome isn’t silent. There is a rustling of leaves, a snapping of twigs. Claws, scraping against concrete. The inhuman screech of an animal in peril, an animal hunting, an animal hunted. A screech that promises sharp claws and sharper teeth and blood.

The dome isn’t still either. There is something moving, thick as a shadow, tangible as a chill down your spine. Something that doesn’t belong here, something that snuck in when no one was looking. A boogeyman under the bed. A ghost in the closet. A will o’ the wisp, blinking in and out of existence under the flickering streetlights. Whatever it is it’s moving, leaving a trail of cold, dead fear wherever it passes. Something dark. A shadow so pitch black that it blots out the very lights in your heart, dragging your fears out screaming and kicking, reducing even the strongest, toughest man to a blubbering baby.

Perhaps best to stay in bed today, Marina. ]

((OOC: Event information HERE. We ask the winners of the raffle to fill out a simple survey and then tag into the Vapor thread HERE! Happy mingling, Marinanites! ))

Dec. 14th, 2013



[249] Video

Anyone keep their pictures?

[The feed coming on, Yuuki is sitting at the DF headquarters, and from the view it's clear she's flipping through a scrap book. She's made it herself and decorated it all up. After her past year at home she's gotten used to scrapbooking, so while she's no artist, she can patch things together to look cute. There isn't really any reason for her addressing the network, other than being a little bored and curious.]

Some of the pictures really, genuinely bothered me, but over all there's some I want to hold onto. I'm kind of irritated though. I had to spend a number of rehab points on getting a picture before, and suddenly all of these turn up. The wardens really are unfair.


Anyway, I have an important message! Attention anyone on Team Zero! [She means anyone who works under her in Sector Zero. Sitting up straight she'll be 'professional' for this!] Meet me at headquarters at [TIME]! Hot chocolate and snacks will be provided. And don't worry, I've left our sector with a babysitter, so it'll be all right while we're gone. Probably.

[Look what a responsible leader she is]

It's super important so try not to be late, okay?

[OOC: Backdated to a little earlier in the day]

Dec. 8th, 2013



Day 248 - Closed Action - Roommate Welcoming Party

[Yuuri helped Aradia move some of her things over to her new room—Hikaru's old room. Of course the bots had cleaned it out when he left. They are creepily efficient about that kind of thing.

So, nothing left to do now, but party, right? That's what you do when you invite a troll girl to take over your former roommate's room without telling your two vampire roommates about it until it's in progress. At least there are streamers? Can't have a good party without some streamers hanging around the kitchen/dining room area. Balloons too. And there's a deli tray and some cupcakes and alcohol. Were the paper hats too far?]

I guess we could play a game or something? So we get to know each other better? Everyone say... [this is him thinking] three things you'd want on a deserted island and one person you'd want with you.

(OOC: I'm thinking we have a game thread that comes from this post with everyone tagging in kind of randomly so we don't get too hung up with trying to do a 4-person thread in order. And then otherwise tag yourself into the apartment and make it kind of like a mingle?)

Nov. 29th, 2013



247 // Criminology Class // open to all!

[ It’s the tenth criminology class. That deserves something a little different and Reid has been wondering for a while about whether or not he’s gone about this the right way. These people aren’t law enforcement and even if they are, their worlds are so different. He’s been making it up as he goes along so far, but maybe… maybe it would be a good idea to go back to the basics.

So that’s what he’ll be doing. ]

Good afternoon. [ A small smile and some awkward shifting. ] We’re going to do something different today… I thought it would be a good idea to go back to some basic psychology. It’s a necessary requirement to understand why people do what they do, whether it’s due to biological, environmental or societal causes.

There will be handouts at the front of the classroom for those that want them. We’ve also copied up some for the previous classes… at least the ones I held. You can pick them up at the end of the lecture. And for any new participants… please remember that whatever I say in a lecture may not apply to your world. I can only draw experience and knowledge from the research that has been done back home, so… your mileage may vary.

Alright! Let’s begin!

In today's lecture… Neuropsychology: The Functions of the Human Brain. cw: brains and teal deers.  )

(( The Criminology Class is held in an open lecture format, meaning that there's no ic signup process involved! Feel free to mingle at your leisure — email notifs are off but Reid has a thread HERE if you wish to hit him up. For more information about the setup and purpose of the class, go HERE. The attached links are a full account of the entire lecture so feel free to use them as topics of discussion! ))

Nov. 25th, 2013



Day 247 - Sector 0 - Picture Day!

[There are multiple peg boards set up in Sector 0 today—some tall, some short, some on wheels, some long, some magenta with glitter! But what do they all have in common? They are covered in pictures with familiar faces.

Maybe the face is many years younger and surrounded by family or maybe it's a shot taken in Marina (version 1 or 2!). Maybe it was a time when no cameras were present and yet here is the evidence of that moment in all it's candid glory.

You could have grabbed that really embarrassing or incriminating one and thought you were safe only to find out there were three duplicates! Sweet, horrific, sad, casual, posed, past, or present—the wardens are good at variety, so enjoy!]

(OOC: Plotting post for sharing pictures people might find on the boards.)

Nov. 19th, 2013



Day 246 - Action/Closed - DF Interview

[Kitty stands near Reid, tempted to keep a hold on him for emergency phasing, but she doesn't. She wasn't sure it was a good idea to do this in their usual interviewing room at the Defense Force headquarters, but nothing else sounded better, so this is where she directed the interview team and their newest...hopeful.

Krieg should be there any minute now and his ankle normalizer would be off. He still wouldn't have his "flesh rippers" at least, but she didn't know much about him except that he was hard to communicate with, unstable and seeking purpose. She has kind of a soft spot there.]

Nov. 13th, 2013




[The video function flips on to display someone who doesn't make announcements very often. He's sitting on the floor of a nearly empty room as a small brown ferret explores the only remaining item in the room. A collection of colorful plastic piping that connected to Zero's own room and around their apartment. Zero had built and designed it as a holiday gift for Hikaru recently.]

For anyone who has been friends with Hikaru Hitachiin. He has apparently left the facility.

[The amount of loss that Zero has experienced in his short life has given him the ability to appear completely calm and composed in situations where he was feeling the complete opposite. Devastated and torn up inside at this loss--Zero didn't make friends easily. Both Kaoru and Hikaru Hitachiin had noted and understood something about Zero that most others could never understand which made them grab ahold of him and refused to let go.

For the short time Ichiru had been in the facility, the four of them had developed a bond that he'd honestly never experienced in a friendship before. And then suddenly it was just Hikaru and Zero left. Zero provided the kindness and support that Hikaru missed from Kaoru while Hikaru forced Zero to not take life so seriously in the way that Ichiru wanted him.]

...just out of curiosity. How many twins are there here in the facility now? You don't have to have your other half here. I'm just wondering if there are many.

Nov. 12th, 2013




[Sougo wants to pretend that yesterday never happened. It was just... weird. And people witnessed him in that odd super great mood he was in. And him being chipper. And cheerful. And throwing his arms up in the air with excitement. He does not approve of this at all. At all.

He is lying in bed confused, but keeping on more of a "sadist face" instead.]

I can't be the only one who ate too much cake. Can you get drunk off of cake? I think that actually happened. I only black out the way I did when I'm drunk. Unless yesterday didn't happen at all. I can't be the only one who thought it felt like a dream. Right?

[He knows it was real, but he's hoping he was wrong, so so wrong!]

[Closed to Lacus and Aidan!]

[He then turns the video off, rolls over and groans in his bed. Okay, okay, maybe he'll get up... very slowly. Therefore he of course has to shout!]

Oi! I need reassurance! Tell me I don't have a cake problem. I can't live this life if I have a cake problem.