MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'miranda+lotto'

Jul. 1st, 2013



DAY 226 — Christmas Day Mingle

[ Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening! A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland inside-out snowglobe at the bottom of the sea!

The prison is sparkly-white on this fine, crisp day, covered in a thick, fluffy layer of pristine snow. Bots are keeping the walkways free and safe for organic travel, but it isn't hard to find spaces fit for snowball fights, fort-building or snow angels! If the chill gets to you, there's plenty of hot, seasonal beverages readily available, along with other christmas-y snacks. Maybe you'd like to visit the Santa exhibit at the museum, or do a little last-minute shopping for presents? Perhaps you're already set to celebrate the holiday!

Whatever it is you want to do, this is the place to do it! ]

(( ooc: Mingle to your hearts contents! Event info can be found over here! ))

Jun. 27th, 2013



day 225 | xiii ❧ potluck mingle!

[ this is her first time doing one of these without gran, and something she thought was going to be difficult for those very reasons is actually rather therapeutic, heartwarming -- a glance back at her roots, back when she was just adele stackhouse's weird granddaughter and not that fae who mingles with vampires. sookie contributes a few dishes from her gran's old recipes, along with something lafayette taught her to make. she's got all the tables in this part of trois park covered with checkered table clothes of varying colors, lots of plastic silverware, paper plates, cups, and napkins at the ready, and a stack of picnic blankets folded up on one of the benches for those who wish to sit on the grass instead of at a table. sookie even brought a long a mesh bag full of sports equipment -- or rather, a couple frisbees, a football, soccer ball, basketball, and even some hacky sacks. (she's not the sports type, but jason would always be off playing something with the other guys.)

hopefully she didn't leave anything out. hopefully this will help cheer everyone up some, both the new arrivals and those still dealing with the days they spent in that other prison. ]

Jun. 18th, 2013


day 224 | open action

[ aradia was thrilled to hear about today's museum exhibit. after all, she is the maid of time -- just because she's been plucked out of the practical application of her purpose doesn't mean that connection is gone.

wandering around the exhibit provides her with a sense of familiarity, one she hasn't felt wholly since arriving at marina. and so she can be found here for most of the day, a strange alien girl looking fondly at the same timepieces over and over. she'll happily engage anyone who approaches her.

Jun. 17th, 2013



day 224 ☠ video

[On the network is this white and black haired guy lying on the ground, relaxing. He speaks calmly, a bit on the monotone side.]

What’s funny is that this place is supposedly a prison, but it doesn’t feel that way. If you wanna know what a real prison is like, you should spend a day at the Sohma main house. You would experience all sorts of unspeakable things you thought you’d only ever see on TV.

[A pause.] You know, unless there’s a surprise waiting for me around the corner or something. I’m okay with surprises, though, especially if it’s a pizza delivery man.

Jun. 5th, 2013



Day 222 — Mandatory activity mingle

[ It's a wonderful, stormy day here in Squall Asylum and vacation time is officially over! Your gracious overlords have worked out a light itinerary for you today and they expect you to keep it.

Get in line to pick up your food rations for the day. Eat breakfast if you have time for it, or perhaps you'd rather skip this one time and save yourself the discomfort during the two hours of exercise that follow. Jogging, jumping jacks or perhaps impromptu team sports, whatever you end up doing you bet you'll come out exercised in the end!

Should you not want to participate... well. We have ways to make you join in. Anyone reluctant to get their heart rate up will get a helpful electric prod by one of the bots until they comply. Tough cookies.

Luckily you'll get a chance to wash off that sweat (hope you're not shy, the wash room can get crowded) before it's time for the silent game for an hour, followed by lunch. The day is not over yet though! There's still time for a couple of hours of hard labor tending to the crops, doing laundry or perhaps breaking bricks in the yard. To make sure none of the inmates are broken this is also the time for mandatory physical checkups — bots will guide you to the hospital. No ifs or buts. The violation of personal privacy is for your own good, we promise.

Isn't it nice, being in prison? ]

((ooc: This mingle takes place during all of day 222. A bullet-point for of the itinerary can be found here, where we also encourage you to direct any questions. Event info is here if you need it. ))



[No Subject]

[Action: Open!]

[So after a lovely day of an annoyingly enforced routine, Tyki's evening was finally given back to him and so he sought to make the most of it. Rations weren't something he was unaccustomed to, but when chickens are running around not so far away, it's easy to want for more. And with a distinct lack of fish to catch? Well, a fence is nothing for a hungry man to scale.

So back inside the kitchens Tyki's at one of the counters, plopping a dead chicken on it with two more hanging limply by the legs in his hand. He's not a man unfamiliar with a carcass, tossing the other two chickens down and reaching for a knife.]
Always hated birds with feathers to pluck.

Private to Kitty Pryde (AOA) )


Don't say I've never contributed anything. [Says Tyki, briefly caught in frame before he pans to the kitchen's counter where there are dead, plucked chickens resting. He heard about the inmates' little ration organizing deal and while formally offering his services is not exactly his style, he did kill two chickens more than he needed. Not that he's all that intent on participating in anything, already half-way to cooking his own beheaded bird.]

May. 27th, 2013



Day 221 — Morning mingle : Main shelter

[Wake up and smell the lack of coffee. You're on a bunk bed. Maybe you're a top and maybe you're a bottom. There are five other people in your room. Maybe they're friends or enemies or faces you barely recognize if at all. It doesn't matter much. You can leave this room and you don't need to come back to it.

You should get your rations though. You're probably hungry. You're definitely a little sluggish of body. What happened to that bruise you got sparing yesterday? What happened to your newly dyed hair? Mystery, mystery... Move along. Find the public bathrooms and do your business with a hundred of your closest friends.

Find the kiosk and get your rations. Careful not to let anyone steal them. You won't get more until tomorrow and the bots won't care. They aren't here to hold your hand. If you get sick or hurt and they deem it necessary they will take you to the hospital whether you wish it or not. But why dwell on such things? You're here now and you might as well enjoy it. You even get a free day today.]

(OOC: OOC info. This mingle takes place in the Main shelter over the morning hours.

May. 16th, 2013



Day 219 [video-->Action] Merlotte's Mingle - Open to All!

[What better way to kick off a mingle than to broadcast the invitation to the entire dome?]

Hey ya'll. I know it's kinda outta place t'say Welcome to Marina cause no one really wants t'be here, but it ain't all bad. In any case, I've got a bar an grill here in Sector 4 called Merlotte's, figure th' new arrivals may want to come on down and have a drink or two after a trip like that.

Anyone's welcome of course, we're open from mornin' to night. Come on in an' have a bite to eat or somethin' to ease your troubles.

((ooc: This is an open mingle. Feel free to thread everywhere with anyone. As always, before threadjacking make sure it's okay by the player but otherwise have fun! Sam is available to chat with either by Video or in person and his thread is right Here. There is a full menu of down-home diner/grill sort of foods, so hamburgers, french fries, salads, soups, breakfast items or whatever other comfort food you can think of and a few other things from other worlds. There is a full bar, wine, liquor, beer and even blood or synthetic blood. He also has a pool table and there's plenty of room in booths or tables to play cards or whatever else.))



219 // MGC-mingle // open to all!

[ It's the first annual monthly bi-weekly — it's the first Memorial Garden Committee meeting! The invitations have been sent, a couple of park benches in Sector 0 have been claimed and there's even a few plates of home-made cookies put out in case the allure of fast food on a stick wasn't enough. How can you resist? That's right, you can't!

The instigator to all this is pretty nervous but once the clock strikes noon he clears his throat and kicks off the meeting the only way he can. ]

Alright, so… some of all y'all might remember me talkin' 'bout puttin' together a Memorial Garden for all our friends who've disappeared a while back. Now, I know we already got some o' that stuff 'round here but this would be somethin' we'd create all on our own. We'd decide what t' plant in it an' tend to it an' pool our rehab points together to get seeds an' plants or whatever else we need.

There ain't no pressure to help out. We do what we can, alright? What we're good at. I'm happy to help anyone who don't know how t' grow things an' wants to learn, but th' important part is that we all get a chance to have a say in this. This is where this comes in. Just write down your ideas an' we'll gather it all up an' make sure everyone gets somethin' they want.

[ He gestures to a SUGGESTION BOX set out with a stack of paper and some pens for all your suggestive needs. ]

Alright... that's all I had t' say. You go on an' talk amongst yourselves an' have fun!

(ooc: Mingle! Socialize to your hearts content, whether you got an invitation to the meeting or not. Notifs are off but Aidan has a thread HERE if you want to hit him up specifically! Feel free to let your character leave serious ideas for the memorial garden (or just troll the hell out of it) in the suggestion box HERE ! ))

May. 11th, 2013



[ action ]

Closed to Miranda )

[ open action ]

Bak had no intentions of replacing Komui or Fou or anyone else for that matter. But his desolate wanderings had taken him by the pet shop on a whim. To pick up some random chew toy for Lee, Miranda's vulpix. Anything to keep her from crying. If he could!


There was a dog staring at him, watching his every move as he shuffled through the shop. It was unnerving and not just because it reminded him of Komui. N o p e. It's that look in his eye. Like Bak was a favorite chew toy. And Bak was threw with being tossed around!

So, if you happen to wander into the shop this afternoon, never fear the tirade going on inside. Bak's just letting off a little steam and pointing fingers. And for what it's worth, that puppy is taking it pretty damn calmly and only with a few minor wags of his tail. Y e p. Just like Komui. That unrepentant jerk! He was gonna miss you. ]</small>

Apr. 30th, 2013



[voice/ video; private and open respectively]

[Private to Komui Lee]

[For the second time today she's trying, with a beat of uncertainty.] ... Komui?

[Private to Black Order Members; encrypted]

[After no response again some time later, Rebecca and sets up another private feed. She initially considered a one on one with Miranda, but they're still potentially a bit awkward. So she thought she'd blanket any remaining Order members, this way, if Komui was still around, he's in on it too. She didn't think to check about him this morning at the kiosk and doesn't feel like going through that process again.]

Uh, hey. I tried getting in touch with Komui today, but no dice. So I thought I'd try this instead. Let you know that I was at the kiosk earlier and got confirmation that Cross' AWOL in the stabilizer.

Figured you guys might want to know, if you didn't already.


[Head tilt, Rebecca's laying on her stomach across her living room couch looking down at the screen. Arms folded, she purses her lips and makes a face for a second.] You think I'd like kung-fu movies more than I do. Not that I'm all that hot on zombie flicks at the moment either, but. Maybe some other type of horror'd be neat.

[She looks to the side, off camera.] And it's raining out. Fake raining. I miss real thunderstorms.

[Can you tell she's bummed out?] Hey Rox, what're you up to later?

Apr. 17th, 2013



Day 215; ⛎ Voice

Pay attention, numbskulls. Drop what you’re doing. Especially you. Princess. [Caliborn pauses for effect. Even if he sounds like Calliope, his sentences are his trademark staccato and melodrama, with a side of harshness.]

I have won Euphemia’s game. With many questions to spare. Because. I found the object. [This broadcast is suddenly punctuated by the shriek of a harmonica being violently blown into, followed by an equally annoying shriek of laughter.]

She thought she could trick me. On account of my being a superior being who doesn't give a shit about music. Seriously. Who even cares about this blowing device. Not me. [He blows into it again, this time sliding it so that there is some semblance of actual music. Kind of.] What is that? Just noise. But. It is still the perfect accompaniment. To her tears of defeat.

Front and center, wench. Present yourself and admit it. To the entire prison.

That I win. And you. LOSE.

[There’s another harsh harmonica blow.]

Apr. 15th, 2013


day 215 } video

[ The feed clicks on, and Damara looks into the camera for a good moment. Not that you'd be able to tell where she's looking-- she has completely white eyes.

Her voice is very, very accented-- but thanks to the communicator's translating, it's not impossible to understand her here, in MarinaNova. ]

I am told I am in prison. I am given a list of crimes. Fair enough.

But I have a question. How do you capture a ghost? How do you bring the dead to stay among the living? This is no dream bubble.

Maybe I should be grateful. I think that I might be.

One question more. Can you understand me?

Apr. 3rd, 2013



[action; open]

[Well, it's not uncommon practice for Tyki to walk the streets of Marina. He does it most every day. Morning, night and often in between. It's something of a habit that came to form from being caged into the space. No matter how large the dome was it was tremendously small in comparison to the world he freely trekked across just over six months ago. Six months of a heavy weight of entrapment makes a man frayed around the edges.

But not unlike most other days, he walks. There's no expensive shirt or tie, just a sandy linen shirt and well worn boots and jeans. The luau reminded him of his love of the water, so the beach is one place he'll be for the morning hours; sitting in the sand and watching the waves to wading in knee deep or deeper.

By the end of the day he will find himself in the Devil's Compass, Sector Four, slightly sentimental and grinning over a tall pint of beer. One thing that will hold true even to the later hours of the night will be an extraordinarily friendly demeanor. Sit by him in the bar and stories will be told, oh they will be told. For Tyki Mikk is not himself if not half an ordinary man, and today that half gets center stage.]

Mar. 20th, 2013



DAY 211 | vii ( mingle ) → a rock-a-hula-luau!

[ although the morning's rain prevented them from getting an early start on setting up, quinn and rebekah have managed to pull everything off in time for the dance to start. there's tables to sit at when you don't feel like dancing or enjoying the surf, lots of hawaiian-themed snacks and desserts to eat, grass skirts and leis available for those who wish to wear them, lanterns and torches everywhere, with live music provided by quinn, oz, jack, lacus, and anyone else who wishes to get up and sing!

the only thing this party's lacking is the booze, per quinn's intentions of having this be an alcohol-free party. however, that doesn't mean someone isn't going to spike the punch when she's not looking, so if you were planning on doing so -- have at it!

so, go ahead and dance it up with your dates, mingle with some new cr, hop around, and threadjack to your heart's content. festivities will carry on until sometime after midnight when clean up will commence. enjoy! ]

Mar. 15th, 2013



[Day 210] [Support Group Day 1|Open!]

[Classroom #3 of the Education Building has a sign posted on the door that says "Support Group discussion. Everyone welcome. Talking not required. Snacks inside."

Inside the room the long tables used as group desks have been pushed to the sides of the room, some of them with bowls of chips, cookies, and fruit salad in them with cups and drinks on the next table. The chairs are set up in a very loose circle with large cushions in between and some in the center. Miranda had taken the time to drag them and a large space rug into the room so that if people wanted to sit on the floor they could.

Miranda will be going around greeting people and trying to make everyone feel as welcome as possible. On another of the tables there was sheets of paper with notes written on them. Feel free to take one before taking a seat.

Introduce yourself if you want to. )]

{OOC: Open mingle to anyone who got a postcard invitation two days ago (that would be everyone who was here at the time) or anyone who wanders by and is interested. Feel free to bring a friend (or two)! Mingle, threadjack, just be aware this is all in a small space, so people are likely to overhear each other.}

Mar. 2nd, 2013



[ video | action ]

[ okay, enough is enough ] I don't care what is the cause of this, but I'm done with these shenanigans. I cannot be the only human left in this place!

[ he appears to try to shove off a particularly clinging mirage... which happens to be a bush out in the park. ]

And whoever gave these penguins sunglasses needs a new sense of humor!

[ y e p, someone's reached the end of his tether. Zombies, he can handle. Strange Akuma are a nuisance but to be expected. But a dome full of singing and dancing penguins ala Happy DAnce is another thing entirely!

Can't he just go home and rest in peace? :( ]

Feb. 6th, 2013




[ A certain blond, chain-smoking vamp can be found in sector 4, 5 and 0 doing what he does best. Killing time. Sauntering. A little light skulking. The occasional cup-of-blood-sipping — a guy needs to eat, y'know — and all the other activities that comes with an average, regular day.

So far he's unaware of the threat hanging in the air. Never drop your guard and yet here he is, so open and vulnerable! ]

((ooc: Have at him! Non-kissy, regular kissing and MEGABOT-KUN all welcome! Just specify in the subject line which one you want!

Warning! The thread with Rose got sexy content. Proceed at own risk! ))



Day 205 — Mistletoe Mingle

[Wherever you go, there they are—sneaky and hidden and biding their time, waiting until they find you all two by two, and then closing in. Happy Mistletoe Day!]

(OOC: Read this for all the details.)

Feb. 4th, 2013



Day 205 [action | open]

[Earlier, Sam is easy to be caught unawares by the bots as he goes about his daily routine, but later Sam knows the mistletoe bots are out and he's not blocking himself off somewhere secluded. No, it's not because he wants all your kisses. He has a plan. The plan, so far, starts and ends with catching one of them to study. If he actually manages it then he'll progress to plan 2: the sequel. For now the hunter has new prey and a lot of getting caught potential along with his catching potential.]