MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'faith+lehane'

Oct. 7th, 2012



[ 187 | action (open) / voice (closed) ]

action; open
[ faith could be found all around the dome today, but the action happens later in the day at the athletic center.

instead of stopping by to train earlier, faith waits until the evening to go work out some aggression. it's been a wake up call; both forcing herself not to use her slayer gifts and forcing herself to be more conscious when using them. this session doesn't go so well; some of the equipment looks a little worse for wear after faith's done with it. her hands took a little more abuse than normal, too. ouch.

voice; scoobies filter
[ once she cools down from messing with the athletic center, faith decides to check in with the home team. ]
Yo, so what's the deal with the cage, anyway? Our points work out? Cause I could do with some metal-bending. [ to keep her from doing some people-bending... ]

Oct. 2nd, 2012



➀➇➆ | v | action → open.

[ angel's taken his quest to get the hell out of dodge a step further, currently located at a back table of the library with a notebook, pen, and pile of books. there's several pages of notes and scribbles already adorning the notebook's pages, things he's pulled from memory, but some of it's incomplete and a large portion of it is presently just not doable under these conditions. which was frustrating, considering he had clients back at wolfram & hart who jumped dimensions through pan-dimensional doorways all the time, people who flitted back and forth between one reality and the net as if it were as simple as leaving one room and entering another. he refused to believe there wasn't some way around whatever the wardens and their higher ups (as he was certain they weren't at the top of this prison chain; a big brother type was watching, they always were). there was always a loophole, it was just a matter of finding the damned thing. ]

...sacrifice a couple of nuns, godking whose powers may or may not work -- thank you, me... [ dropping the pen, angel leaned back in his chair, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose. nerfing illyria's powers? good idea at the time, but if she were here, that ability to hop across worlds would come in handy. ]

This is getting me nowhere.

Sep. 11th, 2012



184 [Video| Action; Open To All] Sector 4

Action under cut )

This gift basket is awful nice. So uh... thanks for that. [A pause to glance at the note. Then speaking slowly as he reads off the name.] Marina Asylum Welcoming Committee.

[ Putting the note down he continues to sort of talk to whoever will listen.]

Definitely not somethin’ you’d expect when arrivin’ in a prison with a life sentence. I was thinkin’ more cat calls and guys with arms twice as big as my head.

[He pulls out some things, a bag of pretzels, jelly beans, a jar of jam. He looks at the fruit inside then sets it on a table. He pulls out a flash light, followed by the bottle of lotion and gives a small scoff of amusement. Seems like something more for the ladies, which makes him think of certain girls he met the other day. ]

Hey Sook, you still here? [He could give it to her maybe.]

This place doesn’t seem as busy as it was when I first arrived. Guess they let a few people go huh?

[But not him. That’s not as much of a surprise really. He never found Tommy and can’t go home. He’s hiding how much that sucks behind a glass of Whiskey.]

Least the Warden’s are decent enough to give free hooch.

Sep. 10th, 2012


[184] video | action, open!

[ she's not sure where to begin, really. there's no sense in asking why she's in prison when she was told only minutes prior, and there's no point in trying to make a great first impression when you're stuck in a bulky orange jumpsuit. still, it only takes a moment's thought to decide that the “video” option she's presented with is the best one.

when the camera clicks on, a middle-schooler with light pink hair and eyes is smiling quietly.

I don't really know what you're supposed to do here. This is, um... my first time in a prison.

[ and she laughs at that, a sad little laugh full of embarassment and self-deflection. when she's finished, she gives that same subdued smile again. ]

For anyone who's listening, my name is Madoka Kaname. It's nice to meet all of you – I hope we can all be friends.

[ she gives a short bow, not curt so much as rushed, before looking back to the camera with an odd sort of resolution. ]

Homura, if you can hear me, I- tell me where you are, and I'll come and find you. Okay?

[ and with that, she reaches forward, keeping her gaze locked just long enough to turn off the camera. once she's had a few more moments to compose herself, she stands up and exits the room. this is a new place, with new rules and new locales.

and that means it's time to go witch-hunting.

(( ooc: feel free to run into madoka anywhere you'd like! right now, she's roaming the facility and wondering why no witch activity is showing up. ))

Sep. 8th, 2012



[filtered from exorcists/video]

I think it's a given that most of us hate it here. I know I do. [her tone turns coy, innocent, like how any girl her age would sound if she weren't a psychotic, murdering little she-devil.]

If you could, would you want to see your home once more? Even if it's only for a minute? Or...even if you have to give up something to see it?

Sep. 6th, 2012



[ action | open ]

[Moving fairly quickly, but trying to remain unnoticed, Tieria was making his way back to his apartment from the hospital. Most visible remnants of his encounter with Mr Face two days ago were healed up and gone, thanks to his own nanomachines and the hospitals healing technologies, but one might spot that his one hand was still lightly wrapped in gauze when he didn't have it hidden in his pocket. His clothing, on the otherhand, was still the same set of items he'd been wearing that day, so they were quite ripped along his arm and leg on one side, and rather bloody looking. Beyond that and a barely noticable limp, he seemed fine if not for the attempts to avoid being seen. Bad enough that he was being punished for something not his fault, but to have it announced like that? He was not happy.]

Sep. 5th, 2012


[Day 183 | Video/Action]

[It's been a few days since you've seen this ugly mug out and about, haven't you, Marina? They're irritably wandering throughout all sectors in the dome today, and eventually, they'll be bored enough to turn the video on so they can scowl at the screen for a moment or two.]

Amphibian life? Bah! We don't think we've heard of anything so dull... It could only be worse if it was about spiders. [Pointed jab at you, Parker, they know you'll be listening.]

We can't remember the last time we've been this bored. [And a bored Venom is a dangerous Venom.] What do they expect us to do for the rest of our lives?



Closed to Faith|

[So Buffy and Angel are fighting, but they're not kissing either and Buffy is teenage-girl-in-love enough to be afraid that means things are kaput. She doesn't know where they go from here or how they make it better. She doesn't know if they can make it better. All she knows is it's not better right now. In a classic manner of coping, she has shut herself in her apartment with a half gallon of rocky road ice cream and all the ice skating movies she can find. There's no crying (okay well she did sob at the end of Ice Palaces, but she always does regardless of her state of mind) and there's no flinging things or screaming about how unfair this is, even though it totally is. This is supposed to be the happy middle that she and Angel get. It's not a happy ending because she knows Angel won't give up until he's out of here and then they'll all go home and life will go on and the ending will be something more tragic, violent and bloody that doesn't include any scene Shakespeare might have imagined for Romeo and Juliet (what is it with those two anyway? They had it easy. Sheesh). It's not a beginning because they've hit rinse and repeat so often on this that they know how it's going to go before it goes, complete with the 'something' ripping them apart. Consider them ripped, at least for the moment so, happy middle. This place. Supposed to be it and yet...

It's not a friendly place. She is not a happy camper.]

Sep. 4th, 2012



[Voice | Open]

[Garcia's been pretty much hiding out for a while now, working on coding and a few assorted projects, dealing with things. Hotch being here, then suddenly gone. Nothing too new that she's hunkered down in order to deal, but being afraid of the entire world she's living in and most everyone in it? Not her favorite state of being, as it turns out.]

How ever do people ever deal with being here? Just when it seems like things can't suck more, they somehow do. Seriously, how is everyone not completely nutso with just the sheer volume of suck that exists in this place?

...At least there's donuts, I guess. But that only makes up for fifteen percent of the crap that goes on here! Twenty, tops.

((OOC: for anyone that prefers to [action] she's at the Bakery in Sector 2!))

Sep. 1st, 2012


Video | Day 182 early evening

[Hi Marina! There's a clothed Viking on your video. He's had a chance to fill half of Sookie's closet with new clothes and right now he's wearing a pair of jeans, a black wife beater and a black leather jacket. No, it's not a long trench coat. He'll let other vampires in the prison wear that look.]

Sex licenses. Isn't that a bit invasive? Particularly considering I'm unable to produce children in that manner. I am curious about them though. Are they common here or is everyone pretending to be chaste and pure?

[He starts to switch the feed off then pauses, as if considering something a moment. Since his arrival, he's gotten into three brawls over Sookie. He's been here three days. He feels that's a bit excessive and eventually he's bound to destroy something in a brawl. It might do to issue warnings now while it's on his mind and before it becomes a punishable offense.]

There is a prisoner here by the name of Sookie Stackhouse. I'm certain many of you know her. There's been a few misunderstandings lately that have resulted in altercations. I feel I should warn everyone else before another breaks out.

[Pause for dramatic effect because whether he'll admit it or not, Eric is dramatic.]

Sookie is mine. Any offense made toward her will result in the offender having to deal with me. Believe me when I say that robots and any punishment they may decide to level at me will not stop me from ripping your head from your shoulders if you touch her.

[Cue beatific politician's smile]

Have a wonderful evening.

Aug. 22nd, 2012




[ you know what's really great? dying for the third time. darla's really into the whole death scene, you know. she definitely knows that the fourth time is very much not the charm when it comes to her. but ending up in a prison after staking herself (or right before staking herself, considering how the rules work around here) is not anywhere on her list of things to do for today. ]

Anyone else's list of crimes manage to put them to sleep?

[ she doesn't really care. her list is pretty impressive, and she's glad that someone appreciates the bad stuff she's done over the last four centuries. but she has a very important question. ]

The welcome package is surely lovely, but I'm afraid it's missing one thing. Anyone know where I can grab a snack?

[ darla's hanging out by the beach, sunbathing on a towel she's taken from one of the stores. she hasn't felt the sun on her skin since her stint as a human. she doesn't particularly like it, but it beats wandering around like a complete idiot. but at least she has a really nice pair of sunglasses. ]

( ooc | darla's from buffyverse, hailing from the episode lullaby (3x09) of angel. darla is also a vampire, jsyk. )

Aug. 21st, 2012



ғᴏᴜʀᴛʜ ᴡᴀʟʟ → ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ | ᴏᴘᴇɴ.

Well, that was a neat trick. [ hey marina, did someone order the guy who invented electricity? because fuck that asshole, edison, tesla did everything first. and better. ] Tell me, how did you compensate for the infinite number of variables present when tampering with not only time, but universes as well? Got to hand it to you - it's bold and dare I say impressive, but a bit on the reckless side.

Especially given that while you have an abundance of entrances, you seem to be lacking a proper exit. [ slow clap, wardens. slow. clap. ] Well done. [ the sarcasm is strong with this one. ] Should really look into that lack of worthwhile entertainment - and stop with the whole Skype meets Halo thing. The headset is tacky and even Skype itself has a text feature. Honestly, for a group of beings of your technological caliber, the whole video to video only thing is really weak.

Now, would someone care to point me in the direction of this facility's transdimensional systems? [ he fully intends to fix it. ] I've been here five minutes and I'm already bored and in dire need of a fine chardonnay.

( ooc | nikola tesla! yes, THAT tesla, only he's the sanctuary version of himself, so while he's he real deal, he's also 155 and an electromagnetic vampire - like a genius magneto with fangs - but don't worry, he doesn't eat people. ew, we have snobbery standards here, tyvm. )

[4th Wall] [Video/Action] [Open]

[A pale, dark-haired man in green and gold armor (though bare-headed) appears on the screen, and appears to be listening intently to something. And then he smiles. Gleeful. Manic, even. His very blue eyes rise to meet the camera as he spreads his arms wide.]

Well, isn't this exciting! Such a charming little setting, and with such noble goals.

I am truly obliged to the wardens for my freedom, such as it is.

[The smile widens even further, though the undercurrent of menace is unmistakable. ]

I am Loki of Asgard. And soon, I shall be your new master. [Loki makes a sweeping bow, and the feed ends.]

[ooc: Loki is post-Avengers movie. Because he is just visiting, I don't have a permissions page; if you would not like him to work his (reduced) mojo on your character if the opportunity presents itself, let me know.]

[ 4th wall ] [ video | action ]

[ that welcome message didn't help for squat. at least the communication device is much easier to figure out, and after cursory inspection to ensure it won't shock the bejeezus out of her fred decides it's time to make a cry for help.

or just, a pleasant call for assistance? whichever. here, marinanova. you aren't sick of distressed people yet, are you? this one has a nice leather jacket that is obviously not hers. maybe you can steal it. ]

Hi there! [ oddly cheery for someone who looks like she is about to throw up. ] I'm new, though I guess you can tell that already seeing as how you don't know me yet. I was just... Wondering...

[ ohgod angel is going to kill her. he saved her! and now she lost his freakin' baby. she holds up the jacket now for emphasis, as if that helps anyone who doesn't already know she's fresh out of a back alley birthing extravaganza. ]

Have any of y'all seen a baby?

[[ ooc: hey guys hey, it's winifred burkle from angel: the series. specifically, from the end of 'lullabye' and she hates her life. ]]

Aug. 20th, 2012


Fourth Wall Video + Action

[Peter wakes up near the street vendors in Sector 0. As expected, he's confused, but perhaps not as shocked as he should be. See, he has this teleporting thing he does and he thinks that's what's going on here.]

Uhm...okay...the communicator is different. [He's looking a bit wildly around the area.] The food smells good, but this isn't New York any time. What's going on?

[ooc: Peter did not get the welcome message. There's a quick little Wiki about him and his powers. He's not likely to cause problems with anyone. If you do want him to read your characters mind, just toss some thoughts in your tags, otherwise he'll avoid doing so. He is also a giant comic book geek, so he'll recognize some of the super heroes. Let me know if you don't want him to geek out over them.]

[Fourthwall] Voice.

Wow, really? Not even a breather for a week or two? Seriously, I just got back from hell. [Groans in annoyance before continuing.] Okay, I guess LA never technically went to hell, but we all remember it so it still counts. I've got things I need to do. Like figure out what to do about my relationship. So, you know, if you could let me go back home that would be awesome.

[Not to mention there are a lot of people who are going to be looking for him. And not just any kind of people, supernatural and non-people-people. Like vampires, a crazy demigoddess, and a dragon.]

Also, who uses the phrase "very naughty"? That's just creepy.

[OOC: Connor's from the show Angel the Series, though he is coming from the end of the comic book arc After the Fall. He's wandering around the prison, so feel free to bump into him!]

Aug. 13th, 2012



[Good morning, Marina! There stands before you a very pale, very tall, very naked man. He appears to be quite pissed off as well.]

Bill, if this is your way of leveling the playing field, I'm unamused, but I can understand why you'd feel the need to get me out of the way. At least you've a chance now. In theory.

[ooc: Despite the fact I will be using some icons with fangs, he is not fangy today. It's part of his power reduction. Don't worry, after the first day I'm sure he'll pop his fangs out from time to time for everyone to see.]



180 ( video; open )

[ The face on the feed might be familiar to some, accompanied with an equally familiar airy voice. To others, don’t worry, there are plenty of oddities to marvel at and comment on, such as pointed ears or the drooping arch of her antenna that protrude out from underneath them.

Judith’s expression is a bit faraway as she tries to get her bearings, head tilted up to study the sky – almost as if listening for something that no one else can hear. After a moment:

My, this is unusual.

[ She’s referring, of course, to the bright orange jumpsuit. It’s noticeably loose in most places, but rather snug at the bust line. At any rate, guess who’s not used to wearing pants? The feed jostles when she stumbles a little on the hem, and then she rights herself without turning a hair. ]

I wonder if this means I’ve been extra naughty… [ Wonder on that, Marina. Judith gives a winning smile as she continues, ] Would anyone like to lend me their clothes?

Aug. 11th, 2012



➀➆➈ iii | video + action → open.

[ if angel isn't drunk by this point, he's certainly getting there, for if he'd been sober, this invitation would've been privated to the person it's directed at. ]

Hey, Faithy. [ those words are accented with a heavy irish brogue, something angel doesn't usually allow himself to use, but in this throwback to his human days, he doesn't much care about keeping up faux american appearances. screw comfort, both that of others and himself. ] Come join me in finishing this off. [ he holds up a bottle. it's not his first one. or second, or third... ohboy. ]

Aug. 8th, 2012


[ action ] open

[After the meeting with both Garcia and Reid and then the one with Reid and Komui, Derek needs to work off some of the tension that is quickly building up inside of him. He isn’t used to being unable to act, not just immediately act, but unable to act at all. And with where he left things off back home, he doesn't much care for being unable to take care of and keep safe the people here that he counts as close as family. None of this sits well with him.

He heads for the familiarity of the work-out equipment in the Athletic Complex in Sector One and in sweats and a tank, he gets started on working off some steam. It's a prevention tactic, really. It's this or explode all over someone with everything he has pent up inside of himself. After an hour of lifting weights doesn’t do much of anything for him, he can now be found at a punching bag. He’s wailing on it, each movement vigorous and each punch sharp and hard as if the punching bag itself has personally offended him. He isn’t in the best mind set right now, but anyone is free to see him, find him or contact him and interrupt.