MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'kanji+tatsumi'

Sep. 5th, 2016



392 - Kite Mingle


[If you're outside today it will be hard to miss all the whimsical, high-flying kites. Might as well get some of your own or spend some time getting them out of trees.]


Aug. 3rd, 2016



387 | Action & Video | Open

[ Video ]

[There's a short gasp as the feed comes on. Nico just, stares a second, before tipping his head side to side, then reaching out with his hand and waving it around. If anyone is watching, the image shifts around as he takes his earpiece off to examine it.]

Wow. I wish Bianca could see this. She would never believe me.

Ah, buongiorno! This goes both ways? I've been hearing some interesting things over this ear ... device? ... that don't quite seem right. Troubling, maybe, is the word...?

Also, it's my understanding this a prison? There must be a mistake. I'm only fourteen. There must be laws against this?

Also, what is a dimensional stabilizer?

[ Action ]

[Nico is confused. And excited. And also nervous. (Why is he here? He's not a bad person! Not... not really. Mama will worry.) He's nothing special, just a regular teenage boy. He goes to a boarding school and he doesn't really know his father, but his mama is beautiful and amazing, just like his older sister. His family migrated to America from Italy a few years ago, when the war started taking over Europe. His English is pretty good, even if his accent is still strong. He's a good student. A little hyper. He likes comic books more than book books, and wishes he had super powers (he doesn't). He has a crush on Jimmy Langly - but he'll tell you it's Jenny he's got the crush on.

Is that why he's here?

This is very new and strange, so no matter where you find him, he's likely to be gaping in wide-eyed wonder, and touching everything.]

Aug. 2nd, 2016



Day 387 Action (AU-ified! Now with more kissing!)

[The change in who Euphie is today comes down to one little sentence. Instead of being accidentally geassed (compelled) to "kill all the Japanese" it was to "kiss everyone you see." It's much better than being murderous and she's made peace with it, but it does have it's own troubles—chapped lips, embarrassing encounters, and of course, consent since she can't actually let someone choose not to kiss her. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! YOU WILL BE KISSED!

But once the peck is in place it doesn't have to be renewed until she sees them again. It's just very stressful to see someone on the network and then have to track them down or run into a large crowd. But the prison has been a pretty easy going place for this one little quirk of far as she knows. So, she doesn't mind going out for a day of enjoyment and chores stopping by the store, spending time on the beach, playing with the animals at the pet cafe, or taking care of business at the educational center and all points in between!]

Jul. 11th, 2016



Day 384 | Video | Open

[Nico looks like hell - though it might be hard to tell. He's got all the lights off on his end. Someone with good night vision might be able to see that his eyes are red and glassy. His voice, though, is raw and scratched, and he's going to make this quick.]

Yuuri's gone. He'd been here a long time, and I know he has a lot of friends here, s-so I wanted to let everyone know...

[That's it. That's all he can get through before his throat closes up and his eyes well up again. He cuts off the feed.]

Jun. 27th, 2016



Day 382 - Pleasure Prison Mingle



May. 23rd, 2016



Day 377 Heatwave Mingle



May. 2nd, 2016



Day 374 | Action | Open

Backside of the TV

[You're in a maze. It might be a sauna, hot and muggy and thick with steam. Or maybe it's a strip club, dark with violet curtains covering the walls and secret corners with music pounding through the air and whispers you can't quite make out as you wander the corridors. Maybe you're in what looks like a video game with blocky, artificial looking dungeon walls and floors. Or perhaps it's a secret base like you'd see in an action movie, the kind with sliding blast doors and scaffolding to climb around on. Maybe your maze is beautiful, like a fairy tale, or the way a child would imagine heaven, full of clouds and flowers and somehow heartbreakingly sad.

You can wander around whichever maze you find yourself in. Maybe you'll stay there, maybe they all begin to blur together and you find yourself drifting from one to another as you explore the hallways. They all have one thing in common though; they're full of Shadows, dark monsters that you can sneak past or fight. Probably fight, since Kanji is with you every step of the way, folding chair sling easily over his shoulder and looking for some action. He's wearing a pair of glasses, and you may notice you have a pair on, too. Pick whatever style you'd like, but if you take them off your surroundings will be lost in a fog that makes your head hurt. Try not to get lost in it.]

Apr. 25th, 2016



Day 373 | Video | Private to Aidan

[It is too early for the level of excited yelling happening on your screen right now.]


Apr. 11th, 2016



DAY 371 | Closed Action / Open Audio / Open Action

Closed to Apartment Dwellers
[He doesn’t remember how he got back to the apartment. Maybe the shadows dumped him here. He doesn’t remember travelling, but he doesn’t remember walking either. He remembers realizing the incredible shrinking room was gone at some point. That he wasn’t disappearing anymore. That he couldn’t hold anything down. Yuuri wasn’t there. He left. He just walked away.

It doesn’t matter. He’s here, and he doesn’t have the energy or inclination to be anywhere other than curled up on his bed, staring at the wall and willing it stay right where it fucking is.]

Open Video
[Until about mid-day when he realizes something is wrong. Bolting up, he searches frantically around the room before dropping back onto his bed. Shit.]

Hey. So, it seems I’ve misplaced my sword? It’s pure black iron, hard to miss. If you find it, don’t mess with it! Just tell me where it is, and I’ll come get it.

Open Out and About
[He’s not really sure where he dropped his sword. Maybe he really was by the clinic? But he had been popping in and out of everywhere. The … incident happened, maybe, around Sector 4? He’s not sure. So he’s scouring the whole dome, focused and irritated.]

Apr. 4th, 2016



370 - Fear Itself: The Revenge



Mar. 21st, 2016



Day 368 - Hooked on a Feeling mingle



Mar. 17th, 2016



[Day 367 | Action/Video]

[Apartments. Which apartment? Who knows. | Action | Open]

[You're in your bed, wrapped up in your sheets like a toasty warm cinnamon roll. Maybe your dreams are great, maybe they're not. Maybe you're wearing bright yellow Pikachuggachoo pajama pants, maybe you're one of those warrior types that likes to sleep in armor.

Either way, you might get a rude awakening when one Eren Yeager, newly inducted into the prison of virtual reality, decides he's tired beyond belief and has decided to just plop face-first onto the nearest bed from the door, in a room some random passerby directed him and Levi to. The very same bed that you're imitating a burrito in. Surprise!

How did they get into your room? Good question, and probably not one that former underworld thug leader Levi will ever answer.


You're in your bed, wrapped up in your sheets like a toasty warm cinnamon roll. Maybe your dreams suck, maybe that cat you've been chasing in your dream has finally deigned to acknowledge your existence. Either way, you'll wake up refreshed to the non-existent sounds of birds chirping, only to find one strange brunet guy snoring away in the bed next to yours, while the other, much much shorter one, is furiously sanitizing your door jamb.

Dear lord is it filthy. When was the last time you even swiped at it with a tissue?

Hello. Nice to meet you. Either these two interlopers are your new roommates, or some jerk out in the common rooms decided to play a prank on them. Either way, they're your problem now.]

[Dining Room | Action/Video | Open]

[An hour later, Eren's blearily blinking down at his potatoes and bread, chewing slowly as Levi drinks a cup of tea beside him. He's fiddling with the communicator in his other hand, sending random transmissions of the table, people's legs, Eren's crotch, etc, in a broadcast to the prisoners of the asylum.]

((ooc: Joint intro! Let us know if you want Levi, Eren, or both to respond to your character. If you pick Eren for the video, just assume Levi was playing with Eren's communicator.))

Mar. 14th, 2016



367 ♫ video

[Technology in any form is beyond foreign in its entirety to Jae-Ha, so naturally, it's taken a fair amount of time to get a good enough idea on how to use the communicator. His very first thought when the announcement began was just that he must be hearing voices. Not for the first time.

He's also done some exploring here and there, still as curious. From the looks of it he's currently in a park.]

Greetings, Marina. I must say that this place is incredibly deceptive in all of how fascinating things are in every direction I look.

[It may or may not be easy to tell that he's forcing these pleasantries, his tone clipped.]

However, I've never in my whole life seen nor heard of anything more disgusting than this set-up we all have been forcibly dragged into. Its cruelty is only amplified a hundred-fold by how pretty it seems at first glance. The length of our chains are great, as we're allowed about all over this dome. Yet in the end, they truly are no different than ones which hardly allow us to take even a step.

[As someone who was shackled to the floor and walls of a small stone room for twelve years, he would know.]

While I can only pray they aren't in such a terrible place as well, if anyone can let me know if there is a Yona present, or Hak, Kija, Shin-Ah, Zeno, or Yoon, I would appreciate it.

[he pauses after that]

Until then, I wouldn't mind being given some kind of tour around this place. There's a great deal of things I couldn't have ever have imagined. Having a pretty girl or two by my side would especially ease my frustrations, even if a little bit.

Feb. 29th, 2016



DAY 365 — Anniversary Festival Mingle

Happy Day 365, Marina Nova!

Hear ye, hear ye! Inmates, prisoners, fellow underwater dwellers! Lend me your ears and hands and actually just bring all of you because we're having a ye olde Renaissance Faire to celebrate a full year in this bubble under the sea!

The dome has of course been decked out appropriately. Flickering torches light the pathways, interspersed with larger bonfires that you can cosy up to with that special someone - or perhaps just a glass of honey mead. Pennant banners hang across the gates and along the buildings, sporting the proud coat of arms of the prison (a lot of purple and octopi, for some reason) and many of the clothing stores offer time-appropriate options for those of you who still knows how to have fun. The kiosk has even been re-imagined into a castle.

Many areas within the dome has activities to partake in and, if you're skilled or lucky or both, prizes to win!

Let the celebrations begin! Fanfare! )


Feb. 8th, 2016



362 - Mistletoe Bot Mingle!

[Pucker up, inmates! It's that day again—your favorite prison holiday! And, of course, the wardens provided lip balm stations for your convenience.

(OOC: Mistletoe Bot INFO)

Feb. 1st, 2016



Superhero Party Mingle

The time has come! All of the stars have aligned at it is...

Superhero Party in Quatro Park! Some decorations have been put up, mostly appearing to be comic book action words like 'BLAM!' and 'POW!'. There is a table for food with picnic-ish style fare. A few placards for the food are mildly punny for another who has read comic books. Another table is set up for make your own masks for those that weren't prepared. There are a few games out, but periodically Carl will host the foam sword "battles" set to music that is not fitting for a sword fight just for amusement value.

Anyone can come to the party even if they just want to be themselves and not pretend to be a superhero.

Jan. 25th, 2016



Day 360 | Video | Open

[Because Kanji isn't always the brightest he's managed to broadcast his disk to the entire network in an attempt to play it. Is... Is that Kanji and his friends defeating a monster through the power for dancing and friendship and believing in yourself? Because it sure looks like it.]

... The fuck was that?



360 - Instant Replay Mingle

[Maybe you're at the media store or educational center to play your disc. Maybe you're just out and about somewhere contemplating what you saw or whether to see it. Either way, you're bound to run into someone!]

(OOC: Instant Replay Event Info)

Jan. 11th, 2016



Day 358 - video/open

I just want to apologize to everyone I spoke with yesterday. I didn't know what I was able to do and if I had... [Emotion fills her voice and she takes a moment to gather herself before going on.]

I would never have been so careless. I don't think I am affected any longer. [But she's also afraid to test it to find out. Not to mention vague. Enjoy your confusing apology, everyone!]

I sincerely hope everyone is feeling like themselves again today in more than just body. [Because she knows first hand how badly something like yesterday can shake a person.]

Jan. 4th, 2016



Day 357 | Action

[Closed to Nico and Yuuri]

[Its probably a good thing Kanji is not in his own body because the nosebleed he would have gotten when he woke up and looked in the mirror to see Naoto Shirogane looking sleepy and adorable in the t-shirt and boxers he went to bed in last night would probably have killed him. Luckily he gets to skip the nosebleed explosion and go right into the type of panic mode reserved specifically for a sexually confused teenage boy suddenly in the body of his equally gender confusing crush. There's a lot of flailing and screaming and then more yelling then he realizes his giant clothes sure as hell do not stay up on her tiny body and this is bad it is so so bad.

Okay, first things first. Clothes. He's not going to be able to make it out to the store without his boxers falling off but he can clutch at them and scamper down the hall to bang on his neighbors door because Nico's like about this size, right? He can borrow clothes. Or pants anyway because he has no idea what to do about his chest beyond trying so hard not to think about it because these are just... They're just so... Shit Rise was not lying about her measurements okay how does she even hide these things when she's in her boys school uniform it doesn't make any sense. Don't think about it, don't think about the boobs just knock on the door and try not to panic.]

Nico? Yuuri?

[Wow he even talks like her he didn't yell or say yo or just barge in what is happening oh God don't look down at her giant awesome boobs focus Kanji focus.]


[Later, clothes situation resolved one way or another he will be out and about in the dome experiencing what it's like to be tiny. And still trying to ignore the girl parts he hasn't figured out how to hide the way she usually does when she's dressing as a boy.]