MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Jun. 20th, 2017



Day 433


Right, so yesterday's pictures; you probably know about as much as I do. Laurel, Ray, I wouldn't say no to a couple of those being explained. You know, like the one where I'm dead. Totally want an explanation on that one.

On a positive note at least two of them are getting framed. Not. That. Any of you were actually interested in any of that.

Two. The whole tech thing in the museum is a serious waste of time. It's all archaic. I don't know why they insist on the whole extensively outdated crap they keep putting in here, but it's not really worth going unless you're going to cannibalize it all for parts.

Action )

Jun. 19th, 2017




Shadow had a bit of a rough one yesterday after he found his pictures. Perhaps not as bad as some, but he felt numb. Still, that's no excuse to bum around all day, so hes sitting at a picnic table outside, near by his apartment complex, drawing with colored pencils. Drawing robot lions and superheroes mostly.

Though there is a guy with an eyepatch and a blue trenchcoat too. Still it's just busy work, he doesn't see himself as some great artist, nor does he want to be. He's just doing it to pass the time.



Day 433 - Arrival OTA

If you believe this place can hold me then you underestimate my abilities. I will not be kept captive. There are people who require my help.



DAY 433 — Morning Greeting

Good morning residents.

I hope you enjoyed the photo exhibit yesterday. If it was to your liking, we may be persuaded to do it again sometime, resources permitting.

For today, I've arranged an exhibit in the museum for you. I've come to understand that some of you are longing for more familiar technology- [ By pretending to understand hers. ] -and so for this day only, you'll be able to find a variety of machines, gadgets and inventions from Earth time past.


[ We end this message with a jaunty tune. ]

((The Museum is full of old technology and by old I mean nothing that was made after 1980. Have fun. ))

Jun. 17th, 2017



Day 432 | Action - Open to join them.

Life here is still weird for Laurel, but it was better than her being dead. She had wanted to try everything, but only being here fer days, she was taking her time on things to pick. Laurel had picked the shooting range after her emotional break down from since the pictures. It would be a slice of normalcy from home since she still went range off and on through out the year. It's why she at least own three guns back home, back when she was alive.

Before she check out the guns and ammo, she just wanted to check out the range first. She grab a part of headphones and slid them on, opening the door to step out on the range. She walked down a few lanes, paused to look at the targets to see what they were like, that's when she noticed an arrow, a nerf arrow fly by. She cocked her head to the side, than stepped back to see who was practicing. She took a few steps toward the stall the person was, but as soon as she saw him, her heart stopped.

There was Oliver Queen, the love of her life, and she stood there, watching him for a moment. She wasn't even sure what to say to him, she had said so much the last time she saw him, and he doesn't recall a word of it. After another arrow flew, Laurel finally spoke up, "Ollie!"

DAY 432 Arrival OTA

Well not what I expected the afterlife to look like.



Day 432 | Action

[There were certain things that occurred in Marina that Lyle despised more than anything else. One of these included picture day. He ALWAYS received a picture of Anew and it was too much for him to take each time.

So this time he wasn't even bothering with it. He wasn't going to look. He was going to avoid all places where they might be posted. So done with what stuff he had for the school, he headed to the shooting range just by the athletic center.

The set up for the shooting range was top notch, but the projectiles allowed were terrible. Still he always picked the best analog that functioned the closest to real bullets. Non-lethal of course, but they'd definitely leave a mark if someone got between the gun and the target.

Armed with a sniper rifle, he knelt across from one of the furthest targets, looking down the scope at it. Why did this make him feel better? Who knew. It just did and he was rather happy with this fact before he pulled the trigger, sending the projectile flying. A little off of center. He kept forgetting to accommodate for how wild this projectiles went.

He sighed, looking down at the paper he brought with him, trying to keep track of his aim was doing]

Jun. 15th, 2017



Day 432 - Video - Private to Keith, Pidge, and Lance

[Shiro is so amused by this, he has to share. So he contacts the other three paladins. Hopefully, they will find this amusing as well]

Hey. Remember when we thought of this idea?

[Then he turns the video feed so he can show them the photo. Ah, how they have grown since then]

Jun. 14th, 2017


DAY 432 Arrival OTA

I suppose I should thank someone for getting me out of there, but trading being trapped in one place for being trapped in another wasn't the plan.

DAY 432 Arrival OTA

Well certainly not where I expected to end up, but I suppose it could have been worse. Angel Cakes you here? Anyone?

Jun. 13th, 2017



432 - The One With The Photographs Mingle


(OOC: Event Info)

Jun. 12th, 2017



DAY 432 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Welcome to day 432. It seems you had a nice celebration yesterday, I hope you've enjoyed yourself. For those who need it I believe a recommendation of drinking lots of water may help with any lingering ill effects. [You beach drinkers, you.]

Today in Sector 0 we have set up a display that some of you may remember. There will be a variety of photos from your timelines both future and past and we implore you to take a look - these photographs are yours to take home with you as well. We do hope you enjoy them.

[Jaunty tune!]

(OOC: Event info & Mingle to come.)

Jun. 11th, 2017



Day 431 - Arrival OTA

Who is behind this, I will tear your heart out and eat it, if you do not return me back to my family.

I am not one to toy with.



Day 431 - Arrival OTA

I guess this seems only fitting given...everything.

Jun. 9th, 2017



Day 431 - Some Spa Day Action

When she heard the announcements of having a Spa Day, Laurel had to check it out! She hadn't had a Spa Day in years it felt like. She use to disappear for weekends to get one, but once she became more involved with being the Black Canary, speacil days like these seem to slip through the cracks.

She was stretched out on a table getting a much needed massages, her eyes were closed and she sighed as she felt her muscles start to relax..

Jun. 7th, 2017



001 | video

Uh — hello? Is this thing on?

[ what shows up first is a blurry image, more a smudge then anything else. then lance moves his thumb, and a clearer shot of his face can be seen as he peers down at the phone in his hands, looking equal parts befuddled and wary. nothing against all of this, of course, but when he'd been pondering the sudden and strange disappearance of his official-unofficial leader in one second, only to suddenly find himself here (wherever here is) the next... he kind of has to wonder, okay. ]

Look, uh. I appreciate the apology and all — [ though to be honest "inconvenience" is downplaying it just a bit, isn't it? ] — but I don't really have time for this. [ whatever this is. ]

If this is another wormhole problem, just tell me where the teledove lenses are and I'll grab 'em all up, no problem!

[ or bake them... as the case had been... ]

I mean, not that I'm not enjoying the sights and all, but. I kinda got some universe-defending to do? It's a pretty big deal.



[431] Video/ Beach Birthaversary Mingle


Hey guys! It's me again, Becca, back at it with the beach plans for the 'Birthaversary' as I like to call it. There'll be good company and great food at the Beach in Sector 1 all day, so come on out okay? There'll be dancing and beach smores. And gifts for everyone. If that doesn't sell you, let me know what will.

It's also kinda my birthday. You don't wanna disappoint the birthday girl, do you?

[The Beach]

[Rebecca's done her small part in setting up the beach for some all-day fun, from a volleyball net to some (half assed) streamers hanging from the beach huts. There are coolers full of ice and drinks next to a barbecue set up that she's hoping she can con her lovely boyfriend into working at - otherwise it's free grill for those self-inclined. There's food such as salads, burgers, hot-dogs and veggie options ahoy, there's also a ton of pies and cakes contributed by one Charlotte Charles on some set up tables with checkered table cloths. On one such table nearby there is a table of idential bags for guests. Rebecca took some time yesterday to stick random small trinkets and generic gifts in each one so that everyone goes home with something in celebration.

Come nightfall there will be light from some lanterns to set the mood for a warm night by the fires easily lit individually or the larger bonfire that will take place more center stage for smores and general hand-warming. Throughout the day there will be some alcoholic beverages present, but come darker skies it's more liberally passed about in the name of good fun and celebration.]

(Ooc: Comment notifications will be turned off but Rebecca's comment below will be used for network replies. Otherwise, this mingle is open to all for beach birthaversary party shenanigans!)

Jun. 5th, 2017



DAY 431 — Morning Greeting

Good morning residents.

I've programmed sunny skies and warm breezes for you today — a perfect excuse to indulge in some self care at the spa in Sector 3. We have skin treatments, massages with fragrant oils and for today only, a hot yoga session if you're feeling stiff and in need of some physical relaxation.

If you need another reason to primp today, a little bird told me there's a... birthaversary party taking place today. Why not stop by and socialise? Maybe bring a gift to that special someone?

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, a jaunty tune! ]

Jun. 1st, 2017



430 - video/action

[ Yesterday was traumatising. What do we do when things get traumatising? Deflect! Suppress! Build a ridiculous monstrosity with hydraulics and lawnmower engines! Yeah, he's literally spent all day on this thing that the camera is currently focusing on. This highly NSFW thing that shouldn't be viewed at work or around minors even though it contains no actual humans. ]

Yeah, I'm quite proud of this baby. I really think I'm on to the next super weapon here - she's got enough fire power to blast us out of here and all the way to Denny's!

[ He revs the engine a bit, testing how firmly that dildo is attached. Looks good for now. ]

I'm starting an illegal fight ring behind the museum. Bring whatever dildo nunchuck or vibrator taser you can fashion and meet me for some good ol' fashioned butt kicking. Oh, and bring beer!


[ As promised, Deadpool will be lounging around on the lawn behind the museum, fiddling with his gorgeous invention and building a quite frankly frightening assortment of sex toys based weaponry. ]

May. 31st, 2017



430- Video/Action

Anyone need a running partner? I'm trying to keep from getting too comfortable. Besides, keeps productivity up.

Speaking of, anyone interested in robotics and engineering should get in touch with me. I'd like to see about upgrading the facilities at the education center so that we can use it to, well, push the boundaries of what's possible here.

That and, we could probably run a Robot WARS in the basement. Would be good to blow off some steam.

I'm not committing to teaching a class or anything, but I'd be willing to work with anyone interested in this.

Gotta keep busy
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