MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'laura+kinney'

Feb. 4th, 2013



Day 205 Open Action

[Hey look robots. Terry will be keeping an eye on them as he goes about his morning jog and into his morning parkour practice.He'll be damned if a lack of a Batsuit is going to make him stay on the ground all day.]

[He's looking around for anything that looks like a decent challenge to climb, making sure he actually can climb it, and looking for people because he knows how ridiculous this looks. That's a lot of stuff to keep track of, and he's bound to miss a good amount of it.]

[Or find him wandering around a little later in the day, behaving a bit more normally and trying to see what he can find out about making weapons around here.]

((ooc: Botless tags are fine too if you just wanna make fun of Terry for being a spaz or whatever! Just say so in the subject.))



[ action | ota ]

[Touma had spent most of the evening on Patrol in Sector 0. So he wasn't up until later in the day. He went to his classes in the late morning. He did some martial art practice in the early afternoon. Late afternoon found him at DF HQ doing schedules and paperwork for his team. That night, he was back out on patrol. Feel free to catch him around.]



[Action | Open]

((OOC: In lieu of spamming with posts for all 8 of my characters for kissing purposes, I'm putting up prompts for them all on this one action post! Links are below I may tag around in other posts/the mingle too, but if you want any of mine for the event PLEASE PLEASE DO TAG! I want every single tag for this event!

I don't care if they haven't met yet! Absolutely do not be shy! Also, if anyone wants to call my kids on the network or do non-kiss threads, just indicate such and I'm happy to! Threads can take place at any point in the dayweek, and almost anywhere in the dome.

+ Lacus Clyne: Everyday walking around prompt | Hot springs prompt for the adventurous~
+ Zelgadis Greywars
+ Cross Marian
+ Penelope Garcia
+ Komui Lee
+ Tony Stark
+ Saya Otonashi
+ Michael Westen))



Day 205 [action | open]

[Euphie woke up to an assault and injury charge this morning. She was only expecting one of them. Luckily, she didn't have to wake up in the hospital. She was there only briefly to have her wrist put into a splint for the sprain she earned in Sector 6 when she fell.

The injury isn't going to slow her down though. She has things to do at the educational center today, food to pick up, and she might be in sector four where she lives as well not to mention all points in between. Well, all points except Sector 6. She might just avoid that one for awhile.

So, why are you still reading this instead of getting trapped in a shrinking forcefield with her?]

Jan. 21st, 2013



Day 203 [action/mingle] Defense Force Mixer

[There was a bit of a mail delay with PM's disappearance, but everyone on the team should have gotten a letter this morning. By noon the roof of the new Defense Force headquarters is ready for guests. It isn't exactly decked out, but there is a long table with finger-foods: small sandwiches, fruits, and hors d'oevres as well as sweets like cupcakes and truffles. An arrangement of sodas and bottled waters sits on one end next to an enclosed punch dispenser. Sorry, no spiking the punch, kids. There are also small standing tables around the edges. The only real seating comes in the form of benches along the sides. The point is to get to know the rest of the team, not to sit and eat, so this suits Kitty just fine. They can thank Lacus for the fact that there is food at all and that things have been arranged in such a way to promote circulation.

She waits until it seems like most everyone has drifted in and calls for their attention while perching herself up on the wall itself. No fear of heights here.]

Kitty's state of the force address )

[Once she's done, she hops down. The mixing can continue for as long as people want provided they still handle their sectors.]

(OOC: See [info]marinanova_df for details on the force. Roster. To join. Everyone on the DF and anyone they brought is welcome. Curious passers by likely won't be tossed out. Try your luck!)

[Private video to Dirk, Jake, and Roxy (who isn't here, but she doesn't know that)]
Thanks for the invitation. [Which she read a little late. Sleepovers at Reid's can do that to a girl.]

Jan. 4th, 2013



200 — Anniversary Festival Continues!

The festival continues. The dome's "sun" begins to set and the the sky is painted in gradually darkening shades until all is dark beyond the glowing of the lanterns and sparkling of the colored lights on the rides and games.

The speakers high above on the floating island begin to play soft ambient music and the dark dome flickers to life once more as projections of landscapes light the sky. They fade in and out every few minutes with images of cityscapes, deserts, seasides, mountain ranges in shades of futuristic, ancient, post-apocalyptic, foreign, and outer space. It may seem like a random assortment at first, but then the scene shifts again and just might take your breath away as you recognize what you're seeing. No people. No animals. But the landmarks are all there. It's a place you grew up or lived or worked or fought for or died at, and then it's gone again, fading into someone else's memory.

After an hour or so the scene shows another sunset and the sky goes dark aside from the sparkling of a starscape. New lanterns are lit leading a path to the beach where there's a large white open-style tent with a dance floor. Flames light the fire pits and there are colors projected upon the water so it glimmers in different hues. The music takes on more variety and life, perfectly suitable to dancing.

Jan. 1st, 2013



200 — Anniversary Festival!

Happy Anniversary, Marina Nova!

The bots have been busy cleaning up the dome and setting up decorations for this momentous occasion, and by now there isn't a nook or cranny left un-pimped! Bright blue MarinaNova flags wave happily in the artificial breeze together with the colorful ribbons that have been wrapped around poles. The streets are illuminated by strings of lights and paper lanterns and each sector gate has been lovingly decorated with fragrant flower garlands.

Of course, that is far from all! There wouldn't be much of a festival without entertainment and your loving wardens have made absolutely sure that there's something for everyone!

Let the celebrations begin! )


Dec. 26th, 2012



[Video//Action | Open]

[Despite the icon Tony hasn't managed to get his full Iron Man gear together yet. But, newly free of his Bot Babysitter (too bad, Tony was just starting to get used to hanging things on it) he was finally able to make the adjustments to his flight gear and repulsion gauntlets. So he's doing what anyone cooped up in an underground prison would do.]

[And that would be flying around the dome at ridiculous speeds with AC/DC's Back in Black blasting on his headset. Not quite as ridiculous as he would prefer, mind, but there's not enough room in this stupid place to break any sound barriers.]

Someone who Laverne and Shirley like better than me should request some actual airspace in here. What's the point of manipulating time-space if you're not going to work the pocket dimension angle? [He does a sharp turn to avoid the dome, missing it by about a foot, then turns on the juice and zooms along its circumference.] Speaking of pissing them off, who votes I blast Floating Speaker Island to kingdom come?

((OOC: If your want to assume your character was watching from the ground and Tony landed beside them in a flourish of narrowly missing their face, feel free!))

Dec. 17th, 2012



Day 198 — Morning greeting

Welcome to Day 198. Sunny. Clear. Practically perfect in every way.

Today, the museum will be featuring torture devices*. Sadly, there will be no gift shop open for this particular exhibit. Do use discretion if you have a weaker constitution or fancy yourself innocent.

One of the food carts in sector 0 will also be featuring pizelles.

(OOC: *The link leads to a website about a real torture museum. There are illustrations including nudity and torture within the links. You're welcome to also see more modern devices and items not shown there. There will be security to prevent theft.

Messages to report to the kiosk will be sent to Dirk, Jake, Piter, Spike, Tyki, Laura, and Itachi. If they do not report they will be brought there by sentinels.)

Dec. 3rd, 2012



Day 196// Family Isuues Group

[There's an annoucement for another group, this one meeting in one of the rooms at the education center. This group is specially made for those with issues with the families. When you arrive to the room the chairs will be moved to form a circle. It's to promote a feeling of unity, okay?

There are a set of sample questions written on a dry erase board, but of course, things might go off topic.

Sample Questions:

1. How many members in your family are there?
2. Have any of them passed away? How?
3. Do you have any siblings? Brothers or sisters? How many?
4. Do you have a good relationship with your mother?
5. Your father?
6. Your siblings (if you have them)?
7. Who are you closest to in your family?
8. If you could change anything about your family, what would you change?

[ooc: you could be forced to this one by the bots, or volunteer, either way goes. And even if you didn't sign up a character for this one, feel free to go for it.]

Dec. 1st, 2012



Day 195 [action | closed]

[Euphie's call yesterday had worked out and to her pleasant surprise her Sector Three, six-bedroom apartment will have a little life in it again. Today is a day of moving in, meeting one another and having dinner together.]

(OOC: This post spans the afternoon and evening. Mingle style! Feel free to set threads for moving, eating, or hanging out activities.)

Nov. 20th, 2012



Day 194 | Video and Action

[Video | Open]
As part of my punishment I need to give a lecture. I figure I'll do it on the Defense Force. So, if you want to know more about that. Check it out this afternoon at the educational facility in lecture hall three. Open to all. [Not you, Tyki.]

[Video | Encrypted to Defense Force]
We've got ourselves some new digs. Still in sector two and not too far from the educational center, but free standing. It's one of those many empty building set up around the place. It looks like it was designed to be something retail, but I figure we can make it work. I've already found some dividers. Talk to me if you have experience building actual walls or magic wall-generating abilities.

Team leaders, I've got an idea of where I think things need to go, but I want your input.

Rebecca, you're in charge of getting dispatch relocated.

Zatanna, I want you to put in some security measures like we talked about before.

We've also been losing people to the dimensional stabilizer, so Derek is temporarily also a sector team leader. [Sorry, Peter.] He's already got a position though, so if there is anyone else looking to step up, let me know. Also, Faith will be taking over her sector. Teams are a little unbalanced right now, but instead of moving people to new assignments, let's just make it a thing that the largest teams check in with the smallest ones to help cover the sectors. When we get new people or returning people back they'll fill up again.


[Action | Lecture]
[It isn't her first time teaching, so she's pretty comfortable at the front of the room going through her notes. The hardest part was deciding what to talk about publicly and what not to mention. The force has always been something of a topic for debate. Those present might notice she's wearing her large, metal wrist gauntlets again thanks to Zelgadis. It covers up the blue band at her wrist and they have claws inside! But if all the boys and girls are good they probably won't get popped during class.]

Lecture notes: This is what she covered! Feel free to mingle! )

(OOC: Join the DF. Roster. Talk to me if you have any concerns/questions about anything! I turned notifs off for the mingle portion, so please tag under the subheads so I don't miss anything!)

Nov. 19th, 2012




Hello everyone. [You are now being addressed by a pink-haired princess.]

It seems the school has lost more teachers. If there is anyone here with experience or interest in teaching or even just expertise in a particular area I would be very appreciative if you might consider using your talents in the school. There's a full course catalog and schedule available on the intranet in the computer labs. They were also in your welcome baskets originally, though they're probably a little out of date from those versions, so I can have new ones mailed to anyone who wants them.


[She smiles, but there is something difficult in this and it shows. She's afraid no one will reply.] I've been living in a large apartment in Sector three. [And everyone she's lived with has left one by one until she was alone again.] I wonder if there is anyone else who might like a roommate. I don't mind moving either if you prefer a different home.

Nov. 14th, 2012



[video] open/ private

[There is (1) one red and blue Spider-Man hanging out across various rooftops this afternoon, though this video lingers around in Sector one as Peter parks it on top of the convenience store. He peels up the bottom of his mask to the nose and helps himself to snack cakes and soda before addressing the feed.]

So, anyone want to admit they're feeling jolly rotten so we can get on with all the singing and dancing around here?

Motivational exercises, [tsk tsk] what would we do without 'em.

[Private to Derek Morgan]


I've been assigned to share Sector 1 with you for the Force, so I thought I'd say hey.

Name's uh, Spider-Man. Nice to meet you.

Nov. 3rd, 2012



Day 191 [Action | Closed]

[Helix had been having one hell of a day, between getting beat up by his boyfriend (possessed by his abusive guardian) and getting snacked on by a hungry Saya-gone-vampire(Aka Diva who he'd never met) he was just about ready to call it quits. They'd left him there, hand still pressed over the bite wound and seething with annoyance over all of this. The fact that bastard just offered him up like some sort of fucking candy for her to just... EAT like that. It wasn't surprising the jerkoff treated him like an object but, still, it was fucking infuriating that they just left him it this state.

He wasn't even able to get his knees to cooperate let alone stand on his own. So he remained, sitting against a wall, growing more and more tempted to just fall asleep where he was. He'd start to nod off then shake himself awake. He couldn't pass out here, not yet. His face is bruised and battered, his nose broken and a white bandage taped over it. He has his hood back, too out of it to care much who finds him or what they think of his injuries. It definitely LOOKs worse than it is, the worst of it was that bite wound and the fresh cobalt blood smeared over his neck, shoulder and chest.

He'll just sit there muttering to himself with annoyance, hoping someone comes along before he's out cold.

Nov. 1st, 2012




[Who ya gonna call? No one. This is a mingle. Now go get your ghostly sightings, possessions, and impersonations on.]

(OOC: Event details | Questions)

Oct. 22nd, 2012


Action :: Forward dated to Early Evening

[The Blood Shack has been redecorated for the evening. The lighting is red and the decor is very Moulin Rouge. The bar has had a facelift of sorts and in the spirit of a costume party is featuring 'candy' flavored shots such as Skittles, Sweet tarts, Caramel Apples, Nerds and Tootsie Rolls. All other 'normal' drinks are available at the bar as well as a selection of synthetic blood. The decor continues in the seating arrangements. The entire room, including the dance floor, stage and platform where Eric's throne sits is bathed in red light. Lording over the entire affair is Eric, dressed as a Viking king. Instead of the helm, he's got a crown made of gold foil and cardboard. His weapons are the plastic sort and he's opted to go bare chested rather than attempting to make any sort of chain mail. He has a faux polar bear throw across his shoulders and is wearing a long, blond wig as well as a fake beard.

Enjoy, mingle and come as you want to be.]

ooc:: Mingle, start threads and make general merriment. This is all pre-blackout. On Thursday evening, I will put up a post blackout thread. Any questions? Let me know

Oct. 17th, 2012



[Day 189] Action | Closed (forward dated)

[Despite a somewhat stressful day of new arrivals and realizations, Kitty worked on putting together a dinner to share with Reid, Laura, and Laura's guest. Somehow the "guest" fancied up her plans which were originally more along the lines of Chinese take out and sweats. Instead, she dressed for a "dinner party" and picked up Italian along with some wine. There was even a little cleaning before everyone showed up.]

(OOC: Just tag yourself in before, during, and/or after dinner. Mix and match threads. Probably try to avoid 3 and 4 person threads.)

Oct. 15th, 2012


day 189 ; video

[The voice that cuts across the network is abrupt, angry, and faintly accented – Mexican, for those with a good ear. (Though, that deduction is probably easier to come to when you spot the matching face.) It doesn't usually show, but Rictor's pissed, and he's not the only one in his team whose voice slides back into old habit when his emotions are riled.]

I want answers, and I want 'em now. What the hell is this place and who the hell is in charge? [No, he didn’t manage to catch the message droning on the communicator earlier, before anyone asks.] And whoever it was that brought me here is gonna freakin' regret it when I get my hands on you, hijo de puta.


[Oh yeah.]

And what the hell is this get-up supposed to be? I look like a freakin' Cheeto!

Oct. 10th, 2012



[Day 188] [Video|Open]

[Of the punishments Laura could have received, this one was nothing worth mentioning. She had received far worse punishments for failing a mission or a training simulation in the past.]

I have been found guilty of murder. As punishment, I am to complete orders given by three people to assist them in chores. Those who respond will receive assistance, I have no preference of they should be.

[Not necessarily true, but she does not mind doing chores for strangers at this point in time.]