MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


July 18th, 2014



Day 280 [Spike Resouling Mingle / open*]

[It seems peaceful enough on surface. Just another average evening in the dome. Get some new inmates, have lunch, put a vampire's soul back.

Tonight is the night. They'll either come together as the team she wants them to be or this will fall apart. She gave out the final assignments yesterday. Now, it's a matter of having a little faith that they'll all do their part, and this spell will work.

She can feel the weight of the stake on her belt. It's not that the wood is heavy, but what it represents is—a choice she'll have to make to whether or not to take someone else's choices away.]

(OOC: *Open in that there are areas for different people like those mentioned by name in this OOC organizational post are welcome to tag into the appropriate stage below. Unnamed force members are also welcome to encounter Spike early on or be stationed at the Headquarters. Non-DF players are welcome to tag into the Library thread as uninformed library goers who will be turned away.

Not a DF member, hate the library, and didn't get in on the ground floor, but you have an idea now? Please discuss it on the OOC post!

Stages: Encountering Spike | Headquarters | Library | Final Showdown)