MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'rebekah+mikealson'

Jun. 18th, 2013



day 224 | ii » action → closed.

closed to rebekah mikaelson )

Jun. 16th, 2013



day 223 | xii ❧ video → open.

It seems to me that we could all do with some cheering up after what we went through back in that other place. I was thinking we should have some sort of get together for the sake of morale — give everyone a good boost back up. Maybe something like a potluck at one of the parks, where we all pitch in and bring what we like instead of us trying to cram as many bodies as we can into Merlotte's or the Blood Shack.

[ that and they've not only already done the party on the beach thing, but it might be a little too soon to ask anyone to go that close to the water. and there just ain't enough lanes at the bowling alley to accommodate everyone. ]

Yes? No? [ she smiles hopefully, because someone's gotta be strong in the face of so much bullshit. if she stops being strong, then it means whatever higher power's behind this place has one and she refuses to lose herself to something that won't even show its face. ]

Jun. 10th, 2013



day 223 | i » video → open.

When I said I wanted to get out of Mystic Falls for a while, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Ruins of some ancient prison in Italy or China, maybe, but not underwater and in some alien dimension, or however the hell that's supposed to work. [ if he's getting the gist of this right. he's going by video game logic here. ]

And what happened to a trial by a jury of your peers? Is that not a thing on Planet X? Too human a concept for you? Is throwing eighteen-year-olds in prison for skipping a couple of classes back in high school [ and eradicating an entire vampire bloodline via staking finn mikaelson, but shhhh ] just something you do for fun around here?

[ just when things had calmed down and the world was returning to normal (or as normal as the world was capable of getting after everything that happened back home), this happens. it's just his luck, too. nothing ever stayed good for matt donovan. his life sucked, and it looks like graduating from high school meant it was only going to get suckier from here on out. ]

So much for the world tour.



Day 223 | Video

[She's so sick of this prison. If it's not losing people to dimensional stabilizers than it's getting in stuck in super prisons with no powers and mandatory activities. And now she's back to the first one with a slew of new confusing memories to deal with.


At least now she knows what else the Niklaus here had been hiding from her -- he had disowned her. It recolors some of the interactions here in the prison to be certain and she finds herself suddenly grateful she had decided to turn on him before he got the chance to turn on her again.

Not that it matters now. He isn't here anymore.

And neither is Kol. Who's dead back home. There's so much new information to process, she doesn't know where to begin. So she tries to push it down.

She opens up the feed, a bored expression on her face.

So did everyone come back here with a slew of fun new memories to torment themselves with, or is that a special little gift they gave me?

[ooc: someone's been canon updated to the end of season 4. So there may be spoilers referenced in her post and replies.]

May. 27th, 2013



Day 221 — Morning mingle : Main shelter

[Wake up and smell the lack of coffee. You're on a bunk bed. Maybe you're a top and maybe you're a bottom. There are five other people in your room. Maybe they're friends or enemies or faces you barely recognize if at all. It doesn't matter much. You can leave this room and you don't need to come back to it.

You should get your rations though. You're probably hungry. You're definitely a little sluggish of body. What happened to that bruise you got sparing yesterday? What happened to your newly dyed hair? Mystery, mystery... Move along. Find the public bathrooms and do your business with a hundred of your closest friends.

Find the kiosk and get your rations. Careful not to let anyone steal them. You won't get more until tomorrow and the bots won't care. They aren't here to hold your hand. If you get sick or hurt and they deem it necessary they will take you to the hospital whether you wish it or not. But why dwell on such things? You're here now and you might as well enjoy it. You even get a free day today.]

(OOC: OOC info. This mingle takes place in the Main shelter over the morning hours.



DAY 221 — Morning Greeting

[ Wakey wakey, criminals! You've got a fast-talking, metallic baritone yelling at you over the loudspeakers! ]

Gooooodmorning you little cretins! It's a stormy day here in Squall Asylum so all you happy campers out there better not be scared of lightning.

It's day... eh, who cares. It's a day and we've got a whole buttload of refugees in the house, isn't that exciting? I'm Savvy and I'll be your generous overlord on this fine, fine day. I'd introduce you to my co-pilot Au Courant, but what's the point of spending all the surprises in one go, huh? Exactly.

As you may have noticed, Dorothy, you are no longer in Kansas. Our fellow colleagues over at MarinaNova had some technical difficulties on their hands and asked us to babysit your sorry asses until they've got their shit in order. I know, it sucks for us too but what can you do. If I may direct your attention to the snazzy little headsets you've got, you'll now be able to find a map over Squall Asylum through the menu function. As you may have noticed, we're not quite as posh as your cushiony correctional facility and what you can do about that is sit down, shut up and deal.

Rations will be handed out through the pickup window. Don't try to sneak in for seconds, we know what your DNA looks like. Also, for the sake of everyone's happiness, clean up after yourselves. Your mama doesn't work here.

Oh, and one more thing.... to show our benevolence to you poor, unfortunate souls, there will be no mandatory activities today. Consider it a gift from the bottom of our circuits. You're welcome.

(( OOC: Welcome to Squall Asylum! All Kiosk requests will be handled by Savvy! Event info can be found over here! ))

May. 13th, 2013



Day 219 - Video

[The feed opens up to Rebekah inside of her apartment. It looks cleaner than last time, probably because she had Oz over to help her the day before. In any case when she speaks she tries to keep her voice even -- nonchalant even.]

Is it time for new arrivals already? Seems to have come quicker than usual. [Maybe because she had been hoping to see a familiar face or two -- hoping that maybe one of her brothers would resurface or Quinn that she wouldn't be alone.

But that didn't happen. She isn't that lucky.

Which leads her to her next statement.

Now that my place is clean again it's easier to see how empty it is with only me in it. Perhaps I should look for someplace smaller. [Which is her way of subtly saying Niklaus and Kol are gone now.

She doesn't linger on the message after that, turning the feed off.

Apr. 8th, 2013



[Video/Action] Day 214


[Perhaps normally Rebekah would be commenting on the craziness of the day before and the rollecoaster her emotions and went on (she's always fallen in love easily, but that was ridiculous) -- but not so much now.

She went to the kiosk to confirm what she had already been worried about. And then she went back to the apartment and she's sitting in what was Quinn's room -- which can be seen as rather trashed in the background.

Someone had a bit of a shit fit.

The message itself is short.

Quinn Fabray is no longer here with us.

[And then the feed cuts. That's it.]


[Later she leaves again and makes her way to The Blood Shack where she'll be spending the rest of the evening trying to drown her sorrows in glasses of alcohol. Quinn had been her friend -- the first real one she had had in a long, long time. She had tried so hard to keep her safe, even vervaining her behind Niklaus' back -- and she's gone anyways.

So much for that. She forgot the risk that came with caring.



DAY 214 — Morning Greeting

Welcome to Day 214. The air filtration system has finished removing the inmate-released components which have been affecting your emotions. You should be back to what you think of as stable now, however inaccurate that term may be to some of you.

In other news, it seems you require additional education about one of our systems. Information on rehabiliation points will be appearing on your communicator screens now. This information is also available in all the same places as our rules: including your communicator, all computers, and printed literature throughout the dome.

I think that's all for now even if that means you'll miss me terribly.

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Mail submissions can be left HERE.)

Apr. 1st, 2013



Day 213 | Locked To Jack Harkness

[Rebekah falls for guys pretty quickly, it's always been her fatal flaw -- her Achilles Heel, so to speak. This is a rather quick rate even for her standards. But when she wakes up in the morning she finds herself almost brimming with the desire to go see Jack -- she enjoyed having him as her date to the dance. He had been rather fun and kind and he appreciated good music and she just wanted to see him.

Which is why she's made her way over to his apartment, knocking on the door. She didn't even have to hunt it down, which was all the better. He had given the information to her freely, which meant he wanted her to come over, right? It must mean he felt the same rush of feelings she did, she was sure of it.

[ooc: Rebekah is effected by the feelings event -- increasing her ability to be infatuated with someone even more than usual]

Mar. 25th, 2013



Day 212; audio ][ private + action ][ open

a u d i o -- p r i v a t e (filtered to the Mystic Falls Crew minus the Originals)

Just a quick little update, boys and girls.

Ric's gone. Confirmed it with the warden last night. [ And with that bit of bad news, he switches off the communicator. What else is there to say really. He's fine. Everything's peachy. One less person to give a crap about. ]


a c t i o n -- o p e n

[ Despite losing Alaric to the dimensional stabilizer, life goes on for one vampire. He's doing that thing where he pretends he doesn't feel (hurt, guilt, remorse and everything bad ever) and it's working.

Damon's at the Pet Café socializing with the animals and tending to their cages. It's not something he would have done voluntarily, but as luck would have it, he had been punished with 60 hours of community service. It's either do… or don't do and be saddled with something ickier, and judging by his horrible luck lately ~~ seven straight days of 5AM exercises with the bots for breaking Caroline's arm? Unfair much? So Damon here has spent plenty of hours with the animals the past few days, and he's only got another ten or so hours left of this nonsense to endure before he never ever has to set foot in this place again. That is, until the next time he commits a big boo boo.

For this lovely morning, he's put up a poster on the store window and placed a stand outside inviting inmates to adopt a furry critter as their pet. Here's hoping he'll get some rehabilitation points for his efforts. (Are you paying attention, V?)

When he's not at the Pet Café, and a little later on in the day, he can be found at the convenience store in Sector 1 getting hold of the usual necessities; liquor, milk, bread, herbs and spices, meat, veggies, cereal, ice cream, blood bags, or at Merlotte's in Sector 4, sometime after 9PM, having a drink/a bowl of ice cream/chomping on burger and fries -- take your pick.

Feel free to come bother him, bump into him, etc. He won't bite. (Unless you ask nicely.)

Mar. 20th, 2013



DAY 211 | vii ( mingle ) → a rock-a-hula-luau!

[ although the morning's rain prevented them from getting an early start on setting up, quinn and rebekah have managed to pull everything off in time for the dance to start. there's tables to sit at when you don't feel like dancing or enjoying the surf, lots of hawaiian-themed snacks and desserts to eat, grass skirts and leis available for those who wish to wear them, lanterns and torches everywhere, with live music provided by quinn, oz, jack, lacus, and anyone else who wishes to get up and sing!

the only thing this party's lacking is the booze, per quinn's intentions of having this be an alcohol-free party. however, that doesn't mean someone isn't going to spike the punch when she's not looking, so if you were planning on doing so -- have at it!

so, go ahead and dance it up with your dates, mingle with some new cr, hop around, and threadjack to your heart's content. festivities will carry on until sometime after midnight when clean up will commence. enjoy! ]

Mar. 15th, 2013



Day 210; video

[The feed opens up to Rebekah's perhaps eeringly cheerful face.]

I'm sure you all heard my friend Quinn [ Friend, it's a weighted word at the moment, she can only hope Elena delivers the vervain to her soon.] talk about the idea of a Sadie Hawkins dance. You know, girls ask the boys, that sort of thing. Very fun and modern, and honestly, it gets tiresome waiting for men to get their nerves up, doesn't it?

It's scheduled for day 211, and we plan on having it on the beach. The theme? Why a luau of course. I figure it can start in the early evening, around sundown perhaps?

We do hope you all can come and as it's only a day away you had better get asking before all the eligible men in prison are invited. You wouldn't want to go alone now would you?

[Not that she has any idea of who to ask -- she doesn't exactly have a burst of romantic prospects at the moment, but she'll figure something out.

In any case, she'll cut off the feed there for now.

Mar. 10th, 2013



[No Subject]


[ The drinks are flowing at the Blook Shack (BLOOD FREE, OKAY?), the bass is pumping with cheesy karaoke songs. Come on in, mingle, drink, and sing a song, any song. And ladiessss it's your perfect chance to ask your dates to the Sadie Hawkins dance! Start a thread and comment here with what song your character is singing for the competition to get a prize!]

Mar. 5th, 2013



DAY 209 | vi ( audio ) → open.

We need a Sadie Hawkins. [ seemingly unprompted, but it's been on her mind for a while now. something wholesome and fun that everyone can participate in without pesky age requirements or being weary of stepping foot in a bar or a vampire-owned establishment. ] It's a dance - not as formal as prom, but there's usually a theme of some kind involved. For example, my sorority at Yale was planning on holding a Phantom themed Sadie Hawkins towards the end of the fall semester. Our theme will definitely not be anything involving Andrew Lloyd Webber. Rebekah and I will be working out those details - theme, where, when...

[ because her original vampire bestie is the obvious choice for partner in dance planning crime. ]

Another thing: the girls usually do the asking for a Sadie Hawkins. None of this misogynistic nonsense of waiting for a guy who's never going to notice you to ask you to go to the dance with him. You get to make him sweat and worry that no-one's going to ask him and he'll be forced to go stag. But, since I know not everyone is of the heterosexual persuasion here, I say interpret the tradition as it applies to you. If you're a boy who likes boys, ask a boy. You don't have to go with a girl if that's not who you are. This should be something fun for us, not anything that makes people feel uncomfortable.

Feb. 22nd, 2013



Day 207; Action;

Sector Zero Plaza

[She probably should have done this days ago, after she got the punishment but other things came up, like her home being burnt down, the whole kissing day adventure, and then another one of her brothers showing up. But she's doing it now. For an hour only -- or possibly longer if she gets distracted and has to start -- she will be standing on a box in the center of things, posing as if she was a statue. The poses shift periodically, but all of them have the same confident air to them, the same arrogant annoyance in her stance as if she's better than this whole practice. Apparently, this whole thing is supposed to be teaching her patience.

Whatever, she just wants this done with already.

The Blood Shack

[After her punishment is over she heads to the bar as quickly as she can get to and sits down to order herself a drink, a double even. She could use one, after being made to stand forever like that. Really. What an annoying punishment. She's pretty sure it didn't teach her anything except to stab her brother a little more lightly next time. In any case, she'll be spending some time here, drowning her annoyance until whenever she decides to move on.]

Feb. 21st, 2013



DAY 207 | viii ♛ audio → open.

My designation is Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01 and I am 25 years of age. I am a Human-Borg Hybrid, a female of the Human species, and my last known coordinates were located in a region of space approximately 65,000 lightyears from Earth. The year was 2375. I have been imprisoned since Day 184.

[ she opts against stating that her name is annika hansen, despite giving it out to a few people. data. caroline. and saying that she's a human-borg hybrid is a simpler, condensed version of what she is and an explanation she tires of providing. ]

I have shared this information about myself in order to provide that which I am about to ask. In order to better understand the correlation between various worlds, dimensions, and timelines present, more data needs to be collected. Please answer the following questions:
What is your name? How old are you? What is your species? What was your location prior to your imprisonment? What was the year? On which day did you arrive?
Thank you for your time and cooperation. It is... most appreciated. [ click. ]

Feb. 12th, 2013




[ being the centre of attention has always been kol's goal in his incredibly long life; sticking out like a sore thumb in a place he isn't familiar with is not something he prides himself in. he sheds the orange jumpsuit almost immediately, fortunately finding himself at bull's eye where he slips on a shirt and a pair of jeans and grabs himself a coat. finding his movements sloppier and slower than usual has the frustration already gnawing heavily at his bones, but kol, with his pulled, bright, tight-lipped smile, and a little skip to his step, doesn't let it consume him completely just yet.

the light sprinkling of rain is nothing compared to the suffocating movements of the jumpsuit. he doesn't react to it once he's dropped the mandatory clothing behind a corner of one of the buildings. the place is unfamiliar, just as the headset he dons is, and while he enjoys being taken to mysterious and pretty places, he much prefers to choose which direction he takes; left or right, coffin or freedom.

happening upon the tier apartments community, kol finds his patience has been justly rewarded. looking forward to a nice hot shower and a delicious meal - and a few answers explaining what exactly is happening in this new prison he's apparently found himself in not by his own choice, but by someone else's (which isn't something he's completely unused to) - he lingers outside as he looks up at the building, attempting to hear something that his ears aren't quite picking up on just yet.

Feb. 6th, 2013



Day 205 — Mistletoe Mingle

[Wherever you go, there they are—sneaky and hidden and biding their time, waiting until they find you all two by two, and then closing in. Happy Mistletoe Day!]

(OOC: Read this for all the details.)

Feb. 4th, 2013



Day 205 | 2 Private Messages + Open Action

Private to Elena Gilbert )

Private Quinn Fabray )


[To say Rebekah's in a less than good mood is an understatement today, considering her home got burnt down last night. She can be found wandering through sectors 3-5 for the most part, trying to find things to do to channel her anger. She makes a prolonged stay at the Row to shop for new clothes, hoping it would help her relax a little (and most of hers are burnt and destroyed now). She can also be found in Merlotte's having a few drinks (she decided to try something a little different from the Blood Shack for once).

She doesn't particularly want to find out what today's holiday is. Which means she should definitely run into people and find out on purpose.