MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


May 8th, 2017



DAY 427 — Morning Greeting

Good morning residents.

While tightening up the program, we noticed a long time scheduled event that you may actually benefit from, so rather than remove it we're allowing it to play out as planned. Well, mostly as planned.

Today is group therapy day! I'm sure you all have plenty of things you need to get off your chest, so we've arranged a few meeting places where you can do just that! Just follow the signs to whatever group you feel speaks to you the most, and if you still need a little bit of a push there will be treats waiting for you there.

Oh, and unlike before, none of this is mandatory. You won't get in trouble for skipping out, I promise you. However, Jaden and myself will attend a few of these meetings so if you have no interest in improving your emotional and mental health then perhaps we could just have a chat, face to face.

I look forward to meeting you, sweeties.

[ She ends the broadcast with a jaunty tune, as is customary. ]



427 - Group Therapy Mingle


More linked as they come up!

Turning a New Leaf
Polyamorous Individuals
PTSD and You
Murderers Anonymous
Addicts Anonymous
Counting Days - Managing Life with a Chronic Illness
Phobias and You
Impostor Syndrome
Abandonment Issues

Event info!



Day 427 | After therapy | Closed to Ray

Pizza and a box of wine )