MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Jul. 3rd, 2017



Day 435 - Morning Greeting

Good morning, residents.

I hope you enjoyed the experience yesterday, though I'm sure you have a whole slew of complaints. My door is always open. [ Mary is getting mildly sick of playing Customer Support, which is saying a lot. This was easier with an AI. This would be easier if you were all just a box of USB sticks. ]

If you're feeling sore, I suggest taking a trip to the spa for a hot stone massage and a soak. We'll be serving fruity beverages all day, complimentary of your hardworking caretakers.

Have a nice day.

(( And as always, since the dawn of time, we end this message with a jaunty tune. The spirit of Dean Winchester lives on, like a testament to the fact that they do listen to inmates. ))

Jun. 28th, 2017



Day 434 - Arrival - Open

Whoever is responsible for this better show themselves! I will not stand for someone interfering with my family!



day 434 - message to Oliver (morning-ish)

Ray seems to be missing. I'm going to met with Felicity to help look for him.

Join us, please.



Day 434 - Action - Open

[So, not everyone was being granted special powers they had before. In fact, some people who had special powers already might have lost their powers.

Kitty was one of those people.

She wasn't entirely aware of what was going on because her power wasn't something she had a concentrate on to turn off. She was feeling a little under the weather, but not enough to stop her from her daily routine. The headache was annoying...

But, beyond that, she felt okay, so she was out and about, completely unaware that she couldn't phase... Let's hope there's no stray objects flying her way...]



Day 434 - Action - Open


[Keith ran his hand through his hair as he made his way into the kitchen, yawning in the process. He rummaged through the fridge until he found an apple and the milk carton. Pouring a glass of milk for himself before putting the carton back, he made his way about out into the main living area to eat. He flopped on the couch next to Shiro, being careful not to spill anything.]


[Totally normal morning, right?]



[So, by now, someone's discovered that he's got fire powers. He could be found over at the beach (the water made it safe, right?) trying them out. It took a bit of concentration to make it work without just burning everything around him, but he managed to figure out how to do a fireball and also something like a flamethrower.

Don't get singed!]



434 - Power Play Mingle



Jun. 27th, 2017



Day 434 | Arrival/Video

This is very strange.

I'm...I look...human.

Guys, are you out there? Anyone? I can't fathom how this could happen?




Day 434 Action


After waking up divided in two, there was a bit of a relearning curve, walking on the whole foot rather than the toes was a challenge. Matty and Orion, two halfs of a whole being, or two whole beings forced to be one, now two, were now forced apart for no particular reason. It was awkward, yet refreshing. Nice to be able to see each other again as individuals, even if Orion was upset that his age had been reversed, or that Matty was feeling oddly restless.

Orion picked up on this and rumbled at his companion, the white lion speaking to him wordlessly, telepathically as he nods his head to a tree.

"Yeah, we can take a nap." Matty said, following the lion over, laying against him and looking up at the branches above. This was gonna be an interesting day.


Matty's day had gotten arguably worse, sitting on a bench and clutching his knees. He couldn't figure out why he felt so wrong, so empty and frustrated. He grew angry, and Orion grew worried. The boy folded his hands, elbows against his knees as he pressed his hands against his forehead. Where there anyone able to see auras, they'd probably notice that his was turbulent, in conflict. A dark fog started pooling around his feet as whispy black shadows began to dance around him. Anyone walking by, walking into the shadows, will feel their energy take a nose dive as Matt starts to lose control of his darker powers. The ones he doesn't use, or doesn't know he has.


Matt is back at his apartment building sitting at the front step, he's watching Orion playing around with a stick. He seems pretty down, like the gravity is pulling alot harder on him that Orion. Orion seems to be very chipper and energetic, where as Matt is just crestfallen.

Also visual reference for Matt and Orion.]

Jun. 26th, 2017



Day 434 | Voice

Ok, so this is going to sound weird, but I've lost Ray. I can't find him and I've looked everywhere. Is there like, so kind of way to find out if someone left the Matrix or something?

Also, has anyone ever heard of someone going insane here and hearing voices?

Action )



[Day 434] | Action


[The fan was running in the corner, but Pidge still felt too warm as the morning announcement played. She threw her hand up... or at least tried to, something was holding her arm down.]

Mmmmm Shad.. move over... [Shove. Except not, there's a vine wrapped around her wrist. Which she blinks at.]



[No Subject]

Day 434 Afternoon greeting

Yup, still in the Matrix

Jun. 25th, 2017



DAY 434 - Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates.

Today Mary and I are working on adjusting code within the system to better secure your data and fine tune your experience within Marina Nova. You may notice some changes occurring in the next 24 hours, but please rest assured that they will subside shortly. If anything you experience causes you great distress, please visit the kiosk and we will try to alleviate your situation. Otherwise, some of you may enjoy today's experience.

[And your jaunty tune for the day!]

(OOC: Event Info)



Day 433: Arrival/Open

Well.... This is new...

Jun. 23rd, 2017



Day 433 / Action late night / Closed to Oliver

This was weird, right? This place was so odd and Laurel had been trying to keep it together since her outburst with Jack, but when she was alone, she couldn't. Her mind was racing, her heart was racing, she got up from the bed and started to pace, trying to just wrap her head around everything.

She moved to the pictures from the day before, her eyes glancing them over, her hand on the one with Ollie in front of her grace, a memory he doesn't even remember. She sighed softly, rubbed her face and moved away from the pictures.

Her body flop back on the bed, but than there was knock, she sat up as she heard one again. Laurel noticed someone was at the door, so she went to it and open it. She looked shocked, "Ollie? Are you alright?"

Day 433 Action OTA

characters: Lorne and Faith
setting: Caritas
summary: Getting his new place set up.
rating/warnings: TBD/Should be fairly low
status: Ongoing and Open to others/multiples.

Reuniting with his friend )

Jun. 21st, 2017


Day 433 Arrival OTA

Kidnapping me wasn't the best idea. So, where am I?

Jun. 20th, 2017



433-Private to Duo

Hey there, Duo.

Any chance you'd like help with the welcome basket now that the flood gates have apparently opened? I'd be happy to.

Day 433 Arrival OTA

Oh Come on....I was heading to the beach for a nice day off. This had to happen today?

Day 433 Arrival OTA

This place is going to keep me busy. Starfire are you here?



Day 433 / Action / Closed to Ianto

Totally NSFW )