MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


May. 29th, 2017



DAY 430 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Welcome to day 430. We corrected the small error that created the series of inconveniences you may have come across yesterday. Everything is as it should be once again, so thank you once more for your patience.

For your viewing pleasure today there is a new exhibit at the museum; Dildos of the Ages. Ranging a variety of decades and encompassing a few multiverses, it's quite a diverse display of sex toys commonly used by human and other races alike. If you feel inspired by any sights seen, we encourage you to peruse the newly taken over establishment belonging to one Captain Jack Harkness for a variety of objects that you can in fact take home with you. Sort of like a gift shop of sorts.

Felicity Smoak and Spike, your requests have been fulfilled. Pick up is at the kiosk for Ms. Smoak.

[And here's your jaunty tune of the day.]

May. 28th, 2017



429 - video & action


[So guess who is rocking a home made dress today, formed out of a trash bag and one of the few accessories still sitting in her closet. She's not at all put off though, it was kind of fun sitting around naked all morning. The only reason she's dressed is pretty much for the sake of others while she ran about doing a few errands and started the video feed.]

Hey - uh, some day, huh? Talk about a breezy morning. [Pft.] I just wanted to show off the latest in trashbag fashion, but also to throw an idea around. Maybe today's not the best day, since I think we're all distracted, but I'm putting it out there anyway. It being that you guys are totally invited to my birthday party. And Aidan's birthday party. And our anniversary, and your anniversaries... and birthdays, half-birthdays and all that too.

[Heh.] I know I must've missed my chance for a birthday cake and can't be the only one, so I was thinking a get together to mass-celebrate all the things we could've if we'd known we should've? I was thinking beach by day, bar by night kind of thing but... today's really making me reconsider all things sandy. We'll see.

I'll do an update on location after I scope it out a bit more, but how's 431 sound? You've got two days to buy me a gift or tell me I gotta get you one - cool?

[Action] )

May. 27th, 2017



429 | Video

[He looks totally drenched because he's sitting in a tub. He pokes his phone a bit and huffs.]

They made clothes disappear just so someone'd force me to take a bath.

I didn't even smell that bad.

And now I smell like Strawberry.

May. 24th, 2017



Day 429 | Arrival | Video.

[The screen will show a very crossed Slayer who aiming the camera at an odd angle, trying to figure out if its working correctly. Finally she got it focus on the upper half of her body]

Yo, where the hell are my clothes?

I don't know what kind of woman whoever kidnapped me thinks I am, if you wanted me to be naked, just ask. Since I didn't approve this, give me my shit back now!



Day 429 | Video | Open

[Here's Kanji and he's unmistakably in clothes. It takes a close look to figure out they're handmade and hey, they're a little rushed but it was a clothes emergency and he needed 'em, dammit!]

Hey, if anybody needs clothes today lemme know. Or stop by the Home Ec room at the Education Center.

May. 23rd, 2017




[ Closed to Wade Wilson ]

[ Kirk had woken up before Wade, which wasn't all that unusual. He didn't sleep long when he did, and he tended to get up early no matter how late it had been the night before anyways. He loved his morning jog or his morning swim, just something to kick start the system and clear his head from whatever had worked its way in while he slept.

He'd intended to dress and leave quietly, letting Wade sleep and hopefully wake him up with breakfast, except... where were his clothes? He frowned, looking through all the drawers, but everything was empty. For a brief moment he thought Wade had done something, some sort of prank, and made for the front door. He opened it up and peered out, briefly stepping into the halls to check over balconies and out windows. Wade seemed the type to enjoy the underwear up the flagpole type of tricks.

Except they weren't there. They weren't anywhere, and a quick check of the network... oh.

Sighing, he went back inside and made his way to the bed, flopping back down beside his partner with a thump. If that woke Wade up, then grand, otherwise he would find something to occupy himself until Wade woke. Possibly pushups, or maybe he should finish that book he took out from the library. He did only have a few chapters... ]

[ Open ]

[ Later that afternoon, Kirk has worked up a make-shift sort of outfit from spare bed sheets - outfit in this case equalling a knotted sort of skirt that came to his knees. From the looks of things, everyone else had similar ideas or wasn't out at all, but he would be damned if he wasn't getting out at least once today. He needed to stretch his legs, and he wanted some fresh produce to cook a meal tonight. Might as well kill two birds with one stone.

That of course meant a stop by the market, crouching and reaching for items, which required quite a few minute adjustments of his skirt (kilt?). On a whim he decided to detour briefly to the library. He should have a book ready for when he finished the other one, after all. It was such a drag when you didn't have something nearby, just in case. Oh, and maybe he should see if he could pick up some beer to take back to the apartment too. Yes, absolutely, this was a 'need a beer' kind of day. And churros. And ice cream.

Was body fat and cholesterol even a thing in a digital prison? Time to find out. ]

May. 22nd, 2017



429 | Private Action & Open Action

[ Private to Ton, Chuck, Hazel ]

Are you kidding me? Technical difficulties my ass!

[An ass which currently has nothing to cover it.

He spent just as much time here at his parents' place as he did his own, and both were well-stocked with punk T-shirts and black jeans, so it was a rude awakening when he woke to find every stitch missing - even the sweats and shirt he'd worn to bed. Fortunately, his time as a Roman ambassador gave him one handy skill - how to properly wear a toga.

He's afraid the rest of the family might be in a similar state, so it is with trepidation and his eyes squinted that he braves leaving his room.]

[ Open to All ]

[The toga is a poor substitute for actual clothing. (Don't tell him it is an actual article of clothing. He doesn't care. It's ... breezy.) So he sets out to see if pants can be found. His apartment is, no surprise, clothes-less. So he sets out to his own shop, which should be bursting with clothes.

(It isn't.)]



Day 429 | Action | Closed

[Action/Closed to Spike]

[He hasn't noticed today's glitch yet but then again why would he? He's still half asleep, curled up happily against Spike and in no position to notice his precious suits and everything else are missing yet. For now there's no rush to get out of bed and discover that this is anything besides an ordinary morning.]



DAY 429 — Morning Greeting

Good morning residents.

I'm afraid we're having some technical difficulties today — nothing to worry about, we'll get it patched up as quickly as we can, but in the meantime some of you might feel a bit... chilly. Today is perhaps a good day for staying in bed.

We apologise for the inconvenience. Truly.

[ To make up for it, have a Jaunty Tune. ]


May. 21st, 2017



[No Subject]

Morning video

[She's dressed in a thick coat and winter hat, it was what she woke up in.]

Um, hello, I'm Erin. I was suppose to be headed to New York, I'm unsure why I ended up here. Where is here?

[Unsure what else to say she ended the video..]

Mid-Afternoon Sector O

Losing the coat and hat, Erin was walking around in her jeans and long sleeve shirt with the sleeves pull up to her elbows. She had been checking the place over, checking out ever sector that she was allowed to. She was standing in front of the food stands, debating if she would get something to eat.

From being so busy with her mother and not trying to get involved with the case, when was the last time she had eaten?



Day 428 | Action

Felicity is still reeling from the revelation that Ray hit her with in Jack's shop. Sara was alive, yes, she already knew that fundamentally. Ray had told her that the first day they arrived. Now Sara was here. That was a lot different then just knowing that she was alive. That was knowing that she could run into her at any moment. That she would be faced with a woman that she cared about, that she had been jealous of and that she was still in mourning over. She wasn't sure how she would handle it.

She decided to sit in the park, still eating the lollipop that she had grabbed from Jack's shop and trying not to stare blankly into space. Instead she simply continued to try and process what she'd been told.

It's been several hours since she learned about Sara being in the simulation. After she returned home to her apartment and made sure Oliver had enough food and water she set to work continuing on her computer creation with a cup of coffee.

May. 20th, 2017



428 - Video at nighttime.

[Laurel switched on the video on her phone and sighed as she made a face trying to angle it right.]

Not too sure I'm doing this right. Anyways, Hi, I'm Laurel Lance! I just arrived this morning.

[She gave a little awkward laugh.]

I just wanted to introduce myself and see if perhaps I wasn't the only one here from Star City. I know it's a long shot, but worth trying and to say hello to everyone else.

I feel like a dork so I'm going to end this.

[Awkward wave and she sighed as she turned the video off.]



Day 428 - Open

[Despite all of the changes that had occurred recently, Lyle had made the decision that he was going to keep the academy going as long as there were still students to attend. If at some point there were none, well that would answer that for him and he'd close it.

But for today, he didn't feel like sitting inside. He had taken what paper work he did have and headed out, bringing Frederick his green haro with him. He had first gone to Sector 0 to get an ice cream (since that was the special thing today) and then for Sector 2 where he could sit and enjoy it while reading his notes. Frederick went with him the entire time, staying beside him]

May. 19th, 2017



428 - video and action, open

[ V I D E O ]

[ Hello, Marina! It's been a little while since Chuck last addressed the network like this but today is a Very Special Day and she has a Very Important Announcement to make! ]

Hello, Marina! Sick of ice cream? Looking for a little more substantial? Come down to the Daffodil Dive in Sector 4 for a sweet or savoury treat! We have pies both meat and berry — served á la mode if you'd like — along with a whole bunch of other baked goods! Coffee or tea, beer or whiskey, whatever your poison is, we got it!

Seriously, come eat something. We're quickly running out of space and I'd like to be physically able to leave the building tonight. [ Joking. Kind of? ]

[ A C T I O N ]

[ Chuck will be at the Daffodil Dive into late evening, wiping down tables, pairing ice cream with the appropriate pies and sneaking little treats to Gadget, her still-fat-but-not-quite-puppy. ]

May. 18th, 2017



428- Video/Action


[Shadow looks as though he's laying on the ground, holding the phone close as he lays with his chin in his paw.]

So if anyone wants t'hang I'm gonna be in the sector one. Pidge, you should come with me.

Also anyone else. M'bored. [He can see climbing to his feet before shutting off.]

Read more... )



Day 428 - Morning arriving - Open to anyone.

Laurel was disorientated, she work up in a strange place in a hospital gown with a cellphone in her hand when she assumed she had died. She still had scars of her wounds and they weren't hurting. It didn't make sense, Laurel wondered if perhaps she was drugged or if maybe this was heaven?

She felt so out of place as she looked around, this didn't make sense, She started to walk, a hand was clamping the back of her gown together. The smell of coffee caught her attention, so she followed her nose and saw the street food stands! She didn't have any money, she wasn't sure what to even do, so she stood there a moment, trying to figure this all out.

May. 17th, 2017



Day 428- Open action


Lots of things to do today. Deliver the inventory system, find Ianto and teach him how to use it, if not help him with the stock at the shop, find some raw materials to turn into computer components, and scout out a place to melt the material into parts for said computer components. He had to do everything himself, but he's mostly spending his time in sector 2 to figure out a place within reasonable walking distance between the tech store and the computer lab. He's also gotta find a lab-lab for which to build all of the things he has in mind.

Oh wait, is there icecream? Definitely going to go try every flavor.

Afternoon at Jack's shop.- For Jack, Ianto or Felicity.

Did he think he'd be doing a tech install at a sex shop, really ever in his career? Nope. Not at all. But there's something kinda hilarious about it and right now he's crouching under a table and hooking up one of the computers he's stolen from the computer lab. They can spare a few. Now were's Ianto.

And what the hell is this thing supposed to be? Yes, Ray has crossed paths with a strange looking toy, and he wasn't sure what to make of it.


He's heading back to his apartment in sector 2 with a few new toys. A chemistry kit, a torch for starters, as well as other hardware and equipment. Plenty of stuff that might look dangerous to the uninitiated. To build the type of tech he wants he needs more control over circuit boards and the like which means having to personally melt metal into connecting strips. So, arms full of mega-nerd gear today.

May. 16th, 2017



Day 428 - Open Action


Ice cream for breakfast was perfectly okay. Mal's not paying much attention to the ice cream though. Sure he's eating it, but mostly he's standing across from the entrance to sector 6, staring intently at the door.

Late morning - Early afternoon

Mal was a flurry of activity. He didn't plan to be gone long - only a few hours - but he did need decent supplies. Water for one. A small bag of supplies he could stash somewhere in sector 6 for later. And of course his trusty pitchfork from the stable. Once he had everything he needed, Mal walked purposefully to sector 6.


Mal emerges from Sector 6 tired and filthy. The food carts aren't giving him anything he really wants, so he makes his way wearily to Sector 4 for something good. He sat at one of the restaurants, pitchfork leaning against the wall next to his table, while he demolished a burger with relish.

May. 15th, 2017



Day 428 - Morning Greeting

Welcome to day 428. It looks like yesterday's therapy sessions went well, there was a variety of themes that seemed well attended. I hope you all got something out of it, that was its intention after all.

Today there will be a temporary installation in Sector 0 among the food carts where there will be a variety of ice creams and gelato for sampling, in various formats and accompaniments. Please do check it out and advise me on what you consider the better flavors. Nondairy options are available as well.

[He closes with a jaunty tune.]

May. 10th, 2017



[ action - closed to Shiro, Pidge, Keith, Shadow ]

[Things were definitely getting crowded in here. With Pidge's arrival and Shadow now hanging out with Shiro, Keith came to the conclusion that a small, one-bedroom efficiency apartment wasn't the best idea anymore.

Before anyone could leave this morning, he gathered them up in the living room.]

I think it's time we moved to one of the bigger apartments.